Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, January 6, 2011

You're Doing A Good Job!

Okay everybody, we are six days into the New Year and I was just wondering how you were all doing with your goals for 2011.  Do you still have the enthusiasm and drive to pursue them or has part of the excitement already passed you by.  On the other hand… did you even take the first baby steps on the road to their completion by December 31st?  Well, let me encourage you to pick up the pieces and keep moving on.  Now that reality has hit and you’re back into the flow of your normal world following the holidays, you might want to adjust some of your timelines, or even thin out the list a little.

I ended up setting goals for four different areas in my life for the New Year.  Those areas included physical, spiritual, business and ministry goals.  After almost a week, I am actually doing pretty well, although out of the total of ten goals, there are a few that will need to be looked at again.  I think I was rather aggressive with my timeline with one goal in each of the four sections that I divided my life into.

Make it part of your regular routine to check the progress on your goals on a weekly basis.  Be honest with yourself and make adjustments where necessary.  The main thing is to keep moving forward, even if it is just a tiny step toward the completion of the goal.  Have fun with the process and use wisdom in determining which way to go when you hit a roadblock.  The very last scripture that I read this morning really spoke to my heart about a lot of things in my life including the progression of my goals.  The verse found in Proverbs chapter one verse 33 says: “But whoever listens to me (wisdom) will live without worry and will be free from the dread of disaster.”  (God’s Word©)

What does this mean?  Well, to me, it says to stay the course of your goals, to not get under condemnation when you fall behind in the steps you’ve set, and to seek the wisdom of others and/or from your foundation when questions, problems or impossibilities arise along your daily path.  Following this direction will keep your expectations high and not allow the dread of failure or disaster to cloud your enthusiasm or your judgment.

If you haven’t heard it yet, then let me be the first to tell you that you’re doing a good job, keep it up!  … and let me know how you are doing along the way.  Attach a comment to the blog or send me an email at pastorjim@whatareyouexpecting.org.  By the way, one of my goals is to increase the readership of this blog… and you can help by telling others about it!  Thanks!  In the mean time, stay tuned and keep asking yourself, “What am I expecting today?”

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