Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, November 8, 2013

I Get To...

Philippians 2:14 in the Message Bible tells us to, “Do all things readily and cheerfully – no bickering, no second guessing allowed!”  Other translations say to do things without murmuring or grumbling.  I believe that this particular verse has four parts to its understanding.  First of all, it directs us to not complain about or second guess the directions that God gives us when we seek out His wisdom.  Secondly it calls out the mistake of grumbling when someone else asks you to do something be it a personal request or a requirement of the job.  I think it also covers our thoughts and words spoken when we see something that another individual has done that may be contrary to how we might have handled the situation.  And last of all, this command has to do with the attitude of our heart.

Another scripture with a similar twist is found in I Thessalonians 5:16-18.  Here Paul encourages us to “Always be joyful.  Never stop praying.  Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.” (God’s Word ©)  The key words or phrases in this statement are Always be, Never stop, Whatever happens, and God’s will.  By these definitive commands we can clearly see that this is to be a present tense, continuous lifestyle.  Or maybe more easily said, it is to be an attitude of the heart for us who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. 
This has really hit home for me over the last few years as I have become the 24 hour a day caregiver for my wife.  Sure I have help available when I need it, but when push comes to shove, the ultimate responsibility rests on me.  The real test and moment of truth has shown up when I am faced with a task that I must complete and I am exhausted or at the end of my emotional rope.  This is when the true attitude of my heart comes out.
I have come to learn that my giving of thanks to God, when I am physically or emotionally out of gas, has the power to change my attitude and give me the energy and the joy to do what needs to be done.  My personal giving of thanks, when no one else is around, when it comes down to just me and God, is the key that changes my thoughts from having to do something” to getting to do something!”  Maybe that doesn’t sound like a big change to you, but it makes an enormous difference in me and frees me to release my weaknesses to God and go forth empowered by His joyful and limitless strength, power and ability!
It is all about the attitude of my heart.  I can choose to either grumble, complain and second guess God and just prolong what I have to do anyway, or STOP before even considering this approach and go directly into thankful praise and suddenly find myself completing the task… with a smile on my face and the physical sense of exhaustion dissipated from my being!
Like I said, it is all about the route I choose to go.  Besides, the way I figure, what good would it be to complain.  There is no one around to listen to it except my wife and I love her enough to do it all for her and would NEVER want her to think that I was complaining about having to assist her in any way, shape or form (I want her to know that she can ALWAYS depend on me!) … so I choose thanksgiving and praise, make the effort to drag myself up from the couch at the end of the day and get going on the required business at hand!
Hebrews 13:5 tells us that “By him” we should offer up the sacrifice of praise which it defines as the fruit of our lips giving thanks to God.”  When it is an attitude of your heart, even when you don’t necessarily want to, Christ will give you the strength and ability to open up your mouth and sing forth your praise and thanksgiving so that you can be all that He has called you to be.
So, let me ask you.  What is the attitude of your heart today.  What is the first thing that you think or say when faced with stressful, emotional or distasteful responsibilities?  Is it thanksgiving and praise or grumbling and complaining?  Think about that this weekend and if your response is not what you may desire, simply ask the Lord for help and choose to allow Him to change the “I have to” to “I get to!”  Have a great weekend.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What ATTITUDE am I expecting to have today?”

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