Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Benefit Packages

One of the first questions that an individual will ask a potential employer concerns the quantity and quality of the “benefits” that the company offers to its workers.  I can remember talking to my two younger children about this as they were looking for work in the retail market in Oklahoma.  They were looking for 30 – 40 hours of weekly work while they attended school, so it wasn’t necessarily a career decision that they were making.   Having worked some in the retail field, I mentioned that the larger chain stores usually offer a better benefits package than the smaller proprietor stores.  Their sheer size alone gives them an advantage when it comes to negotiating plans with insurance companies.

I found myself considering all these thoughts about benefits as I was reading Paul’s prayer in chapter one within the book of Ephesians today.  This particular letter is generally considered to be a circular letter that was intended for other churches in addition to the assembly located in the city of Ephesus.  Many of the Greek manuscripts do not include the words “at Ephesus.  There is also an absence of controversy in it as it does not deal with the problems of any particular church in difference to the majority of Paul’s letters written to specific congregations.

The verse that caught my attention was Ephesians 1:22 where it states that “He (God) made Christ the head of everything for the good of the church.”  (God’s Word ©)  The New Living Bible uses the term “benefit” instead of “good.”  While many other translations do not state this thought, most commentaries agree that it is intended within the meaning of the verse.  Ponder that idea for a moment.  Christ is the head of everything for our benefit!  He is there for our welfare and our good.  He is like an insurance plan that is provided for us to use in times of need, and the best part is that there is no co-pay!  His benefit plan covers us 100%.

My wife is now covered by a medical plan that has no co-pays!  When we received her benefits package I was flabbergasted as I read that piece of information.  The first time I picked up her prescriptions under the new plan, I very hesitantly asked about the zero co-pay and was still amazed when they confirmed it!  They must have gotten the idea from God, for this is exactly the way our heavenly Father designed the benefits package plan given to His family members!

So now you’re probably wondering about these benefits.  What are they, and where would one find the written documents that explain them?  Ah… you know what am I going to say!  They are written in God’s book, the Bible.  Specifically they are found in the New Testament, within the epistles which were written directly to us, the church.  On this note, the Apostle Peter tells us that “God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life…”  (2Peter 1:3 God’s Word ©).  Paul told a young pastor that “Every scripture passage is inspired by God.  All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God’s approval.”  (2Timothy 3:16 God’s Word ©)  It’s all there, all the details of the promises, or benefits that God has given to us.  All we have to do is jump in and study the manual and then take the actions necessary to receive what He has intended for us to benefit from.  He’s got our best in mind!  I’ll talk a little more about this tomorrow.  Until then, stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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