Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Islands Of Rock

One thing that always impresses me about the northern California coast line around the Sea Ranch area is the rugged cliffs overlooking the ocean and the many huge, solid islands of rock that grace your view.  Day after day, and year after year those rocks take untold beating from the monstrous waves but yet they continue to stand and flourish with various kinds of plant life that seem to thrive in the cold water along with large varieties of sea urchins, mussels, crabs, star fish and other ocean creatures.  Every time I stand high above those anchors of the sea I tend to let my thoughts go as I consider all the ships that have passed by them over the years. 

I visualize the Spanish Galleons, the English Explorer Sir Francis Drake, and the Russian-American Company who recognized England’s claim of discovery and defied Spain’s claim of sovereignty over Alta California and established Fort Ross in 1812 on an unoccupied stretch of coastal land just south of what is now the Sea Ranch.  Then I employ the use of my 300mm lens as I wistfully capture the journeys of the tiny fishing fleets as they meander along the horizon while staying miles away from the beautiful but yet dangerous rocks near the shoreline.

The sight of those mighty monuments of strength rising from the mist of tumultuous waves also stirs my heart as I sing the words to the refrain of that powerful hymn:

“On Christ the solid Rock I stand;
 All other ground is sinking sand,
 All other ground is sinking sand.”

Then the first two verses add to the reality of all that He is to us throughout our lives:

“My hope is built on nothing less
 Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
 I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
 But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

 On Christ the solid Rock I stand;
 All other ground is sinking sand,
 All other ground is sinking sand.

 When darkness veils His lovely face,
 I rest on His unchanging grace;
 In every high and stormy gale,
 My anchor holds within the veil.

 On Christ the solid Rock I stand;
 All other ground is sinking sand,
 All other ground is sinking sand.”

Sometimes we may feel like our lives are similar to those rocks as we are beat upon by the waves of adversity and pain.  But just as they are unmovable to the unrelenting waters that they daily face, we too can be part of an unmovable force as we put our trust in the hands of the ONE who shed His precious blood for us.  Revelation 12:11 declares that we “overcome him (the devil and his attacks upon us and our loved ones) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their (our) testimony.” (KJV)

Therefore, the next time you are under attack, take a moment to consider the example of the mighty rocks in the ocean that take continual beatings, but yet always arise from the mist and the foam to declare their presence and their victory over the surrounding waves!  For:

“On Christ the solid Rock I stand!”

Have a great day.  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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