Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, February 27, 2021


I oftentimes joke that going anywhere with Piper made me look good!  Her sparkling personality and precious smile always seemed to draw the attention of others when we walked into a room. And I can’t say that I ever saw anyone’s smile turn upside down when they moved their eyes from her to the guy standing next to her.  I would think that their first, positive impression of her just naturally became their impression of me as well.  I mean let’s face it… I’d imagine that they would think that if she allowed me to walk in with her… and most likely holding hands… that I must be a good guy as well… right?

Okay… all jest aside… I actually did have similar thoughts this morning, about how Piper looked to others whenever she came into their presence.  She did have that sparkling personality, killer smile and innate joy that seemed to encapsulate her entire being.  I can hardly tell of a time when people didn’t go out of their way to extend kindness to her.  But I firmly believe that the drawing card that she possessed went way beyond her physical appearance and uplifting personality.

She was the first person that I had ever met, that wore her faith like a perfectly fit, custom tailored dress.  Simply said… her faith in God was who she was!  It came out with every thought she had, with every word she spoke, and most definitely, with every action she took.

I had been raised as a sincere Catholic and taught that our faith was a very personal and private thing.  And then along comes this freckle faced, enthusiastic, happy and tremendously funny Christian young lady who swept me off my feet.   Like I’ve stated many times before, she talked about Jesus like He was her best friend with whom she interacted with on a consistent basis! 

I had NEVER met anyone like her (nor have since) that lived their faith like that.  I quickly realized that her Christian ways didn’t scare me off, but instead, drew me in with a growing hunger to have whatever she had… and at the same level and depth that she did!  She was a living, breathing, 24 hour a day advertisement for Jesus Christ.

I had to smile and shed a tear or two as I studied my Bible this morning, when I read from Ephesians 1:19 and saw how Piper was the perfect embodiment of Paul’s prayer where he wrote, “I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you!” (The Passion Translation) 

You see, Piper’s faith in God not only radiated from her, but it also made her look more attractive to others.  And don’t get me wrong, I am talking about an attraction that went far beyond her physical accoutrements.  I’m describing the love, peace and joy that only Jesus can provide, that tended to flow from her and splash liberally onto others.  I can’t tell you how many times fellow shoppers in the stores we went into, neighbors, new comers to the church or family and friends opened up to her and asked for her counsel and/or encouragement when going through rough times in their lives.  It would not be unusual to find her sitting with someone else after church in the back of the room, or on the corner of the couch at a family gathering, closely listening with loving attentiveness, to the one in need.

Ephesians 1:19 tells us that the immeasurable greatness of God’s power is available to you and me through the active use of our faith, and with that power working in us, we are an attention grabbing, Super Bowl style, multimillion dollar type of advertisement for God!  That is why active, consistent, NOW faith makes us look good to others!  Hebrews 11:1 teaches us that faith is always in the present tense as it gives us the Biblical description of what it means to have a faith that is called NOW faith…” (KJV)

When I was taking care of Piper during the last ten or more years of her presence on this earth, I pretty much wore my faith on my shirt sleeve… sort-of-speak!  I didn’t push it on anyone, but simply let the various doctors and other health care professionals we went to, as well as family members, friends and the total strangers we met on the street or at the store, where we stood concerning our faith for her healing.

I’ve been asked if her sickness and passing shook my faith, and even if it was worth all the effort… and I continue to immediately reply with a resilient and definitive “NO!”  As far as my faith is concerned, we received exactly what we were believing for as she was healed the moment she went through the veil into her heavenly reward (check out Ephesians 1:4 in the God’s Word © translation!).   Why she wasn’t healed here… I cannot answer that one as Deuteronomy 29:29 informs us that “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God…” (KJV), and that is good enough for me.

Our job was to believe and stand in faith no matter what we faced along the way!  We had decided early on in our marriage, that as far as our lives were concerned… it was either God’s way, according to the truth of His Word… or the highway!  And like I’ve said many times… all along the way we received miracles and blessing that are almost too numerous to tell of! 

I firmly believe that Piper left this world exactly the way she wanted to… on God’s terms and in His perfect timing!  And she made it seem easy, joyful and peaceful through her unshakeable faith in Him and His Word.  Which was the garment of praise that she wore every single day of her life!

So… Most people that I know want to look good when they go out the front door of their house everyday… right?  Well, I can’t think of any better way to look, in faith…  and as my childhood hero Tony the Tiger would say… “GRRRRRREAT!”

Let me ask you then… How well do YOU wear your faith?

Have a great weekend, and as you do, keep expecting God’s best!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


found myself going down a rabbit trail yesterday morning during my Bible Study time.  I had been studying Psalm 91:14 where I personalized the verse and wrote down in my notes as if the Lord was speaking directly to me saying, “Because you hath set your love upon me, therefore will I deliver you: I will set you on high, because you hath known my name.” (KJV) 

I notated amongst other things, that in the Apostolic Bible Polyglot English translation with a Greek interlinear gloss that is keyed to a concordance, the word “known” is the same as used in Ephesians 3:19 when discussing our knowing of God’s love for us, and is defined as being an intimate, experiential and very personal knowledge of someone and is “The Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman.” (Thayer’s)

It was the thought of that depth of intimacy in “knowing” God that quickly pulled my attention from the book of Psalms, to the New Testament book of Hebrews, where right near the beginning of the so-called “Roll Call of Faith” the author wrote: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6 – KJV) 

I spent the last fifteen minutes of my study time yesterday on this verse and then turned back there immediately upon sitting at my desk early this morning.  The center of my activity today seemed to focus on the utmost importance of our personal faith in our approach to God.

First of all, the verse is based on two basic truths that we as believers have to come to terms with in our Christian walk.  Number one, that we have to go to God with a deeply intimate, experiential and very personal knowledge that He is who He says that He is!

