Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, January 14, 2011

Your Words Are Powerful!

For the last couple of days I have been reading the Old Testament accounts of the patriarchs of the Christian faith, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  What has captured my attention in their stories is the importance they put in their words.  When they made a statement, a vow, or bestowed a blessing on someone, there was no going back on it.  From the time the words left their mouths, it was so!  It was a code by which they lived and died.

In reflecting upon this and comparing it to the trends in our modern society, I think we have watered down the standard by which these leaders lived in centuries past.  Have you ever thought about the things that you say.  Do you ever joke about things that you don’t really mean?  Do you sometimes wish that you could take back words you’ve said to others?  I know that there have been times in my life where I wish I could rewind the clock and start certain conversations all over again!  There is a scripture in the Biblical book of Matthew where Jesus said, “Words are powerful; take them seriously.  Words can be your salvation.  Words can also be your damnation.”  (Matthew 12:37 The Message).

That’s a pretty heavy statement....  kind of makes one stand up and listen doesn’t it!  So, with the weekend upon us, why not take take a moment and look inside and think about the words that you share with others.  How do you want people to judge you?  The above scripture says that among other things, we are judged by our words.  I challenge you to stop and think about what you’re going to say.  Speak words that encourage, bring peace, and release joy.  Then your words will be conveyors of salvation to those around you as well as to yourself.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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