Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do Not Attempt Without Parental Supervision

Yesterday was one of those days that you wish you could live over again, from a totally different perspective… the one that you finally came to by the end of the day! 

I started the day by completing the last minute preparations for our early afternoon meeting with our tax specialist.  (Nothing like waiting until the last minute…)  Last year had been a year like none other in our lives.  The changes in my wife’s health had caused me to make the tough decision to quit my merchandising position with the company I had worked with for the last five years, and concentrate on self employment positions and our savings, so I could spend more time with her.  This all happened about half way through the year, so our income sources and tax requirements were quite varied!  Needless to say, I was a little confused and really had no idea what the final tax outcome for the year would be.  (Even our tax specialist commented on the unusual spectrum of jobs that I held during the year!)

So, being the strong man of faith that I am, I prayed about the whole situation and then “attempted” to walk in His peace.  (See Philippians 4:6-7).  “Attempted”... that’s a good description of my actions!  I would concentrate on His Word, sense His peace and go on for a little while.  Then I’d start thinking about all the “what ifs” and the anxiousness and weariness would jump right back on me.  Have you ever been there?  It is no fun!  It zaps your energy, your joy and your confidence.  The funny part is that during the entire time previous to the appointment, this little voice inside of me kept trying to reassure me by repeatedly saying, “It’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay.”  Now I had heard that voice many times before and it did give me enough fortitude to push on through the morning.

Finally the moment of truth came.  We drove to the office, parked the car, whispered another quick word of thanks to the Lord and went in the door to the lobby.  The results were rather funny.  It turned out that the tax preparation was a breeze, and that we are going to get money back from both the Feds and the state.  So then I ask you… What was I so confused and anxious about?  I knew God’s Word on the subject, I asked for His help, and I attempted… Oh, there’s that word again… I “attempted”.  I didn’t make a firm enough commitment to “do” without doubting!  James 1:8 says it very clearly.  “A person who (entertains) doubts is thinking about two different things at the same time and can’t make up his mind about anything.”  (Gods Word © I injected the word “entertains”)

By the time the evening came I was shaking my head at my earlier antics.  Like I previously stated, I wish I had thought of this when I got up.  The morning would have been much more relaxing and productive!  But you know… what does that old adage say?  “Live and learn?”

Next time you find yourself in the midst of a potentially disquieting situation, keep checking your thinking to see how many different directions your heading, and then get yourself back on God’s road.  The scenery is beautiful, the trip is of shorter duration, and His peace will fill you with a joy that will spill over onto everyone you come in contact with.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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