And number two, that when we come into His presence in worship, with a request, a need or in response to a promise of His to us from His Word, that we do so knowing that He will reward our diligent seeking of Him.  Why?  Because we know how intimately He loves us with a love “which goes far beyond any (natural) knowledge…” (Ephesians 3:19 God's Word ©) 

As I studied Hebrews 11:6, I couldn’t help but hear my wife’s sweet voice reminding me, as she did many times through the years in response to something I said concerning a prayer request that we had made, saying in a gently but firm manner, “Jim, remember that, WE ARE BELEVERS and NOT BEGGARS!

Piper had a clear understanding of this verse’s very clear inference that as Believer’s we have certain rights and privileges when we come to the Father in prayer.  The word “rewarder” in the original Greek is likened to a business owner paying wages to a worker who fulfills the terms of his or her employment.  The reward or wage is an expected result of the worker’s completion of the responsibilities that both the owner and employee agreed to.  Both parties have responsibilities to adhere to.

When Piper got sick, I was always very careful as to whom I would let pray for her and especially when it came to the laying on of hands.  It became pretty easy to see who was in faith for what they were praying and who was simply “a-hope-’in and a-pray-’in” for positive results!  Jesus gave us the correct model of praying in faith in Mark 11:24 when He stated, “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (KJV)

I guess it all goes back to the textbook definition of what Faith is as defined at the beginning of Hebrews chapter eleven where the author distinctly declared, “Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot (yet) see.” (God’s Word ©) 

Which brings us back to the overall theme of every blog post that I have written here for the last ten + years… “WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING” in your daily walk with the Lord, when you read His Word and whenever you come to Him with praise, worship, thanksgiving and/or a prayer request?

Are you just “hope-’in and a-pray-‘in” or are you earnestly EXPECTING God’s Word to be true for you?  I especially like the King James Version’s translation of Hebrews 11:6 because it brings out the clear meaning of the word “SEEK” in the statement.  Most other translations seem to miss the full intent of the writer as it strongly infers someone who very diligently and consistently puts everything they’ve got into their seeking of God and His kingdom ways.

The Passion Translation puts it into modern terms that I understand by saying, “And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we (must) come to God in faith knowing that he is real and that he rewards the faith of those who give all their passion and strength into seeking him. 

Let me tell you… I’ve seen both extremes.  Those who prayed with little to no faith and ended up depressed, fearful and in the end… totally giving up on Piper… and those who believed and acted in strong faith, stayed positive and supportive and were blessed all the way along the path up to and including Piper’s triumphant entry through the veil to her final promotion to heaven… and my friends… it ain’t over yet!

If you’re anything like me, then every time you go to God in prayer, you’ll remember Piper’s words declaring that “We are Believer’s and NOT Beggars” – Put your faith in BELIEVING mode and pray with full assurance that what you are EXPECTING will (In God’s perfect timing, plan and purpose) come into existence for you.”

Monday, February 22, 2021

Oh! What a Day...

 “This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!”

                                                                               Psalm 118:24 – God’s Word © 


As I stepped out the front door early this morning with the very excited dog pulling on his leash, I couldn’t help but to stop and stare at the beauty of the day and rejoice and be glad!  For as silly as it may sound, before my eyes I could see wonderful asphalt, sidewalks and huge patches of brown dormant grass around the neighborhood houses and throughout the golf course just a few feet away.  From everything covered in a thick layer of snow with an incredible windchill low of -18ยบ last week, we stood there today, basking in the high forties with bright blue cloudless skies as far as the eye could see. 

I have to admit that it was just too much for me to contain, so I called out unto the Lord proclaiming, “This is the day that the LORD has made… and I can’t help but to rejoice and be happy today!”  When is the last time you started your day off like that?  Hopefully it was today!

I had started my day off a couple of hours earlier than our walk, thinking about how much God loves you and me.  I took a long look at a particular line in Paul’s prayer in Ephesians chapter three, where he prays “that Christ will live and thrive in us through our CURRENT, ACTIVE faith and that the intimate depth of Christ’s love for each of us will continue to be, the good ground into which we are sinking our roots and is that on which we have our firm foundation.”  (Ephesians 3:17 – God’s Word © personalized) 

As I meditated on that reality this morning, I couldn’t help but think back of the multitude of examples throughout my life… and especially during the last eight years of Piper’s life where I attended to her for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week… when it was only my personal “knowing” of the depths of Christ intimate love for both Piper and I, that got me through those intense periods of time that seemed simply unsurmountable.

Then when I stepped out our front door today, I was once again, overcome with thankfulness, rejoicing and heartfelt happiness for the absolute beauty of that moment where I could see a visual representation of just how much Jesus loves me… and of how far He continues to take me from the hard times in this life and into the continuing plan and purposes that He still has for me to fulfill.  Ephesians 1:10 tells that “God plans to bring all of our history to its goal in Christ... so that Christ would continue to be the head of everything in heaven and on earth... for both you and me!" (God’s Word © - personalized) 

So YEAH!  Today is turning out to be a GREAT day of rejoicing and gladness, just as the Psalmist wrote of in Psalm 118:24.  I would have to believe that David was feeling some of the same awesome feelings that I’ve been experiencing today when he wrote this prose.  In the original Hebrew, the word “rejoice” literally means “to (physically) spin around” while being “glad” is an encouragement “to brighten up, to cheer up or to be gleesome!”

I don’t know what it is about me… but there are times that I have to move and physically demonstrate my feelings of joy and happiness!  I still remember the looks I got the first time I raised my hands in the middle of a very moving group prayer at a watchnight service during the first New Year’s Eve service that Piper and I went to at our Baptist church a few months after we got married.  Being outwardly emotional wasn’t the norm at that church… until then!

