Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, August 22, 2011

Be Passionate!

As I was studying in Joshua 1:9 this morning, I glanced over to a commentary on the verse written by John Gill, who was an English Baptist Pastor as well as a Hebrew and Greek scholar.  He was born on November 23, 1697 and died on October 14, 1771.  Reverend Gill was a strong supporter of George Whitefield’s preaching, and pastured for 51 years at the church that would eventually become The Metropolitan Tabernacle that was pastured by Charles Spurgeon.  John Gill is considered to be the first major writer among English theologians. (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gill_(theologian) for more information on John Gill)

The comments that caught my attention concerned the last part of the verse where the Lord tells Joshua that “I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.”  (Contemporary English Version)  Gill said: “Consider who it is that has given these orders and instructions, the great Jehovah, the everlasting I AM, who is faithful to his promises and able to perform.  The consideration of which would serve to animate him to the work he was called unto, to encourage his faith in God, to engage in his service cheerfully and readily.”  (John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible – 1763)

I looked up the word “animate”, and according to Webster’s 1828 dictionary it is defined as “giving natural life to; to give power to; to give spirit or vigor to; and to infuse courage, joy or other enlivening passion.”  This last phrase concerning the infusing of “enlivening passion” stirred me up this morning and caused Gill’s words to ignite inside me!

Dwell on that thought for a moment with me today.  Gill also said that the Targum of Jonathan, which is a western translation of the Torah, relates the end of Joshua 1:9 as “for they help is the word of the Lord thy God.”  So therefore, this verse is telling us that the living word of God, as recorded in our Bible, has the ability to infuse courage, joy or any other enlivening passion that we may need everyday of our lives.  Wow!  That sure gets me excited!  How about you?

You and I do not have to live ordinary, hum-drum lives anymore!  We have access to the connection that can fire us up and put us above and in control of any situation we face.  We are a blessing going somewhere to happen!  Remember where Mark 16:17 says that “these are the miraculous signs that will accompany believers."  (Gods Word ©)  That is talking about you and me!  We have been given the ability to make a difference.

Take that truth out with you as you face your week ahead.  Be who you have been anointed to be… strong, confident and courageous.  One who is not easily discouraged or distracted.  Let the passion of the Word be your torch in your world and shine brightly for Him.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What Passionate Actions am I expecting to take today?”

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