Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Black and White Photography

I awoke this morning somewhere around 5:00 AM as the skies were beginning to brighten and the dark shadows of night were giving way to discernable shapes of familiarity.  I slipped quietly out of bed and headed toward the kitchen when my attention was drawn out to the scene on the patio as observed through the partially closed blinds.  I stepped closer to the window and stood mesmerized at what I saw.  It was as though I was looking at our patio décor through the viewing screen of my DSLR that had been set on the Creative Mode and switched to the Monochromatic setting.  Everything on the deck presented itself in various tone of the grayscale as if where a black and white photograph!

I have always loved the black and white medium of photography.  From my very first photo class in high school, through the advanced photography classes in college and my days shooting pics for the local Catholic Press and beyond through today, I have tended to relish the artistic value and the statement that can only be made through this original format that has taken a back seat in the modern world of color photography.

This morning as I looked at what I would normally view as a multiplicity of colors emanating from the blooming vegetable plants, the brightly colored geraniums, the white rose buds and the deep purple blooms of the lavender tree, I saw only as a simple mixture of shades of black, gray and white. 

As I meditated on my observations this morning, I began to see a picture of what I believe the Lord was trying to convey to me.  The absence of color on the patio scene at day break was like viewing the world around me through the absence of distractions.  It was like being able to clearly see the important things in life without all the activities and responsibilities vying for my attention.  It was an explanation of my life over the last three years!

With the attack on my wife’s health, I have come to see many of the things that are truly important to me.  Instead of just flowing through the years following the leadings of the job, the extended family, the world around me and even the general direction of the church, I have begun to realize God’s plan, God’s real calling and what I believe is what He feels is important for me and my wife.  And you know, the path hasn’t been easy, but rather painful.  Was it a path that He planned?  Absolutely not, for He is not the author of trouble, lack of any kind or of sickness and disease.  Those problems were part of the old curse of the Law as found in Deuteronomy chapter 28.  Galatians 3:13 says that “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law…”  (NKJV)  Jesus told us that “I have come that they (meaning us!) may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  (John 10:10 NKJV)  The word translated life is the Greek word “Zoe” meaning “the absolute fullness of life.”

Can the trials, tribulations and tough times in life teach a lesson?  You bet!  And that is exactly what’s been going on with me!  I’m in the process of making some changes or adjustments in how I see things today, in how I will act today and tomorrow, and in how I will respond to the callings of the Lord.  I am discovering that it is important for me to do what I have been called to do and not simply be caught up in the currents around me.  How about you?  You don’t have to wait until a problem arises to reconsider things, to switch the dial of your sight to monochrome and look at life through only a few shades of the color wheel.  As an older Ken Blount (former worship leader at the 12 thousand plus member Church on the Move in Tulsa Oklahoma) song says:

“Now is the time, this is the place.
 We are the people, to finish the race
 Is there not a cause, humanity cries
 We have the standard, we must lift it high” *

So, I encourage you to find YOUR place in carrying The Standard.  Don’t let the days pass you by.  Don’t get so caught up in the flow of others that you miss your opportunity.  Now your time… This is your place!  Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

*  Ken Blount  © 1995 Heaven’s Best Music/BMI

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