Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lose The Fear!

This morning the Lord led me to begin my morning study in the book of 2 Timothy where the elder Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, his young son in the Lord.  Paul was languishing in a cold dungeon, imprisoned by the Emperor Nero.  “Paul knew that his work was completed and that his life was nearly at an end.” (NIV Study Bible Introductory Notes to 2 Timothy)  With this understanding in mind, I tend to read this book with a greater sense of urgency, knowing that Paul was giving his young protégé his final words of wisdom and encouragement.

In 2 Timothy 1:7 Paul declares: “For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid (fearful, or in dread of life); instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love and self control.”  (Good News Bible – words in parenthesis from other translations) From this verse, the Lord centered the rest of my study around the subject of being timid, fearful or in dread of the situations we face in this life.  I John 4:18 relates that “No fear exists where his love is.  Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear, because fear involves punishment.  The person who lives in fear doesn’t have perfect love.”  (Gods Word ©)

What I began to realize this morning was that when fear prevails, love is lost.  It is lost because we have taken our eyes off of God and His Word and have transferred our attention to the limited confines of the natural world about us.  This revelation came to light this morning as I was reminded of the intense frustration that I had been experiencing toward some of those who are close to my wife and I, who have given up hope for any turnaround in my wife’s condition.  Today’s study revealed to me that the foundation of their downcast outlook is based upon the restrictive bounds of medical and herbal science.

That’s why I would get frustrated after sharing the latest medical reports with them.  The Lord expounded to me that I need to help them to expand their boundaries into the limitless realm of God’s abundant life that is available to us through the finished work of Christ!  In other words, part of my job is to lead them away from the clutches of fear, and into the loving, faith-filled expectations that come from the promises that He has made to us in His word.

How about you?  Are you or someone you love experiencing any fear today?  Remember that God’s word says that His “perfect love casts out fear.” (I John 4:18 Modern King James Version)  I therefore encourage you to be strong and determine to make a break from the bondage of fear by filling your thoughts to overflowing with the loving expectations that reverberate from the pages of God’s word.  Then take that love to a friend and see them set free to be all that God has called them to be!  Turn it around… Lose the fear and gain the everlasting love that only Jesus can give.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What (Good Things) am I expecting today?”


  1. I definitely have been struggling with fear! I know though that when I feel Gods spirit (his love) it casts out all of my fear. Living my life in such a way that I can have that with me including studying the scriptures helps me with this struggle!

  2. Thanks for your honesty. Keep fighting the good fight of faith for the victory is already yours! God's LOVE which goes far beyond our natural understanding (Ephesians 3:19)will ALWAYS prevail!


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