Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, July 13, 2012


“This is the day which the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
                              Psalm 118:24 (NKJV)

Yesterday I awoke to another beautiful sunny northern California morning.  The last few days had gotten increasingly hotter, but yesterday had promised to have a break in the little heat wave.  After I poured myself a steaming cup of freshly brewed Dunkin’ Donuts original blend medium roast coffee, I strolled into the study with a song in my heart, sat at my desk and began to read my Bible.  After a few moments I decided that I wanted to open up the blinds and the window to let in the morning sunlight, the glorious cool breeze and just enjoy the quietness of the early day.

I had no sooner sat back down in my chair and propped my feet up on my desk when the sound of a gas hedge trimmer being fired up filled the still in the room!  But you know what?  This was the day that the Lord had made and I had already decided to rejoice and be glad and I wasn’t about to let the noise of the lawn crew doing their job ruin my day.  So with a laugh and a big smile, I got up and closed the window and went back to enjoy the study that I had embarked upon.

Sometimes I think that it is necessary to add the word “to” between the words “we” and “rejoice” in the above quoted scripture.  That just seems to make it more of a personal declaration and determination to do it and “be glad,” no matter what comes your way each day!  I guess that you could say that it is all in the attitude that you decide to have that day.

I can remember a time when I was in Junior High School when I caught some kind of virus right before the annual Christmas Vacation.  (That’s when it was still called that!)  I spent the whole week before the 2 week vacation feeling just terrible!  It didn’t seem to be any one thing in particular, but I just felt achy, listless and plain yucky all over.  My Mom had recently taken a part time position as a secretary at a local real estate office.  She was able to work it out where she would leave after we went to school and be home by the time we returned, so her time away from the home normally went undetected by us kids, unless we had to stay home from school.  Needless to say, by the end of that dreadful week I had developed a giant case of self pity.  Finally about mid-way through that Friday morning, I decided that I had had enough of it and that I was going to take the attitude that I was feeling fine!

So I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed and since it was only a week before Christmas, I thought that it might be good if I “really” decorated the house for the coming celebration!  I went into the garage and dug out the boxes of decorations that hadn’t been put out.  I blew up some plastic reindeers and a Santa, hung them from the ceiling and put just about everything else in those last boxes up around the house.  By the time I was done I had forgotten about being sick, found myself quite enthusiastic about the holiday season and ended up having one of the best Christmases that I can remember!

It’s all about attitude!  I now find it best to set mine first thing in the morning and then not let anything bump me off my pre-determined course… and believe you me, many opportunities arrive each day!  The President of our Bible School told us that Psalm 118:24 is the first scripture that she “claims” each day, and I have since taken to follow her example!

So why not cast caution to the wind this weekend and do the same!  Choose to be happy and rejoice!  Choose to be the light in a dark room.  Choose to be the catalyst that turns a gloomy atmosphere into one of joy and peace.  Be the one person that others can’t wait to be with!  I always take a personal interest in those around me that might be solemn and unfriendly.  We have an older Japanese neighbor who used to scowl and look away whenever I would walk by and give him a cheery “hello!”  Well after a few years of not giving up on him, I am happy to say that he actually smiles now as we pass and even initiates the greeting at times!

So choose to rejoice and be glad!  It will make a difference not only in you, but in those that you come in contact with in your world.  Have a great weekend and let your smile shine!

Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What GOOD THINGS am I expecting today?”

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. It's so simple yet so profound and true. Thank you for the daily uplift and for the validation that God's word conquers all evil.


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