Sometimes you just gotta move to express the joy that is exploding inside of you… Do any of you know what I am talking about?  My Pastor once took me aside after I had preached to the adult congregation on a Sunday morning… reminding me that I wasn’t in the youth or Children’s Church services and that I needed to show a little more self-restraint when before the adults!  What can I say… When I get excited about the things of God… it just sort of pops out of me and it is very difficult for me to not let it out!

Well… that’s exactly the way I felt this morning!  So, I sang, smiled, shouted “Halleluiah!” and even joked with the dog all the way to the still frozen pond and back home again!  … But that’s me… that’s the way I have to express my rejoicing and gladness before that Lord. 

How do you do it?  How do you express those moments of rejoicing and gladness that pop up inside of you when He touches your life like He did mine this morning?

If you’re anything like me… then you’ve just got to sing and shout declaring with great emotion and abandonment that:

“This is the day the LORD has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!”

                                                                             Psalm 118:24 – God’s Word ©

And now… well… just try and stay quiet and calm for the rest of the day!  But whatever you do and however you do it… just keep expecting God’s best for you today!


Friday, February 19, 2021

Revisiting the Power!

I found the need to revisit some of the basic scriptures of faith yesterday.  Scriptures that I have learned to hold onto through the thick and thin experiences throughout my adult life.  As the sun began to break through the clouds and the freezing temperatures proceeded to rise, I found that my patience, expectations and levels of faith were going in the opposite direction!

Like I have mentioned before, while I have plenty of the basic supplies to ford this artic vortex, what I am beginning to lack is the ability to not go stir crazy!  I haven’t even been able to take the dog out for his daily walks along the golf course and down to the neighborhood park and pond. 

Today is the first day in over a week that our temperatures are forecasted to get above (barely above I might note) the freezing mark of 32ยบ Fahrenheit.  I am hoping that the sun will melt things enough this afternoon, for us to take a walk further than our backyard or the mailbox out front… and – fingers crossed – be able to maneuver my car down my driveway and into the street without sliding, going sideways or simple spinning my tires... as the very few other cars that have ventured this far down the street have done! This latest Oklahoma weather adventure has pretty much sealed the deal for me to get serious about trading in my little Equinox for a 4X4 Chevy Tahoe.

So, where did I go when I needed to build my personal levels of faith?  Well, without hesitation, I pulled out my trusty King James Bible, turned to the highlighted, underlined and thoroughly notated verses in the book of Mark 11:22-24 and read:

“And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God (or ‘the faith of God’, or ‘the God kind of faith’).  For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.  Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” 

A deeper understanding of this portion of scripture turned Piper’s and my life around at the very beginning of our marriage.  Throughout the years it had been… and continues to be a mainstay in our (my) lives.  The simple truth behind Jesus’ statement to believe that you have received what you are requesting of the Lord WHEN YOU PRAY changed the entire direction of our faith walk.

Robertson’s Word Pictures says, “That is the test of faith, the kind that sees the fulfilment before it happens.”  Wuest’s Word Studies states “The idea is that since faith is the criterion of success in spiritual matters, therefore faith should be the constant attitude of the mind when one prays.” 

Through the study of this and similar verses in the New Testament, we learned of the utmost importance and power of our individual faith in God and His Word for success in our daily lives.  Concerning the word “receive”, Vincent’s Word Studies informs us that the literal Greek translation should be “received and not receive, and list one of the meanings as “to take by craft” which gives us the connotation of “craftsmanship” or having learned the skills necessary to act out or perform our faith as an expert in the field of faith… Which means there is a right way to exercise our faith and we know it and continually sharpen our skills by consistent practice!

Which is exactly what I did yesterday when I went back to God’s handbook in order to sharpen and refocus my efforts in receiving everything that I am believing for with the absence of my wife… in the midst of a pandemic, combined with a freak snowstorm, while living in a new city, in a new state… all while trying to start a new chapter in life that is totally different from everything I’ve known for the past 50 years! 

Piece of cake, right?  Well… maybe not that simple, but walking in a level of faith that is based on my knowing of the intimate love of Christ for me, in combination with His faithfulness to me and His Word… certainly helps!  And since God is no respecter of people (Acts 10:34)… if it can work for me, it certainly can work for you!

I was thinking today of the common theme throughout the Word which infers that to the faithful in God and His Word… the best is always yet to come.  And while I have a very difficult time believing that theme with Piper’s promotion to heaven and her very noticeable absence from my life… His Word in Ephesians 3:20 does tell us to “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. (for) He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! (and then) He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” (The Passion Translation)

So, if you’re anything like me… then you most likely want to… and NEED to… keep yourself constantly energized with the truth and power of His Word working in, for and through you unto others!  So, again, like me, we need to take the time throughout the day to revisit and reconnect to His truth and power by reviewing and reigniting those special scriptures that each of us have in our hearts!

Ah!  I feel better already… How about you?

Have a great weekend, stay connected to His Word and while your at it... keep expecting His best!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Loss, Dreams and Continuing...

Yesterday we lost a great Christian music legend, icon and trendsetter with the death of Carman Licciardello, known to the Christian world simply as Carman.  I personally believe that he single-handedly expanded and raised the standard and quality of Christian ministry, presentation and entertainment more than just about anyone else in the realm of contemporary Christian music.  While we never had the opportunity to attend one of powerful, action-packed and audio-visual explosive concerts, we owned many of his albums and numerous Videos and DVD’s of his movie and children’s music videos.

When his full-length movie entitled “The Champion” came out in 2001, we immediately ordered a copy with the intention of showing it to our youth group at the church.  I was surprised though, when we were met by a lack of enthusiasm from the youth who all tended to agree that he was “too old” to be relevant to them anymore. 

But I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel as of yet… so I discussed it with my then 21-year-old son who suggested that we approach it from another angle and make it into a fun event.  So, after a period of brainstorming we came up with the idea of having a “I Hate Carman” night where we preceded the movie premier with a free taco dinner, followed by a Carman look-a-like contest and a whole bunch of interactive challenges for the participants to enjoy.

