Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In a Relationship

This morning I was pondering the reality that I have been in a relationship with my wife since she was barely seventeen years old.  Over the many years since then, I have seen her grow and mature into the wonderful woman of faith that marks her personality and presence.  From our teens we have helped to shape each other into the personage of who we have become today.  It has been a daily experience of communication, love, patience (more on her behalf than mine, I’m sure!) selfless giving and understanding.  Without a doubt, I know the inner workings of my wife at an in-depth level of understanding, and she could say the same thing about her knowledge of me.

From those very first days together in September of our senior year in High School, she has been the easiest and most comfortable person for me to be with, and by far the most understanding and deep individual I had ever met.  Even today, as she is being healed from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and does not regularly verbally communicate, I can tell what she is thinking by simply looking into her eyes and by reading the familiar expressions on her face!
To me, this type of relationship is exactly what God is talking about in Psalm 46:10 where He directs us to “Be still and KNOW that I am God.” (KJV)  The Hebrew word for “know” in this passage is the verb “yada” meaning “to learn to know, to know by experience, to become acquainted with.” (Brown-Driver-Briggs’ Hebrew Definitions)  It is a word that conveys or expresses action.  It is a daily activity that we must take in order to get to KNOW God in an even greater depth of understanding than I personally KNOW my wife!  And how does our heavenly Father tell us to do this?  By BEING STILL in His presence!
Like I mentioned in an earlier blog this week, I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than be alone with my wife!  I find that I get annoyed when good meaning individuals tell me that with the extent of the care that I give to my wife because of her current condition, that I need to take some time alone, away from her.  And you know?  I don’t WANT to be away from her!  I love to be in her presence and to share life with her in any way possible, even if I have to do all the talking or take all the action.
That is the same relationship that I am still cultivating with our heavenly Father.  I want to KNOW Him even more closely and more intimately than I KNOW my wife!  I have become more aware of the truth of this kind of relationship since my wife was diagnosed a few years back.  He is the ONE who is keeping me strong when I am weak.  He is the ONE who lifts me up when I am down.  And He is the ONE who’s unfailing, 24/7 LOVE gives me the ability to go on and live in expectation of good things each and every day.
How well do you KNOW our God?  How well do you KNOW His inner-most thoughts and desires for you?  How well does He KNOW you?  As I have mentioned before, I was totally taken by surprise when a few members of my wife’s family made accusations against my character at the beginning our journey through this attack on my wife’s health.  But it wasn’t so much the false things that were said, but the hard hit reality that after being a part of her family for over 40 years, that they really didn’t KNOW me! 
I never want that to be said about my relationship with my heavenly Father.  How about you?  I want to make sure that I take and/or make the time to “BE STILL” and get to KNOW Him so that there is NEVER any doubt about His love, dedication and limitless grace and goodness to me as well as His knowing my devotion in Him.  Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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