Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, December 23, 2011

Perfect Timing!

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world…. And everyone went to his own town to register.”  (Luke 2: 1 & 3 NIV) 

“Look at it this way: At the right time, while we were still helpless, Christ died for ungodly people.”  (Romans 5:6 Gods Word ©)

After combining these two scriptures this morning, I found myself in a study of the many things that had to come together in order for Jesus to be born exactly when He did in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.  From the unique perspective of peace in the known world, to the sudden ordering of a census, it is amazing to see that God had a perfect plan that came about in His perfect timing.  Jesus’ birth came about identically to the many Old Testament prophecies that foretold of His coming.  (check out Micah 5:2 for example…)

The supernatural events that began in that little stable in Bethlehem, came to fruition 33 years later when Jesus was crucified for our sins and failures, died, was resurrected from the dead and then returned, as a conquering hero, to heaven to begin His reign at the right hand of our father God.  For many people back then, as well as today, the events that occurred did not line up with how they thought it should have happened, so they don’t believe.  They are still waiting for the promised Messiah.  They missed it because they were looking through the limited aspects of their own understandings.  God had His plan, and He did it His way!

The events in Bethlehem that night, triggered a revolution that would forever change the world… one soul at a time!  It is an event whose announcement God could have shook the world with.  Instead He chose to have his angels appear to a lonely group of shepherds on a hillside just outside of town.  God chose to announce the coming of His Son to the common man.  To you and me!  He wanted us to know that He loves us and is available to anyone at anytime.  He chose not to come as the ruler of an earthly kingdom, but as a conduit that would enable man to become rulers of a heavenly kingdom.

This Christmas as you celebrate your family traditions, remember the events back in Bethlehem and go forth into the New Year with the understanding of the love, forgiveness and power that that little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes brought to you, me and the rest of the world!  See Him not as just a little baby, but as a mighty king who came to make a way for us to attain righteousness with God, and become an everlasting member of His royal family.

With that in mind, I pray that you will have the best, blessed and most joyous Christmas that you have ever experienced!  Remember that God has His perfect plan and His perfect timing in the fulfillment of everything you are standing in faith for.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What Blessing am I expecting To Receive and To Be today?”

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