Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Blahs!

Have you ever had one of those days where you had the Blahs?  Well, that’s how I woke up this morning!  I just felt… Blah!  Not necessarily bad, sick or depressed, just kinda out of sorts with life!  Over the last few days I felt like I’d been riding a roller-coaster with my emotions, but a long and encouraging conversation with my older son had seemed to do the trick and get me on level ground again.  Therefore I thought today would be a great day having stood the test and made it through.  But then, the Blahs arrived on the scene!

I was actually in a deep sleep when I suddenly awoke around seven and found that no matter how hard I tried, I could not return to slumber land.  So I ambled out of bed, threw on a sweater, turned on the heater and shuffled off to the kitchen and the coffee maker.  After fumbling through the closet retrieving the coffee filters and coffee, I measured out the grounds and poured the cold water into the machine.  Once that process was completed I stood at the kitchen sliding door and gazed into our large patio and beyond and noticed that everything had a uniform shade of gray about it.  It was almost as though I was looking at a low contrast black and white photograph!
Then I saw it.  Peeking out from above mountain that rises from the golf course across the street from our house was a small but vibrant splash of hot pink, quietly but yet stunningly announcing the coming of the sun.  In the three years that we have lived here, I had never seen the sunrise over that mountain.  It was like God’s personal word to me that things were going to get better.  That the Son was coming to burn off the gray that surrounded me!
And you know what?  Things have gotten brighter today!  Romans 12:2 encourages us to not “become like the people of this world.  Instead, change the way you think.  Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants - what is good, pleasing and perfect.” (God’s Word ©)  Today I made the determined choice to change the way I was thinking.  To not focus on the seemingly overwhelming gray that surrounded me, but to focus on that little but distinct burst of color that was making its way over the large mountain above it.  Within about thirty minutes the gray of the cold winter morning had given way to clear deep blue skies, white puffy clouds and a full bright sun that was rapidly raising the temperatures of the day.  The frost on the surrounding house tops began to disappear, the frozen layer of water in the pail outside my window melted and so did the cold and gray that I had originally felt within my heart!
So, I guess that the lesson learned today is to make the right choice and focus on that little light and color of God’s Word that you have placed in your heart.  Then you can expect to see the gray, the frost and the cold that we experience in life to melt away in the presence and warmth of God’s truth.  Romans 10:17 tells us that our faith is built up as we hear the word of Christ (ie; the GOOD NEWS!).  All it takes is a small seed of faith to move the mountains of gloom that attempt to prevail in our lives!  Have a super-fantastic day.  Choose to stay focused on His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What GOOD NEWS am I expecting today?”

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