Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Hallelujah!  Today is the first official day of summer, my favorite season of the year.  I think that it is the fresh crisp mornings, the warm days and cool nights (at least that’s the usual weather pattern where we live as we normally receive the fog coming in from the coast a few miles to our west), the bright green lawns and shrubbery, all the gorgeous flowers and the delicious fresh vegetables picked right off the vine, that gets my vote for this time of year. 

In fact, my plan for today is to spend some time cleaning up the final few piles of cuttings left from my pre-summer clean up a week or so ago, sweeping the patio area, cleaning off the patio chairs and rearranging some of the potted plants in preparation for the wonderful times of solitude while my wife and I sit in the late afternoons, sip from cold glasses of Ice Tea or soda (or pop to those outside of California!) and enjoy the view.

Shortly after resigning from my position at the church a couple of weeks ago, the Lord made it very clear to me that I was to STOP and take some much needed time of R&R.  He likened it to the need to stop and get off the train before it sped out of control and derailed.  (Have you ever seen the movie “Unstoppable?” All the potential hazards that they faced came to mind as He spoke to my heart!)  He said that it was important to step out and back from everything that I had been doing and take whatever time necessary to reevaluate, refocus, and regain the proper perspective.  It was in this way that He told me that I would find the next step that He had planned for my wife and I to pursue.  And although it has been hard to do, I must admit that I have never had so much peace in a leading from the Lord, as I do now!

Now as I have been earnestly seeking Him through the Word and with much prayer, it feels as though I am back in Bible College.  Only this time without all the distractions of working forty hours a week at one job, mowing lawns on my days off, volunteering at the church, taking my wife back and forth to all the doctors’ appointments and helping my son and daughter adjust to our move and discover the Lord’s plans for their lives!

Each day I have been taking copious notes in two different binders as the Lord has been pouring out His revelations, instructions and encouragements to me.  Day by day the excitement and expectation has been growing within me.  This morning I was awakened by our dog’s uncharacteristic movements at the foot of our bed.  She was stirring around and then sat up and stared at me.  It was peculiar in that her ears were not peeked upright as if she had heard something, but she just sat there and looked at me as if she had something to tell me.  I reached out and petted her and she relaxed and laid back down, only to get up a few moments later and jump off the bed to lay in the doorway of our bedroom.

At that point I figured that I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the Lord was calling me to get up.  (Didn’t He use a donkey to get Balaam’s attention?)  So I arose from the bed, made some fresh coffee and began to pray in my heavenly language.  In I Corinthians 14:2 the Apostle Paul said that “he who prays in a tongue does not speak to men but to God” (NKJV) and I figured that since I didn’t know what this was all about that it was best to pray directly to Him in a language that He alone understands.  Later on in that same chapter it says that “He who speaks in a tongue edifies (builds, restores, and repairs) himself” (I Corinthians 14:4 NKJV), so I figured that was just the process that I needed anyway as I waited to hear the Lord’s plans for us.

When I entered my study I was impressed to get on my knees as I prayed.  I definitely felt like there was a need for prayer and as I prayed I mentally reviewed all the different situations happening in and around my wife and I to see if I got a tingle of recognition.  The only thing that kept coming up was that we were near the place of receiving God’s divine directions for our lives.  As I prayed the words from Matthew 6:10 from the Lord’s Prayer kept coming to mind saying “Thy kingdom come.  Thy will be done as it is in heaven.”  (KJV)  Then suddenly I found myself singing the words of the old hymn:

“Have thine own way, Lord!  Have thine own way!
 Thou art the Potter, I am the clay.
 Mold me and make me after they will,
 while I am waiting, yielded and still.

 Have thine own way, Lord!  Have thine own way!
 Search me and try me, Savior today!
 Wash me just now, Lord, wash me just now,
 as in they presence humbly I bow.

 Have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way!
 Wounded and weary, help me I pray!
 Power, all power, surely is thine!
 Touch me and heal me, Savior divine!

 Have thine own way, Lord!  Have thine own way!
 Hold o’er my being absolute sway.
 Fill with they Spirit till all shall see
 Christ only, always, living in me!  *

As I repeatedly sang the words, I began to realize that everything that I had been praying for was included in the lines of that song.  All the things that I have desired, all the hurts that I have endured, and most importantly of all, all the answers that I could record.  Let the words of this timeless tune be the call of your heart today as you seek to follow His way.  “Have thine own way, Lord!  Have thine own way!  You are the potter and I am the clay.”  Open up your heart to Him and allow Him to mold you and make you, and to hold over your being absolute sway.  “Power, all power, surely is thine,” let him fill you with His Spirit so that the world will see Christ only and always living in you. 

Have a great day.  Keep in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

Have Thine Own Way, Lord.  Words written by Adelaide A. Pollard, 1862-1934.  
   Music by George C. Stebbins, 1846-1945.

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