Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, July 4, 2011

America The Beautiful!

“America, America, God shed His grace on thee…” *

Did you know that the majority of the signers of The Declaration Of Independence were professing Christians?  Four of the signers were current or full time preachers, and many more were sons of clergymen.  They were a profoundly intelligent, religious and ethically-minded group.  These individuals were for the most part, active churchgoers and many contributed significantly to their churches both with contributions as well as with their service as lay leaders. The signers were members of religious denominations at a rate that was significantly higher than average for the American Colonies during the late 1700s. 

B.J. Lossing in his work “Signers of the Declaration Of Independence (George F. Cooledge & Brother: New York -1848) stated that: The signing of that instrument was a solemn act, and required great firmness and patriotism in those who committed it... neither firmness nor patriotism was wanting in that august body... Such were the men unto whose keeping, as instruments of Providence, the destinies of America were for the time entrusted;  Their bodies now have all returned to their kindred dust in the grave, and their souls have gone to receive their reward in the Spirit Land.”

Most historians who honestly study the intent and purpose of that great document would have to agree that the leaders of our country, who penned their names to this instrument, were seeking and planning for Divine intervention for their new country.  It was to be a country placed firmly under the care and direction of our Mighty God.

Over the last 235 years, we have seen those original intents muddled and confused, but I have to say that this is still the best nation in the world to call “home!”  Will we ever get back to the original purity of that unique document to which we give honor today?  To be honest, I don’t believe that we will. We live in a democratic society where the majority rules and the majority's ideas are rapidly moving in an opposite direction to those of our leaders in the late 1770’s.

Is all lost?  Never, but I believe that the future is up to us as Believers.  James 5:16 says that “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man (or women, boy or girl) availeth much.”  (King James Version)  Prayer is a most powerful tool, and it is time for each of us to step up and take our position to avail change in our families, in our communities and in our country.  I will never believe that God is giving up on America.  He had a plan for this country and still does.  You and I are part of that plan.

So as you celebrate this day with family and friends, remember to also thank our Heavenly Father in like manner as suggested by one of the Founding Fathers, John Adams, in a letter he wrote to his wife Abigal, concerning the importance of celebrating Independence Day: “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty…” ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(United_States)

Happy Birthday America!

“O beautiful for patriot dream 
That sees beyond the years 
Thine alabaster cities gleam 
Undimmed by human tears! 
America! America! 
God shed his grace on thee 
Till nobler men keep once again 
Thy whiter jubilee!” * 

* America The Beautiful”  Words by Katherine Lee Bates, Melody by Samuel Ward

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