Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, September 16, 2013

The End of the Season...

As I walked on our deck yesterday, I came to the sad conclusion that summer is just about over and with it the prolific production of our vegetable garden!  The once lush green growth has dwindled down to vines intermixed with brown leaves and shriveled flowers.  One of the plants is definitely at its end while the other three still hold a slight chance of a final harvest!  So, while the garden is far from its peak of a month ago, it still holds a little life, and I for one will not give up on it.

That reminds me of the garden of our lives.  We all tend to go through seasons of great fruitfulness and also times where the fruit tends to be far and few between and slightly on the scrawny side!  But just as l am not about to give up on the green tomatoes and tiny zucchini clinging to their vines, God will not give up on you and me either.  I John 1:9 encourages us to keep the faith even during the changing seasons of time by stating that “God is faithful and reliable…” God’s Word ©)
I have come to rely on His faithfulness to get me through some pretty tough times over the last few years.  People may have let us down or even have abandoned us when I needed a simple word of assurance or a loving hand to help me with a few physical tasks, but God has always been there.  You don’t know how many times I have been comforted by His promise to us in Joshua 1:5 where He told Joshua that “I will never neglect you or abandon you.” (God’s Word ©)
You and I are never alone.  We are never without His presence, His loving encouragement and His powerful promises!  If you’re feeling alone and/or a little stretched today, I would whole-heartedly encourage you to call out to Him and let His loving arms surround and comfort you in your time of need.  Let Him be God in your life today!  Have a great week.  Stay close to Him by staying in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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