Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What Irene Left Behind

Previously I wrote about Moses’ challenge to the Children of Israel as recorded in Deuteronomy 30:19.  He was encouraging the people to make the decision to “choose life” before they entered into the Promised Land that God had given to them.  Moses knew that they would be facing many situations and fighting battles that would initially appear to be overwhelming and impossible.  He also knew that their predetermined mind set of ultimate trust in their God would be the key for them to succeed and to live the life that they were destined to live.

The couple that I mentioned yesterday tends to live most comfortably when they are recalling their memories of the past.  The lie of depression seems to cause them to resist or deny the events of the present, especially when they encounter news that is not encouraging in the natural report.  This is not a healthy way to live.  It is failing to respond with positive expectation to the challenge of choosing the kind of life that God has provided for us to experience each day.

In II Timothy 2:1 the Apostle Paul told the young (and not overwhelmingly confident) Pastor Timothy to “find your source of strength in the kindness (or grace) of Christ Jesus.”  (Gods Word ©)  Another translation says to “be empowered by grace.”  (Literal Translation of the Holy Bible)  What is this grace that he speaks of?  It is the favor of God on our behalf.  It is all that Jesus has provided for us in His finished work. 

God, through Jesus’ finished work, restored to His children the same dominion and authority that He had given to the first man Adam.  When God looked back at His freshly completed creation in Genesis 1:31 He stated that it was “very good!”  As I’ve shared in the past, the word “very” infers that His creation was so vehemently good that it could cause a reaction to the emotions that excited one to passion! …And that is the way that I believe He wants us to see and live our lives everyday!  Therefore it would behoove us to begin each new day by personalizing Paul’s instructions (especially when we don’t feel like it…) and confessing that “I am empowered by all that Christ Jesus has provided for me through the very good results of His finished work!”

The Lord showed me this morning that wherever I go, peace, joy and the passion of God’s “very good” should follow!  Wow… think about that!  Just like Hurricane Irene left its mark wherever it went this weekend, does your daily walk leave its mark of passion for the very good of God behind you?  Hummm… definitely something to aspire to!

Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What Very Good Things am I expecting today?

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