Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Being Perfect Isn't Everything!

Have you ever considered why God referred to King David as “a man after my own heart?” (Acts 13:22 God’s Word ©) Was it because he was an individual who was perfect in character?  Someone who always did the right things, always said the right words, and always put other people’s needs and concerns before his?  Well, if you said “yes” to all the above, I think that you would probably be wrong!

When you read through the various stories of David’s life, you will see that he was a man with like passions as you and me.  There were times that he was headstrong and maybe a little impulsive, times when he disobeyed God and just did what he wanted to do, and times when he followed his sensual desires rather than the moral dictates of God’s law.  I guess that you could say that David was just human.

What set him apart though, and caused our heavenly Father to lay upon him the anointing of Prophet, King and Priest was that David knew his short comings and always repented and turned his life back to the ways of the Lord.  Even though he struggled with fleshly desires on the outside, on the inside, his heart was always in tune to and following after the love of God.

I think some of the best verses that describes David’s life are found in Psalm 34:1-3.

“I will bless the Lord at all times;
 His PRAISE shall continually be in my mouth.
 My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
 The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
 Oh magnify the Lord with me,
 And let us exalt His name together.”  (NKJV)

The nation of Israel who was under his care, understood that he was but a man who made mistakes, but yet admired his honesty and his humble heart toward the Lord.  I believe that his consistent lifestyle of PRAISE was the key to his divine connection and favor with God and with the people under his divinely appointed leadership.

David wrote this particular Psalm while in the midst of personal peril.  It occurred when he was running from the assassination attempts of King Saul, and the subsequent death threats of Abimelech, whose country he had run to for safe asylum.  Throughout the toughest and the most victorious events in his life, David gave God all the PRAISE.

His example is the perfect example for us to follow after.  I am sure that David always wanted to do what was right, but he, just like you and me, was not always successful in it.  He made mistakes… some big mistakes, but he knew and lived within the realm of our heavenly Father’s forgiveness and everlasting love.  The end of the verse in Acts 13:22 records God as saying “He (meaning David) will do everything I want him to do.”  (God’s Word ©)

Did God think that David would do everything perfectly?  I doubt it.  And I doubt that He thinks that you and I will also do everything perfectly in our lives.  God, unlike man, looks on the inside of us, not on the outside.  He looks at our hearts and desires us to be men and women after His own heart.  Individuals, who even though will make mistakes, will find their boast in the Lord and make the consistent effort to have His PRAISE continually be in their mouths.  He is not looking at our short comings and/or mistakes; He is looking at the motives of our hearts! 

Have a good day.  Keep in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What GOOD THINGS am I expecting today?”

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely needed to hear this today. Thank you for sharing. I love the point of David making big mistakes and still being completely loved and forgiven by God. I am going through a lot of persecution at work right now, and the fact David did too and praised God through it is a HUGE inspiration and encouragement to me.


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