Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What Is Your Attitude?

I wrote in a recent post about William Barclay’s quote concerning his thoughts on Agape love as being an attitude of the mind.  (See: “Excel In Life” – 5/20/13)  I have come to the realization over the last few weeks that the same could be said about the way people live their lives.  In recent conversations with a variety of friends and family, I have come to see some vast differences in the way that they have lived their lives in comparison to the way my family and I have lived ours.

I guess the bottom line was their attitudes toward the adverse situations that they have faced in life.  Many of these negative events were just taken in stride and seen as “normal” and dealt with as such.  Some of these precious folks are living with the lasting after effects of these setbacks, be they financial, emotional, or with their personal health.
One night, hours after a conversation with one friend, I suddenly sat upright on the couch and thought how strange and foreign their lives have been to the way we lived ours.  I am not sure why, but I almost began to cry as I thought about how strange our lives must have seemed to them, but yet how blessed we have been!  I was also overcome with the knowledge of the goodness of God, and realized how happy and satisfied I am concerning the way our family life was experienced!
While we also faced many of the same situations as other family and friends in areas such as sickness or financial strain, we always saw these “attacks” as barriers set up by the enemy of our souls and approached them as such… with faith based on the truth of God’s Word.  Our attitude was always one of victory through the love and power of our God!  We never allowed these events to control our lives.  We expected God to supply our every need and He did!  And throughout it all we “let Christ peace control” us. (Colossians 3:15 God’s Word ©)
The hardest part of keeping this attitude was when it came to interacting with some family members and friends.  At times it was almost funny to see the consternation on their faces when we would rejoice before them in the midst of what others would consider a no-win or potentially rough situation.  I guess it should be of no surprise to me as I now realize that those same individuals are the very ones who have given us a difficult time as we stand in faith and trust on the Word concerning my wife’s healing.
It is all an attitude of the heart and the mind!  Throughout our life together, my wife and my first reaction to the troubles we have faced has always been, “What does the Word say?”  Then we would line up the potential physical ramifications against that.  And you know what?  We have just about always come out on top!  It may not always have been easy, and we have definitely had to stand on nothing but our faith at times when things have looked pretty hopeless, but over time we have seen the victory.  And we fully expect the same today!
So, what is your attitude that directs your daily life?  What is the first thing you ask yourself when potential problems arise?  I heard George Jones singing an old song this morning from his “The Gospel Collection” album in which the lyrics went: “Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right.”  The truth of that simply phrase from that simple country tune rang out loud and clear and makes sense with the direction of this post today.  Just as my wife and I have always gone to Jesus first and expected Him to make the situations in our lives right, I would adjure you to do the same and watch His miraculous goodness and love work for you!
Gee… that thought goes along with the theme of this entire blog!  It is all about what and from Whom you are expecting isn't it?  Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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