Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Same Page

As I was studying the Word of God as written in I Timothy chapter six this morning, I came to the realization of how important it is for people of faith to be on the same page!  In I Timothy 6:17 Paul told his young protégé to encourage certain members of his congregation to “not place their confidence (or expectations) in anything as uncertain as riches.  Instead, they should place their confidence (or expectations) in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” (God’s Word ©)

Paul was saying that there were individuals in Timothy’s church that had the foundation of their expectations in something other than on God and the truth of His Word.  He was inferring that these people were on a different page and therefore out of step with the rest of the congregation.  It would seem that he was declaring that conflict will arise when different people have different expectations!
As I meditated on this revelation I saw that this has been the very thing that has kept us on a separate path from those who have given us the most trouble with regular misunderstandings as we stand in faith for my wife’s total and complete healing.  Now I can see why they find it so difficult to be in agreement and in support of our stand and subsequent lifestyle.  We’re not on the same page!  And once again, it was a course of action taken on by my wife that came to the rescue!
Years ago we had some close relatives that we’re sort of wandering between many different churches.  They would stay for a while at one and then move on to another and kept repeating this pattern.  Previous to this, they had left the church that they had been very active and leaders in for probably at least 15 or twenty years.  For some reason, once they left, they did not seem interested in attending the church (whose tenants of faith they agreed with) that my wife and I had solidly hooked up with.  While many within the family had given up hope that these relatives would ever settle back down in a good church (and especially in ours!), my wife felt otherwise and began a one person force to “pray them in” to our church.  And wouldn’t you know… against all odds and comments by the other members of her family… these close relatives began to attend our church, settled in and are still there!
So, with that past victory in mind, I am beginning as a one man force to “pray these individuals” onto the same page as my wife and I when it comes to her healing.  Over the last few years I have repeatedly attempted to share with them why we do and believe the things that we do only to see these explanations seemingly bounce off closed doors.  But today I understood that only Jesus can change the foundations of their expectations and bring us into agreement and harmony.  Therefore into His hands do I place the healing of this conflict.  After all, I Timothy 2:5 states that “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” (KJV)
I figure that it is time to let God be God and give Him the freedom to do what He does best!  Do you have any similar incidents in your life that may need to come to the same resolution?  Are there those with whom you are not on the same page?  Maybe it is time to come together and be grounded on the same foundation on which to place your expectations for God’s best in your lives!  Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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