Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, January 31, 2011

Do The Barking Dogs Keep You Awake?

So how did your weekend go?  Did you find occasions to be an encouragement to those around you?  My wife has always been an encourager.  Every time we go into a store she will take the opportunity to tell the cashier what a good job they are doing.  It is the funniest thing to observe, for normally the cashiers look kind of dumb founded when my wife speaks to them.  Having worked in the retail trade before, I am positive that most cashiers are not used to being thanked for what they do.  My wife has it down to a science, as she will lean toward the cashier, pause a moment to get their attention and then sincerely tell them of the good job they do.  The cashier will then stand there, rewind in their mind what was just presented and then stutter out a “well, thank you!”  Then my wife gives ‘em that killer smile of hers, nods her head and leaves, while the cashier stands there with a big smile on their face.  I have to admit that I used to get a little embarrassed by my wife’s actions, but once I saw the sincerity on her face and the utter appreciation on the cashiers, I look forward to witnessing the event at each store!  One of the cashiers in a neighborhood store that we frequent (who can be a tough character!) told us the other day that we were her favorite customers!  I think the cashiers look forward to my wife’s encouragement now!

Well, I spent most of the weekend fighting off cold symptoms.  After church on Sunday I was quite exhausted and was looking forward to a rest, although every time I had lain down previously during the weekend I could not sleep due to interruptions by the phone or barking dog.  We seem to have a squirrel who has taken up the hobby of entering one of our patios to collect the acorns and harass the dog! (Of course I’ve been known to sneak up to the sliding door, dog in hand, and then thrust the dog into the patio just to see the squirrel flee in utter terror!).

Anyway, after a quick lunch yesterday I grabbed the dog, had her lay down next to me and was able to sleep for 21/2 hours.  Boy, did that rest feel good!  Then this morning as I was reading my Bible, I came to the fourth chapter of Hebrews where the writer talks about entering into God’s rest.  As I studied this out, I understood that this is talking about the rest that the gospel or the “Good News” of Christ brings into our lives.  My foundation gives me the ability to live free of strife, anxiety, and all the other pressures that life in this world presents to us.  What a thought!  It is like the results of the “rest” that I finally got yesterday.  I felt better, stronger and more confident to go into the week ahead.

Do you have that same assurance?  Are the ringing phones or barking dogs running your life, or do have the foundation that gives you the peace and comfort required to be successful on a daily basis?  Stay tuned, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?” 

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