Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, February 28, 2011

Is It Time To Run The Anti-Virus Program?

I can hardly believe that we are knocking on the door of March already!  This year seems to be flying by… even faster than last year did!  Why, in one month we’ll be one fourth of the way through 2011.  It kind of gets you thinking about the need to stay true to your goals.  It is just too easy to let a day or two slide by without taking any action.  For before you know it, you’ll be watching the ball coming down the tower at New York’s Times Square (or the acorn falling if you live in Raleigh, North Carolina!), and you’ll be facing another year without completing the same old resolutions that you’ve been chasing for years!

A portion of our old friend in Hebrews 12:1 jumped off the page for me this morning as I considered today’s thoughts.  It’s the place where it says  ”…we must get rid of everything that slows us down…”  (Gods Word ©)  The idea of slowing down in the pursuit of our goals is what captured my attention.  Yesterday at church one of our terrific helpers talked about some of the different things that can slow down a computer, along with some remedies to prevent them or remove them once they appear.  I’m sure that all of us have experienced the frustration at waiting for a slow moving program or the never ending download!  Normally when this happens we immediately begin searching for the problem so we can rapidly get back to operating at the speeds that we are accustomed to.

This is the same approach that we should undertake when the progress on our personal goals begin to lag.  Just as there are computer programs that will analyze our hard drive and then initiate a fix, there are steps that we can take to search what’s happening in our lives and then initiate the fixes in the areas where any problems may be present.  It is still early enough in the year to discern any weak areas, make the necessary changes and then continue computing the goals we desire to complete before the end of the year.  Remember the end of Hebrews 12:1 encourages us to run the race and “never give up.”  (Gods Word ©)  Be quick to see, quick to adjust, and quick to receive your prize!  Keep up the good work!  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself…”What am I expecting today!”

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