Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Loving... yourself!

James 2:8 tells us that “You are doing right if you obey this law from the highest authority and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’” (God’s Word ©) As I read this and look back on the various experiences of my life, it would seem that the second part of that authoritative law is the key to the first part!  I have found that it is very difficult to reach out to others in love if you don’t have a very high opinion of yourself.  And the best way to have a positive outlook on yourself is to see yourself through the eyes of love that God sees you through…
I really don’t mean to sound like a broken record when I keep bringing up some of the words and actions that were said and/or taken against me as I scrambled to care for my wife’s escalating needs a few years back, but you know… it was quite a learning experience for me and I hope that by sharing my lessons that I can help others in similar situations.
As I read about the Royal Law of Love this morning it dawned on me that the scariest part of what I went through was not so much the things that were cast upon me, but my reactions to them… I WANTED REVENGE!  I kind of went through a progression of responses as things unfolded before me.  At first there was confusion that led to frustration.  Then as I tried to make sense of what was going on so as to understand the consequences, I was shocked at the people and their words, the manner in which and to whom they were delivered to and finally as it all began to sink in, I experienced the pain of it all.  And that’s really when my desire to strike back, to attempt to prove how wrong they were so that I could discredit them, began to play around in my mind!
But I am thankful for trained responses deep within me, for in the midst of this stage I went to the Lord and His Word to get some directions and answers.  It was in His Word that I came into a greater understanding of the Royal Law of Love while studying Paul’s prayer to his readers as found in Ephesians 3:14-20.  As I have mentioned in this blog on many occasions, it was coming into the intimate knowledge of “Christ’s love which goes far beyond any (natural) knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19 God’s Word ©) that gave me the strength to love myself and then love those who had unknowingly (I have to believe) sent daggers my way.
In the midst of my confusion, questions and pain, I saw myself through the same loving ways that Jesus sees me and therefore was able to do the same to those coming against me.  It was this love toward me and toward them that helped me to shut up (my mouth as well as quiet my mind!), to be patient and to stay in a friendly and ministerial usable position with the others.  It also opened the door for me to learn most every lesson that God has desired for me to learn through it all!  Mind you that I am not inferring that He caused any of this, but I am a firm believer that He uses the situations in our life (both positive and negative) to teach us many things.
As you allow yourself to be saturated in Jesus’ love, you will begin to see others in a whole new light.  And it will become much easier and much more of a regular part of your day to reach out and touch others with your physical actions… or works of love toward them.  Have a great day!  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What or Whom am I expecting today?”

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