Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Opinion That Counts

Can you imagine walking up to the revelation that someone very special loves you and cares for you like you are the most important person in the world?  I can remember thinking this many times when my wife and I would go on a two day vacation alone throughout the years.  To know that you have someone that truly believes in you, come whatever may, can make you feel like you are on top of the world.  Like you can conquer any obstacle!

I’ve probably shared this before, but when I walked into the fancy restaurant at The Sea Ranch Lodge in Sea Ranch, California on the first night of our honeymoon, with my beautiful bride on my arm, I just KNEW that every eye in the crowded dining area was upon us and that every thought in the room was centered around how lucky I was!  That’s the way I was definitely feeling at the time, and you know, that feeling has never wavered over the past 38 years since that night!
This morning I had the revelation that no matter how special the love of an individual may be to you, it is a mere shadow of the more important and meaningful love that our heavenly Father has toward you!  People may let you down, but our Father God will never release His special caring grip on your life!
What would it be like if you could wake up EVERY morning knowing that He loves you dearly?  That nothing you could do would ever cause Him to turn His back on you?  Well, that knowledge is something that WE CAN experience every day in our Christian lives!  God said about Jesus that: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 5:17 KJV)  And that is EXACTLY the same way that he feels about you and me!
I Peter 2:24 tells us that “Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross so that freed from our sins, we could live a life that has God’s approval.”  (God’s Word ©)  According to that precious truth, we NOW have God’s approval!  Merriam-Webster defines “approval” as “To have or express a FAVORABLE opinion of.”  Our loving heavenly Father has a favorable opinion about YOU!
People may disapprove of your life or many of the decisions you make in this life, and may even try to continually drag you through your past mistakes, but God ALWAYS approves of you!  He doesn’t see your past mistakes and continually dangle them before you.  NO!  He sees you through Christ’s blood sacrificed for YOU on the cross of Calvary!
Now that’s something special to wake up to each day, wouldn’t you agree!  I’ve come to realize that God’s opinion of me is the MOST important opinion that I need to concern myself with!  It doesn’t matter what’s going on in your life.  It doesn’t matter what people may say or do against you.  What matters is that God’s FAVORABLE opinion of YOU never changes!  It doesn’t fluctuate with the weather, the way you feel or with another’s opinion of you.  You ARE His beloved son or daughter!
Keep that thought ever before you this week!  Then go out and slay a dragon or two!  Have a wonderful day.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What FAVOR am I expecting today?”

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