I also wrote a quick script for a video advertisement where our four kids dressed up in extravagant and hilarious costumes and hair-dos and we filmed a supposed interview with Carman (our dark haired, Italian older son dressed as Carman), our oldest daughter as the very 80’s styled, big-hair, sharp tongued cosmetician attending to Carman’s make-up, our younger son as the nerdy TV interviewer and our younger daughter as his goofy assistant.  We then used the video in order to advertise the coming event as well as to build excitement for the night’s activities. 

Needless to say, the planned program turned out to be a big hit and we ended up with many more dressing up to look like Carman than I expected… and the majority of the youth ended up enjoying… and being moved by the movie!  Our heart-felt prayers go out to his wife and family and the thousands of lives that he touched over the many years of his world-wide ministry.

And speaking of other things that we lost yesterday… out here in Oklahoma we finally lost the snowfall!  We got our final frosting of snow last night into this morning and within the last hour, began feasting our eyes on a beautiful blue sky and bright sunlight!  I’m getting ready to dust off my shorts as the temperature has zoomed up to 23ยบ with a potential high of 27ยบ!  Not bad after a low of -18ยบ yesterday morning.  The weather is forecasting continued improvement over the next few days with spring-like weather next week!

This has been a strange week for me for a couple of reasons.  First because I am going stir-crazy not being able to go safely outdoors except for short periods of time in my backyard.  My street and driveway are still covered in snow and I’ve seen a few four-wheel drive vehicles slide around our cul-de-sac.  Which means that I still won’t be going anywhere until the sun does it job and melts the snow! 

And secondly, because I have been having nightly dreams that include the presence of my dearly departed wife.  What’s interesting is that she is not the focal point of these dreams, but merely a normal participant in whatever we are doing in the dream.  In last night’s dream, she and I were packing up our household stuff in preparation for a move and talking to some friends from our former church in California.  The hard part is that I keep awakening while being caught up in the dream… fully expecting her to be… as she always was… smiling at me from her side of the bed!  And then reality catches up, and I realize that it was all a dream and that it’s just me… alone… with the dog in the bedroom.

After I got up early this morning and returned from Fiver’s necessary outside business, I sat on the bed and cried out to the Lord exclaiming “What is going on Lord?”  At times like this it is easy for me to feel a sense of total loss and confusion.  But as with the Carman movie program with the youth many years ago, I wasn’t about to throw in the towel and give in to those feelings.

My initial thought when I reached that decision was that since Piper was continuing on with God’s plan for her in heaven… that I was going to continue doing the only thing I know to do… and that is to “Trust in the Lord completely, and not rely on my own opinions…” (Proverbs 3:5 – TPT)  And right then and there I began speaking out scriptures promises that I have memorized over the years, that talk about all the things that the scriptures declare are mine as part of the death, burial, resurrection, ascension  and then seating at the right hand of God, of Jesus Christ.

I then had the thought of how many times the word “CONTINUE” is used in the New Testament.  A quick check in The Passion Translation lists 76 times the word is used with over 29 directly related to either God or us continuing to perform whatever positive actions are needed to demonstrate our faith and/or grow in our Christian walk.  The majority of the balance have to do with people continuing to not perform negative acts that would hinder or stop our faith and/or Christian growth.

The Apostle’s concluding words in 2 Peter 3:18 seems to perfectly sum up my early morning thoughts when he encouraged us to continue to grow and increase in God’s grace and intimacy with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

It seems that tough times come and go in our lives on a regular basis, but the best thing that we can do to successfully overcome those times is to CONTINUE being intimate with the Lord by simply seeking, following, speaking and doing the Word of God on a consistent and continual basis in our daily lives!

So, for me, that means pushing past the reoccurring heartbreak, sorrow and occasional confusion and continuing to follow His leading for me in this new day, within this new chapter, in this new season of my life. 

What action does it entail for you?

Have a great day!  Celebrate the Sunshine (or the Son-shine) and keep expecting His best for you today!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Chilly Weather & Sound Words...

When I took the dog out early this morning my front porch thermometer read –10ยบ and when combined with the 13-mph hour north winds, my weather app reported a windchill of -20ยบ!  Needless to say, it’s a little on the CHILLY side out here in northeastern Oklahoma! 

Last night the swirling winds had caused the snow drifts to pile up against the back of my house and the soft snow stood a few inches above the threshold of my back storm door. After taking the dog out before bed, I took the time to clear out the snow behind the door, only to find it all filled in this morning. 

Fiver wasn’t quite sure what to do with the 10-12” depths of snow today.  He is a pretty big dog, but the snow was almost up to his chest!  He ran around for a short time but then began to hold up one of his front paws when the snow and ice became impacted between his pads.  So, we retreated quickly back into the warm house where we worked together to dry and clean out his feet!  (Him with his tongue and teeth and me with a fluffy towel)

Once we had Fiver’s needs taken care of, I eventually sat down at the kitchen table with a hot cup of coffee and stared out at the white carpet that blanketed the neighborhood outside my front windows.  As I enjoyed the view, I began to think of other experiences I’ve had in the past with snow that was this deep and even deeper at all the various church snow camps that Piper and I went on during our college years while we were dating and then as leaders with the Jr and Sr High Youth Groups after we were married.

Along with those precious memories, I also began to think about all the unique and special people that the Lord brought across Piper’s and my paths, both as individuals and as a married couple.  In 2 Timothy 1:13 the Apostle Paul told his son-in-the-Lord Timothy to “Hold to the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” (EMTV)

As I look back over the years, I can see the various people with whom the Lord used to share His wisdom, knowledge and practical understanding with us.  Each of these folks helped to shape the foundations of what Piper and I believed, the way in which we understood the gospel of Jesus Christ, and in a very tangible way, who we became as adults in this life.  I bet that you could share many such interactions with others who helped to uniquely shape your life.

