Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reversing The Tide

Have you ever been enjoying a day of rest and peace when it seemed like suddenly everything turned a shade of gray?  I had that experience yesterday. Late in the afternoon we decided to splurge and have an extravagant meal at Carl’s Jr’s.  (Hey, don’t knock it.  I had a 2 for 1 coupon!)  When we got out to the car my wife had some real difficulty getting into the front seat.  That situation frustrated and spooked me at the same time!  While working through that difficulty we decided to forget the fanciful plans and just eat the leftovers from our Easter meal.  When we returned to the house, the red light was blinking on the answering machine.  The news from that call was not pleasant.  It was just one more situation that I had to deal with.  From there things just continued to go down hill.

This morning after I went through my morning ritual of making the coffee, opening all the curtains, looking out at the garden area and so on, I padded down the hall into the study.  I had already started praying in earnest as I really needed to hear a word from God today.  There were just too many hard circumstances that I did not want to deal with.  Since I have been studying the book of Hebrews, I automatically opened up my favorite red Bible to Hebrews 3 and continued where I had left off the previous day.

Do you remember last week when I talked about how reading the Word was akin to visiting with Jesus personally?  Well, that definitely was my experience today.  He knew exactly what I needed.  It felt like He was sitting across from me at my desk sharing a cup of Java with me.  As I read through Hebrews chapter four, He began to share about entering into His place of rest.  He told me how the Israelites under Moses’ command could not enter that rest, because of their unbelief.  Then He looked me straight in the heart and told me that I could go there, and that I could do it today!  He said, “God set another day.  That day is today.”  (Hebrews 4:7 God’s Word ©)

That realization worked better than any antacid could in calming down a nervous stomach!  His words to me felt like a warm creamy liquid flowing throughout my entire being.  Referring back to Hebrews 2:8, He told me that Our Heavenly Father put everything under His control, and that “nothing was left out.”  (Gods Word ©)  None of the tough situations, needs or questions I faced today where left out of His reach!  As I entered into His rest, He would take charge of my day, and my paths would become smooth (see Proverbs 3:5-6)

It is now late in the day, and as I look back, I can see when He took over and how each of the difficult situations were successfully handled.  My letting go of anxiousness and fear, released Him to confirm His Word with miraculous signs following in my life.  (see Mark 16:20)

All of us will face tough times and situations in our lives.  When they pop up in yours, I would encourage you to find a quiet place, grab your Bible and invite Jesus to join you and share His words of peace and rest with you.  It is amazing how a short conversation with Him can stop your feelings of anxiousness, and reverse the flood of bad tidings until His rest and peace come surging back into your day!

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