Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Personal Adjustments

Yesterday I told stories on myself that were spurred from Psalm 118:15.  The next part of that same verse is also a story teller, or better yet, a story maker…  It says that “the right hand of the Lord displays strength.” (Gods Word ©)  When I was studying this early today I had to utter some quiet shouts of joy (I didn’t want to wake up my wife!).  Think about that verse from the condition of your identity in Christ that I shared over the last few weeks.

Ephesians 1:20 says that Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God, while Ephesians 2:6 states that we, as born again Believers are there, seated right with Him!  So… if you look at Psalm 118:15b from that standpoint, you’ll want to shout with me.  The Psalmist is prophesying that we are making displays of His strength in our world today!  Jesus confirmed this to His disciples just before He was resurrected to His heavenly position, when He said that “These miraculous signs will accompany believers…” (Mark 16:17 Gods Word ©)  The word accompany means “to be or go with as a companion” (American Heritage College Dictionary) Simply put, Jesus said that displays of His miraculous power should be a companion to us believers!

Wow!  Kinda jump starts your engine doesn’t it?  Are these miraculous signs accompanying you as you walk through your day?  Do you EXPECT them to?  Do you believe He can work through you?  The Literal Translation of The Holy Bible Version makes these two questions a little more plausible in its translation of this verse.  It says that “And miraculous signs will follow to those believing these things…”

Maybe it’s time to make a few adjustments in our personal “believer” in our hearts.  Jesus said it; the disciples in the book of Acts lived it and so should we!  Just think about the possibilities… Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What AM I expecting today?”

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