I’ve mentioned before, of how Piper, in many ways, was very different from the rest of her immediate family.  In many respects, the way she thought, the ways in which she responded to the events in life and the constant joy that bubbled forth from deep inside of her set her apart in a plainly visible way.  You could say similar things about me.  I took a very different and unique path in life that vividly differed from that of my siblings.  That is not to say that one is better than the other, but only that there are many tangible distinctions.

As I pushed forth with this line of thought this morning, I also realized that in every church that we became a part of, there always seemed to be a senior aged couple or individual with whom we became close to.  I guess both Piper and I were drawn to the example of Godly individuals who had lived a life that gave glory to God and were still going strong for Him in their elder years.

Whether it was talking to these folks after services at church, visiting them at home or in the hospital or engaging their assistance in or for a special children’s or youth program that we were organizing, we always enjoyed the company of these well-seasoned Christians.   The funny thing for me today, is that while most of these folks were older than I am right now, the differences in age are not that far from me in my sixties!

The Message Bible speaks our verse in 2 Timothy 1:13 in a way that inspires us to, keep at your work, this faith and love rooted in Christ, exactly as I set it out for you. It's as sound as the day you first heard it from me.”  This modern paraphrase encourages me to continue on with the “sound words” that those past voices in Piper’s and my lives planted in us.  I am stirred to want to carry the torch that each of these wonderful folks took the time to share with us and in doing so, become an important foundation of whom we became.

I love it when people share their very special memories of interactions they had with Piper over the years.  It warms my heart to know that her unique personality, her well-honed Christian beliefs and the joy and practicality in which she lived the gospel, ministered to others… Although, it really doesn’t surprise me… after all… I got to see her in action just about everyday of her adult life! 

And that is the same type of person that I want to be in these latter years of my life.  I want to be that example to the individual in the church who needs an ear to sound off to, to the person in the store that needs an encouraging word, as well as to the neighbor walking their dog in front of my house who looks like they could benefit from a friendly smile.

How about you?  With your unique and special background, have you ever considered what a great example you are (or can be) to those around you every day?  To that young couple who is just starting out life together in your church, to that single Mom… or Dad, or the older gentleman who looks like he’s got it made in life, but in reality, is crying out for the love of God?  Today might just be your day to be a mentor to someone in need!

For me… well, those sound words that Piper and I heard years ago are still as sound today as they were back then… and I want to share them with others… HOW ABOUT YOU?


Friday, February 12, 2021

Visual Verses!

I found myself reading from the 23rd Psalm this morning as I looked out onto the winter scene that was unfolding outside my study window. Little white snowflakes were twirling around in the air and had given a fresh layer to everything as far as the eye could see.  It had even covered up the tire tracks from the mail truck that literally came slipping and sliding around the cul-de-sac late yesterday afternoon.  And even though it is quite cold out there with a wind chill of 1 degree, gazing out at the picturesque beauty of the moment actually brought a sense of peace and quiet to my soul.

Which is precisely the effect that the 23rd Psalm just about always has on me!  In times of turmoil and stress, these words of David tend to soothe my concerns and flood my inner man with that “peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7 EMTV)

This psalm is probably the most visual of all scriptures to me.  When I read: “The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough(Psalm 23:1 The Passion Translation) I can’t help but to imagine myself sitting down as with a good friend and mentor, to whom I hold in high esteem and know that with Him I am safe and sound, and have every need of mine met and am fully satisfied.

The thought of Him offering a resting place for me in his luxurious love.  (Where) His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss where he restores and revives my life,” (Psalm 23:2-3 TPT) always brings me, in my mind’s eye, to Piper’s and my special place of peace, adventure and refuge that we enjoyed up in the Sierras at Plumas Eureka State Park within the serene beauty of the Plumas National Forest in northeastern California.

Another translation declares that, “You let me rest in fields of green grass…” (Psalm 23:2 CEV) which causes me to recall the very first time Piper and I held hands and walked in awe, through the vast meadow in the park on our first visit in 1976.  The gentle breeze that caused the tall grass to flutter, the surprise and sudden change of direction we took when we crossed paths with a porcupine walking our way and the silly cautions we took to not step on the bear scat at our feet, all comes back along with the utter beauty, peace, joy and young love that we experienced at that moment in time so very long ago.

The picture of “the quiet brook of bliss” brings me back to the cold, narrow, clear and rapidly flowing brook of water that runs along the trail to and from one of the historic Miner’s cabins sequestered up on a mountain side in the park.  That short but steep hike to the cabin from one of the natural lakes hidden amongst the tall pines near the headquarters and museum for the park, was a favorite hike that I have fond memories of Piper and I climbing before we had kids, throughout the years that we took our family up to the park and if I remember correctly, was one of the final expeditions that she and I took on our last vacation together during our 30th Wedding Anniversary vacation in 2005.

Do you have a favorite scripture that so vividly describes the words that it states and the truths, visions and peace that it endeavors to bring to its reader?  I think that is one of the reasons I like to collect various Bible translations… and especially some of the newer ones.  I have two favorite of these modern language translations that I find pleasing as they tend to use many of the same descriptive words and terms that I use on a regular basis!

I always suggest to new Christians or readers of God’s Word that they find a modern version that they can best understand… and through which they can hear the small-still voice of the Lord speaking to their hearts.

What is your Go-To portion of scripture that you go to in times of need?  If you think about it, share it in the comments section of this blog or on the Facebook post in which this particular blog is posted.  Sometimes our favorites can also become favorites to others!

Have a great weekend.  Enjoy visualizing the Bible as you read your favorite verses and then share them with someone that you meet… and as you do… remember to keep expecting God’s best for your life today!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Well… it was just a little too slippery and cold for Fiver and I to go for our morning walk to the park today.  We had freezing drizzle, light snow and sleet throughout the night and even though it wasn’t too heavy of a coating… it is still enough to cause one to lose their footing and end up on one’s backside… which almost happened when I gingerly walked across my patio on my way to the frozen grass to toss the ball with the dog!  The six-foot fence around our backyard helps to block the icy wind and makes the time outside a lot more bearable!

