Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, January 3, 2013

What If?

There is a story in the Old Testament about a teenage boy who was not afraid to dream about his future.  In Genesis chapter 37 we read about Jacob’s favorite son named Joseph.  I think that Jacob must have seen a lot of himself in him, for Jacob had also been one to follow his dreams earlier in his life.  Joseph like his father did not seem to be content to live a life just like the rest of his family.  They both could sense that they had a destiny to fulfill during their lifetimes.

Joseph in his excitement openly shared his dreams with his brothers and was immediately criticized, called foolish and was rejected by them.  I believe that they saw something different in him, but were frightened by his desire and boldness to step out of the ordinary.  Instead of being happy with and encouraging their younger brother, their fear of the unknown pushed them away from him.  But as we learned in his story, Joseph’s resolve never wavered.  Throughout all the ups and downs of the path he traveled, he never gave up, never gave in to self-pity and most of all, he never gave up on God.
That is a strong lesson for you and me to learn as we travel the roads that God has laid before each of us in our lives.  Our designated journey may end up being quite different than that followed by the rest of our family and friends.  And like the experience that Joseph went through, it may bring a measure of persecution along with it.  I guess that’s where the real measure of our faith in the Lord is though!  Many would choose to forgo the fight and yield to the pressure around them, but then they end up living their lives in a state of constant wonder asking “what if” I had followed my dreams?
Throughout my many years in both ministry and secular management, I have come across countless individuals who in their mid-forties and older, found themselves in jobs they disliked, living a lifestyle they regretted and sensed failure and defeat as they felt it was too late in life to change the decisions they made (or refused to make) earlier in life.  Sometimes the easiest path to take at any given time proves to be the worst one in the long run of things!
Joseph’s decision in his teen years caused him a life filled with turmoil for a few years, the rejection of his family and the loss of his father.  But his perseverance to his dream ended up returning that which was lost to him with multifold benefits for him, his brothers, his father and for the entire nation.  The following of his dream thousands of years ago even went as far as to affect the outcome of your life and mine!  The very thought of us following our dreams in regard to the extent of who and what our obedience and perseverance touches is enough in itself to get one to become a dreamer!
So here we are at the beginning of a brand new year!  We have a clean slate before us.  Why not let go and follow the dreams that God has put in your heart.  And as I personally told those who felt stuck in their lives, I believe that it is never too late to start to dream and to follow the course that our heavenly Father has for us.  For He knows what’s best for us.  He knows our individual situations, our financial conditions, our physical and emotional status, and exactly what we can and cannot handle.  So why not let go of any inhibitions and take a step toward the following of your dreams today!
Have a great day!  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What GOOD THINGS am I expecting today?”

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