Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, September 20, 2013

Religion vs Relationship

As I walked into my study this morning my thoughts were immediately drawn to the question of religion versus relationship.  Webster’s original 1828 dictionary describes religion as coming from the Latin word “religo” meaning “to bind anew, or to bind”  The “word seems originally to have signified an oath or vow or the obligation of such an oath or vow”  The thought of it being an obligation made me think of a conversation I overheard between my Mom and priest who was a family friend at a backyard party my parents had when I was in elementary school.

It was a Saturday evening and my Mom made the observation that she had to fulfill her obligation to go to church the next day.  I remember the priest smiling and looking at my Mom with a slightly startled expression as he sincerely and gently replied, “Gee, I never thought of it as being an obligation!”  The look on his face that evening told me that he had a relationship with God and that going to church was a pleasure and not just something that his religion said he had to do.  His words had a profound effect on me.  I sure didn’t know what he seemed to be talking about, but deep inside I wanted whatever he had!  I know that his words also had a changing effect on my Mom as she made mention of his reply many times through the years.
Ephesians 3:19 encourages us to KNOW Christ’s love which goes far beyond any knowledge.” (God’s Word ©)  As I have mentioned before in this blog, the word “know” in this usage tells of an intimate knowledge.  In fact, Thayer’s Greek Definitions says that this word is used as the Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a husband and wife.  Paul is telling us here that our relationship with God should be as up-close and personal as the intimate relationship that a husband and his wife have.  And again, we are not just talking about the enjoyment of the act of intimacy, but the overall closeness,  oneness and unity that should be ever-increasing and maturing in the relationship of a married couple.
The prophet Jeremiah also spoke of this kind of intimate knowledge of God when the Lord spoke through him saying, “If any want to boast, they should boast that they KNOW and understand me.” (Jeremiah 9:24 Good News Bible)  The Hebrew word for “know” here is “yada” which is defined as an intimate connection to God.  The Greek translation of the Old Testament uses the word “ginosko” which is the same word used in Ephesians 3:19.
Over the last few years I have had first-hand experience of the practical application of someone’s religion verses another’s relationship with God.  The first talked a good story, gave lots of suggestions and then complained and accused when we did not respond as they thought we should.  The others reached out in the unconditional love of Christ and have physically been there to help us with whatever we have needed at any given time.  A few have continually responded with empty words and have kept their distance, while the others have shown by their actions that they are close to Jesus… because they have acted JUST LIKE HIM!
Where do you stand today with your Christianity?  Is it a religion of obligations to you?  Or are you in the midst of an ever-increasing, ever-growing, ever-maturing, intimate, very personal relationship with the God of love and grace?  Your actions will clearly point to the answer of these questions!  How will you respond to the activities of your lives this weekend?  Have a great weekend.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What  ACTIONS am I expecting to take today?”

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