Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, April 29, 2013


I’ve been dwelling lately on the thought of Jesus being the purpose and plan of my life.  Colossians 3:4 in the Contemporary English Bible put it in perspective as I read from it this morning.  It begins by stating that “Christ gives meaning to your life…”  This came vividly to the forefront of my attention last Friday when I had gone to do some grocery shopping at Target.

A good friend of Piper’s had come over to spend some time with her, so I was free to go out and run a few errands.  Since I only had a few necessary grocery items to pick up, I decided to do something different and shop at Target instead of our neighborhood Safeway.  As I was pushing my cart away from the register after purchasing everything on my list, I absent mindedly began to take notice of all the couples who were shopping and talking together in the store, walking through the parking lot hand in hand and driving in their cars while glancing at each other to laugh and smile as they lived life in unity.
The reality and pain that I do not have that oneness of plan and purpose in living the joys of this life with my wife right now hit me like a brick falling from the sky.  The effects of the Alzheimer’s in combination with the related medications that she is on has caused her to be pretty quiet and not real responsive to outside stimuli.  As uncontrolled emotions began to overrun my senses, I made a quick beeline to the car.  I tossed in the bags of groceries and sat heavily in the front seat.
Now while the crowed parking lot at Target may not seem to be the most reflective and healing atmosphere for one going through a rough moment, it was for a few moments, as if I was in another place as the peace of God flooded my soul.  As I reached out to Him, He met my cry with an immediate sense of His presence.  He lovingly reminded me that He is true to his Word and that He is not YET done with my wife or me.  As various scripture promises paraded through my mind, I rapidly came back to the understanding of how important it is for me (and every Christian!) to keep my focus and attention on Jesus and NOT on what I see that might be contrary to His Word.
After a few moments alone with Him, I started the car and took the long way home through the rural hills of Bennett Valley that separate the southern reaches of our city from the area that we live in.  As I meandered through the trees, country homes, vineyards and vast landscapes that opened up before me, I remembered ALL the times in the past where the Lord had proven Himself to be faithful to me and my family.  Through the pleasant times and the rough periods, He ALWAYS met our every need and faith-filled requests.
When I pulled into our park like neighborhood a little while later I could not help but smile as I confidently KNEW that Jesus who is “the same yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 God’s Word ©) will do the SAME for us in this experience in our lives.  And while this is by far the greatest test and tribulation that we have ever faced, His love, His faithfulness and His Word is still true and more powerful than ANYTHING that we may find ourselves involved with!
Like the Word says: “Christ brings meaning to your life…”  He is the purpose and the plan of our existence.  I now know more than ever the importance of keeping my focus upon Him instead of the people, places and things that are a part of my life.  He is the one to keep the balance and the peace.  My unyielding trust and faith in Him allows Him to continue to work His perfect plan and purpose in me as well as in those I care for.
Have a GREAT day!  Keep your focus upon Him and in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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