It is on days like this where I can’t help but chuckle as I look around me and wonder how this warm weather California boy has changed his attitude!  I can recall complaining back home when the weather was in the low 50’s… and here I am, bundled up to the hilt and kind of enjoying the 9-degree wind chill factor of northeastern Oklahoma!  There’s even a chance that we’ll get down into negative numbers over the weekend.

I’ve learned some lessons through it all though… First and foremost, it helps to wear the right clothes.  Having on thermals, water proof boots, a wool watch cap and hoodie, all enclosed in a cold weather, water resistant coat helps to make winter life just another day.  Secondly and for me, most importantly, is to have the right attitude.  Since almost everything that I have been doing over the last few years is new to me, it has really helped me to think of each new day as a new ADVENTURE in faith!

Paul put it in similar terms when he encouraged the Corinthian church to stay steady and on track in their Christian walk saying, “but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus.  (for) God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.”  (I Corinthians 1:8-9 - The Message)

Knowing that God never gives up on me is all I need to know as new ADVENTURES come before me.  That 411 causes me to be “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10 – KJV) as each new challenge presents itself.  It also encourages me to do my part in meeting each new ADVENTURE.

The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us what part we are to play in every new ADVENTURE that we face on a daily basis by declaring, “We received the same promises as those people in the wilderness, but the promises didn't do them a bit of good because they didn't receive the promises with faith.” (The Message)   The King James Translation says, “but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.” 

We know when we go back and read the story of the exile of the Jewish nation in the Old Testament book of Exodus, that all but two members of their generation who left Egypt with Moses didn’t make it to the promised end of their particular ADVENTURE… all because they didn’t take the Word of the Lord that was spoken to them and mix it with their faith.  So, for me, as I step out of bed each morning, I take the Word of God that I am actively believing in and walk in confident expectation and excitement, trusting that each new ADVENTURE that I face that day, will turn out precisely as the Word of God that I am standing on says it will!

I’ve discovered over the years, as I am sure that you have as well, that my personal faith in God and his Word makes each new day more palatable as I look forward with an expectant attitude of ADVENTURE and excitement… for I am assured that every “spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. (and that) He will never give up on us. (And I) Never forget that.”

What do you think about that?  What ADVENTURES are you facing today and WHOM do you know that will be at your side… all along the way?

Stay Warm and while you’re doing it, thank the Lord that His best is yet to come for you!

Monday, February 8, 2021

Be Obstinate!

I was watching a news talk program while I was preparing dinner one night over this last weekend, where they showing a video made by a member of the United States Congress.  In the clip that had been posted to social media, the individual was giving a rather convincing dramatic presentation of an event that she said had happened to her during the recent unrest at the Capital in Washington.  I have to admit that I was captivated by her display of passion, expression and vivid sound effects and thought that she would definitely be a good candidate for the children’s story telling hour at the local library.

The only problem with her show was… well, it seems that it was just thata show!  Her story was quickly debunked by other credible witnesses that were in offices right next to hers… and it was not even close to the building that was the center of attention that day.

As I watched her video, the light suddenly went on in me, and I realized that the real purpose of the video, no matter if the content was true or not, was to instill a sense of FEAR in those who followed her on social media.  It dawned on me that in this world, we are constantly being conditioned to be afraid. To get us to the point where we unintentionally let fear guide our every thought, plan, decision and course of action.

I had never seen this point of fact as clearly and as close to home as when Piper and I were faced with barrage after barrage of fearful remarks, accusations and suggestions when people close to us disagreed with the decisions we were making for her care in the early days of our journey with Alzheimer’s.

As you probably know, my favorite scripture in regard to this all-important subject is found in 2 Timothy 1:7.  Recently, I found a different translation that adds another side to its truth.  James Murdock in his classic translation of the Aramaic Peshitta New Testament declares, For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of energy, and of love, and of instruction.” 

I particularly like the implied connection between a lack of energy and fear!  In fact, I have first-hand experience in that regard!  I realized early on that the people operating in fear around us, were quick to make up a multitude of excuses as to why they couldn’t become involved in our need.  And many times, those excuses, among other things, were directly connected to a lack of energy.

Over the years, Piper and I learned that our greatest defense to the fear that swelled around us was firstly to stay infused with the truth of God’s Word and secondly, to be obstinate!  Joshua 1:9 reminds us of the words from the Lord spoken to the Israelites as they faced some of the greatest threats to their very existence.  They are words of encouragement and truth that are as vibrant and sound today for us, as they were for the Jewish nation a few thousand years ago when it was declared,

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (KJV) 

One of the Hebrew meanings to the command to “be strong” is “to be obstinate.”  The Oxford Online Dictionaries define this characteristic as “to strenuously refuse to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.”

In today’s world, we Christians have no other course of action but to stay strong, to keep a good courage and to be obstinate in following the truth of God’s Word, as fear seems to be going before us, following behind, be in the air over our heads and on the ground we walk on!

So, what do you think?  Do you feel like being OBSTINATE with me today? 

Good!  Let’s do it!

Have a great week.  Stay warm… we are in the midst of freezing drizzle and rain today, and the rest of the week isn’t supposed to get much better!  But I am not afraid for I know… as I expect you do too… That God and His Word in us will always prevail… and that His best is yet to come!


Saturday, February 6, 2021

First Responders

I have really come to enjoy Fiver’s and my top-of-the-morning walk each day!  We usually get out around nine-thirty and take a brisk jaunt along the golf course next door, to the neighborhood park and then up the berm to the large pond that separates our neighborhood from the more upscale homes (read that: BIG and Fancy!) across the way.

