Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fear The Beard!

My oldest son Josh has been a strong San Francisco Giants baseball fan for numerous years.  I have always kept an eye on how they progressed each year, but was never what you’d really consider to be a die hard fan.  My Dad, on the other hand, has followed the team ever since I can remember.  I can picture him working in the garden on sunny Saturday afternoons with the transistor radio (remember those?) perched on the fence with the Hall of Fame broadcaster Lon Simmons calling each pitch. 

A couple of years ago, Josh and I were talking about baseball, and he mentioned to me how much he enjoys listening to the Giants games on the radio, even more than watching them on TV.  The more we talked the more my enthusiasm was peaked.  Since I was commuting daily to the various Home Depot Stores as a Merchandising Supervisor in the San Francisco Bay area, it seemed natural that I should also spend the endless hours on the road listening to the Giants games.  Like Josh, I was soon hooked and began to follow the team with a new zeal and excitement.  Then, with the drive for the Pennant last year, and their ultimate victory in the World Series, I moved into the same league as my older son and Dad!

Last night the team made an amazing comeback and defeated the Cleveland Indians 4 to 3.  The way the victory came is a vivid example for Christians to follow.  Hebrews 6:11-12 (I just can’t seem to get away from these scriptures in the book of Hebrews!) tells us to “remain confident until the end.  Then instead of being lazy (dull, insensitive or stupid – according to Strong’s), you will imitate (or become a contender along with) those who are receiving the promises through faith and patience.” (Gods Word ©)  Faith and Patience… that’s what the team and all us fans had last night as the game progressed.

The outcome of the game was not looking too positive for the Giants through the top of the sixth inning.  The Giants manager pulled their starting pitcher after 4 2/3 innings as the Indians went ahead 3 – 0.  Then at the bottom of the sixth, everything started to come together at the Indian’s expense.  After a couple of Giants singles, the Indians infield sort of fell apart as their first basemen made two errors, and their third baseman stumbled when catching a high fly foul ball which allowed a quick thinking Andres Torres of the Giants to make it home, scoring the winning run.  In a matter of moments the entire momentum and direction of the game took a totally new twist and the stadium came alive with electricity as the fans cheered their beloved team!  Then finally, with every fan standing, the Giants closer, -“Fear The Beard!”- Brian Wilson, came in at the top of the ninth and made another dramatic save, assuring the Giants 4-3 victory.

Wow… what a game.  It kept me on the edge of my seat for many innings!  It just goes to show that you never know how the outcome is going conclude until the final out.  This is the same with our stands of faith.  Where as God’s Word will assure us of the final outcome, we never know for sure, when or how our victory will present itself.  The point being, that just like the players and fans last night, who never gave up, we should never give up until the item that we are believing for comes into physical manifestation.

No one foresaw the errors that happened in the sixth inning last night, but they happened just the same and allowed the Giants to take the advantage and win.  We also, can’t see everything that God is doing in the background while we are standing in faith. Never give up!  Never let what you see that is contrary to what you are expecting cause you to doubt and surrender before you have your victory!

Remember your team… God’s team… is heading toward the World Series, and you can’t be defeated!

Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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