Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mission Impossible!

The Apostle Paul prayed two prayers for the church at the end of chapters one and three in the book of Ephesians.  Although written a few thousand years ago, they can be personalized and prayed by the modern church today, with the same sense of force and reality that they possessed in the first century.  I usually read Ephesians 1:17-23 and Ephesians 3:16-21 by inserting my own name or “me” wherever the word “you” is used.  When prayed this way, the words begin to take a eye opening and powerful effect in your daily life. 

In a few of his books, the noted Bible teacher Brother Kenneth E. Hagin told of the time, early in his pastoring ministry, when he prayed those prayers daily for a six month period.  He related about the revelations in the Word that began to open up to him, and the remark that he had made to his wife in that he was surprised that the deacons of the church had not dismissed him for the lack of knowledge he had before the “spirit of wisdom and revelation” and the “deeper insight” in the understanding of the Word came to him as he prayed the Ephesians prayers!  (See Ephesians 1:17 & 18 Gods Word ©)

I have made the effort to read these verses as regularly as possible at the beginning of my daily Bible study time and before I retire at night.  Today as I read Ephesians 1:19 I was captivated by the thought of the vastness of God’s power working in us.  The verse reads “You will also know the unlimited greatness of His power as it works with might and strength for us, the believers.”  (Gods Word ©)  According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions, the word “power” can also be translated as “ability”.  With the word “ability” inserted, the verse took on a whole new twist for me.

Yesterday, my wife and I were talking about the various jobs that I have had since I was in High School.  We calculated at least ten or eleven different positions ranging from working at a local print shop while in High School to management at Hewlett Packard, while also Pastoring part time for the last 30+ years.  This information got me to thinking about the verse in Ephesians 1:19.  Except for the work in the ministry, I have had no formal training in any of the various fields I worked in, yet in most of the full time secular jobs, I quickly moved up into a management position.  That, to me, demonstrates Ephesians 1:19.  It was not my ability that got me those promotions.  I firmly believe that it was the “unlimited greatness of His ability” working in and through me that caused my progression up the line.

You know what?  That reality takes much of the pressure off of us in trying to make good things happen in our daily lives.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that education and experience are not important.  We are to do our part in obedience to His directives to us, and then allow Him to do His part in making everything come together as He has planned it for us! 

Joshua, at the end of his namesake book in the Old Testament, nicely sums up this idea by reviewing the events that occurred as the tribes of Israel took the land God had promised to their ancestors.  In speaking of the various battles they participated in, he clearly pointed out that it was God that gave them the victories.  He talked about the armies that came against them, but concludes by saying “But I (God) handed them over to you.”  Then he related how the Lord set events in motion that would assure their victories and to remember that “These things didn’t happen because of your battle skills or fighting ability.”  (Joshua 24:11-12 Gods Word ©)  Remember the Israelites were not trained soldiers.  The only training they had previous to this was as slave laborers building monuments for the Pharaoh, yet they fought powerful armies and won major victories over them!

I challenge you to put that truth to use in your life!  Think about all you can accomplish as you learn to depend on His abilities working in and through you!  You could turn into an unstoppable force!  The word “impossible” would no longer be a part of your vocabulary.  You truly would be one who actively demonstrates “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13 Gods Word ©).  What a thought!  If that doesn’t energize you, I don’t know what would!  I look forward to talking to you again tomorrow.  Until then, stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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