Except for the occasional golfers out on the course, the walk is usually pretty quiet and affords me times of prayer, self-reflection and some good old peace and calm before I jump into the day’s activities.  On the way back to our street earlier today, I had to smile as I thought about how much Piper would have enjoyed these morning walks.

As I have mentioned in numerous posts, she loved to be outdoors and enjoyed taking daily walks with the kids during the day and then another one alone with me, either before work or after I got home from work… depending on which shift I was working.  Since I tended to work a lot of swing-shifts, the majority of our walks were in the early afternoon hours of the day.

Obviously, I also enjoy daily walks in the great outdoors and have kept up our tradition in her absence.  It is definitely different though, being alone on the walks without her warm hand, sweet personality and gentle smile.  I have gotten into the habit over the last few years of carrying my phone with me wherever I go… even from room to room in the house.  My kids and I decided that it was probably a good thing for me to do now that I am the only human in the house.

To my surprise, I realized a few weeks ago, about half way through one of our afternoon walks, that I had accidently left my phone on the couch where I had been sitting just a few moments before.  That was kind of a weird feeling.  The weather was very cold and dreary that day and there was absolutely no one in sight on the golf course or anywhere in the neighborhood.  That got me to thinking that if anything were to happen to me, that I could drop on the ground and no one would find me for hours!  I mean, Fiver’s a great dog… but I don’t think that he would do the Lassie trick and go find help… although you never know… he did warn me one time when Piper was in distress!

For some reason, that memory got me thinking about First Responders during my morning Bible study today.  I was reminded of the many times that I had called 911 in response to the multiple, sudden seizures that Piper experienced when we were still in California, before moving to North Carolina.  It got so that I knew the routine and could almost count the minutes before the fire-truck from the local station house pulled up in the parking area near our little cluster home.

One time though, it took longer than usual and I didn’t figure out why until they took Piper out to the ambulance where I noticed that the fire engine was from another station across town.  It turned out that it was a busy morning for emergency calls in the city and this station was the only one available for the call!

All that got me thinking about the emergency, 911 calls… or prayers, that I made to God, not only during Piper’s illness but throughout my life.  Similar to my calls to the city’s emergency dispatch, I got to know the routine and process that God employs when answering our calls for assistance.

Paul wrote about a part of that process when he instructed us believers to pray as he did, “that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination (or understanding), flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope (or expectation or confidence) of his calling…” (Ephesians 1:18 The Passion Translation)  The thought of praying and then believing that God would “illuminate the eyes of our imaginations” to things that He has called us to do has become an integral part of the foundation of my faith. 

You see, from my experience, as we continue to increase in our active knowledge of just how intimately Christ knows us and loves us (See: Ephesians 3:19 – God’s Word ©), we can be certain of His answering us with “all forms of wisdom and practical understanding” (Ephesans 1:8 - The Passion Translations).  His answers may not always come within a specified time frame, or come exactly the way we thought that they might come… but they WILL come!   And all along the way, He’ll give us the fortitude and strength we need to push on through the tough times! (See: I Corinthians 10:13)

So, let me ask you… Who is the First Responder that you expect to come to your side in times of trouble?  In our times of need during Piper’s health crises, it was always GOD FIRST and then the Doctor’s office, the on-call nurse from our insurance carrier or the 911 Emergency Dispatch.  What about you?

Have a great weekend and keep expecting God’s best for you and yours!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Good Memories!

I was sitting at my desk in the study earlier today when I glanced over to my left and settled my eyes on a picture of Piper and I that I had taken on one of our two-night, mid-week holidays that we took throughout the years.  After a while, I realized that I was lost in memory lane thinking about all the different places we went to, the different seasons of year we went and of the different experiences that were unique to each of those particular stays.

We started our mini-holiday adventures during the early years of our marriage at The Sea Ranch Lodge.  It was the go-to place for her parents when they wanted to get away, and the houses around the development were a favorite spot for her family’s summer vacations.  Piper and I had also gone to the Lodge for the first few days of our honeymoon. 

But as time went on, we began to look for other places like an Inn in Gualala, California, a rustic Christian run resort in the forest near the coast, further up in Mendocino County and a few other coastal resorts.  As our family grew though, we began looking closer to home and stayed at The Inn at The Tides in Bodega Bay two or three times, but soon settled into our favorite spot at the Fort Ross Lodge… where the picture I was looking at this morning was taken!

The Fort Ross Lodge wasn’t quite as fancy as the other places, but it definitely had its own, funky sort of vibe to it.  They even had a little store on the Highway where we could get essentials like toiletries and snacks as well as rent VHS videos for the in-room Video Cassette Players!  Piper and I had always been into starting new family traditions and staying here fit right into that mold.  It definitely wasn’t at the level of modern motif and refinement that her folks enjoyed.  So, it stayed unique and special to us… and we kind of liked that!

What I remembered and enjoyed the most about our mini-holidays alone, was that we could be fully, 100% focused on each other, totally undisturbed, without any interruptions.  For me… Piper was the main event… the only event (besides a little photography on our walks along the bluff over-looking the beautifully wild northern California coastline… of which she ended being in 95% of the pics!).  During those special vacations, my pleasure was to dedicate my time, energy and attention to her… and without any hesitation, I can say the same thing for her toward me!

All those heart-felt memories made me think of the Psalmist’s words written in Psalm 119:16 where David wrote from his heart declaring, “I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.” (KJV)  The connection between my memories and this particular verse is centered on the phrase “I will not forget.”  As written here, it means  “to not be oblivious to, to not ignore, to not neglect, to not lose out of one’s mind, or to not unwittingly allow a memory to go, to be ignorant of someone or something or not be unaware of someone or something.” (Strong’s in both Greek and Hebrew)

For David, his relationship with God was of utmost importance in his life.  The greatest dedication of his existence was that he not let anything nor any word of God slip away from his understanding, as well as from being a part of his daily life.  It is something he choose to continually grow within him and be the guiding light of everything he did!

And yes… while Piper’s and my times together on our mini-holidays only occurred once or twice and year, our close relationship is something that we made a priority every day of our lives.  We always made time to talk to each other, took regular walks around the neighborhoods we lived in and when time or finances were less than abundant… we’d go to a local fast-food establishment, grab a couple of burgers, find a quiet spot and enjoy a little time alone in the front seat of my Camaro… I mean what could be better than looking out over the long hood, moonlight filtering in through the T-Tops and the fragrance of leather seats… pretty romantic, right?

My point is that we never allowed ourselves to become oblivious to each other… just like we always sought to grow and develop our relationship with our heavenly Father.  Like anything else that’s special… it takes commitment, time and lots of regular effort!

When I look at the many pictures of my wife on the walls around my house, I quickly remember the close knit and wonderful relationship we had and of all the terrific times that we enjoyed together.  Likewise, when I open my Bible, I am reminded of the close knit and wonderful relationship that my Father God and I have had and will continue to develop every day!  How about you?

I hope that your day is going well and that you are continuing to EXPECT God’s Best for your life!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Red Lipstick and Other Idiosyncrasies…

I had something a bit funny… albeit embarrassing… happen to me yesterday morning.  I realized when the dog and I were about a quarter of the way on our walk to the park, that I had forgotten to put a belt on.  A few months ago, that would not have been a big deal, but since I’ve been losing weight, my pants have gradually gotten looser and looser around my waist.  I didn’t think much about it at first because I was wearing a new pair of pants that were a size smaller than all the other pants I currently own…

Well, I quickly learned that it was a problem as I found myself constantly tugging on my waist band!  Then on the way back it happened… before I knew it… my pants tried to make an escape down my legs!  Thank God for two different factors though… First of all, it was pretty dreary, windy and cold outside and no one in their right mind was out besides us, and secondly, my winter jacket is long enough that it covered anything uncovered by the quick shift of my pants!

It was then that I found myself laughing and getting upset at the same time when I uttered a loud… “Oh Come On!” and quickly threw my gloves on the ground and pulled the pants up!  From there I just gave up and hooked a finger on a belt loop and held on for dear life… all the way home!

I thought about that incident all day yesterday and was reminded about it once again during my Bible study time today.  What upset me the most was that I had simply forgotten to take care of something I should have known would happen.  This morning I read from Hosea 4:6 where the Prophet says of the Lord, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (KJV)  My favorite translation from my college days, The Living Bible, puts it this way stating, “My people are destroyed because they don’t know me.”

I often times find myself wondering how much better people’s lives could be, how many uncomfortable situations they could have avoided, and how many problems averted, had they KNOWN the will of God for their lives during the potentially negative times we all face on a regular basis?

I like how Psalms 119:16 tells us that “Your laws make me happy. I never forget your word.” (God’s Word ©)  The connection between our happiness and the act of never forgetting God’s Word excites me and entices me to seek for that goal… How About You?

The King James Version declares I will delight myself in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.”  I found it interesting that the phrase “I will delight myself” is actually one word in the Hebrew meaning “to look upon, to please or amuse yourself, to have a high degree of pleasure and enjoyment, or to caress lovingly and/or affectionately.” (Strong’s)  It sounds to me like it is an action or activity that should be enjoyable for someone to take part in… but is also something that takes commitment, a positive attitude and lots of regular effort and practice!

Don’t take this wrong… but that description immediately reminded me of Piper and I.  Bluntly said… we liked to touch each other… and we did it a lot!  We tended to hold hands everywhere we went… on walks, in the store, at church and in the car.  As soon as we sat down in the car, my right hand and her left automatically gravitated to the center console where we intertwined our fingers together!  Granted… the cars we had with manual transmissions made this activity a little more difficult… but we managed!

I realized one day when I was grocery shopping and pushing Piper along in her custom wheelchair with one hand, while I pulled the shopping cart behind me with the other, that I still made multiple efforts to reach out and make physical contact with her by touching her shoulder or her hands!  It was an enjoyable habit that we had developed over the years that was hard to stop… no matter what the circumstances presented!  Now that she had been promoted to heaven, I find myself touching her picture on the wall or occasionally touching a garment of hers that’s still hanging in the closet.  It’s just a positive way for me to connect with her memories.

I think that this is the way that the Lord wants us to know Him through His Word.  You could almost say that Piper and I could read each other like a book.  As she lost her ability to communicate under the influence of Alzheimer’s, I was still able to know what she needed, what she was probably thinking and what would best satisfy her particular needs… all because we had taken the time over the years to REALLY KNOW each other.

I got spoken to rather sharply from a very close relative of Piper's one Sunday at church, because of the red lipstick that I had put on her that morning.  And I had to suppress a laugh as the individual, who most likely should have known, seemed to forget that Piper LOVED red lipstick… and with her skin tone, it looked good on her!  But for me, it was simply one of the cute idiosyncrasies that were unique to Piper.  (like not liking to be upside down, nor being carried, only being ticklish around her knees, not wearing toe nail polish – on my request… weird right… and other things like only wearing nightgowns and not PJ’s etc) I knew those special things that were unique to her because over the years we spent A LOT of TIME together!

And that is the exact type of relationship that I am continually striving to have with God.  I like to think that I am actually reaching out and touching Him – and Him me - when I spend quality time with Him each day in His Word.  HOW ABOUT YOU?

Psalm 119:16 goes on to say that “I will not forget Thy word,” but we’ll talk about that in our next blog… until then, maybe you’ll want to think about your current relationship with the Lord.  If you’re like me, then you are always open to improvement in this department of your life!

Have a great beginning to this second month in this New Year of 2021!  Keep expecting God’s best and I know that you’ll want to shout with me: “ISN’T GOD GOOD!