Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be You!

Yesterday I quoted from Adam Clarke’s commentary on the Bible concerning his scholarly thoughts on 2 Timothy 1:7.  In particular it covered the original intent for the statement that God has given us a sound mind.  The comment continues with a little more depth on all that the sound mind includes.  (Review these initial descriptions in the 2/14/12 posting entitled “The keys to Success.”)  Rev. Clarke states that “the apostle says, God hath given us the spirit of these things; they are not factitious (artificial or made up); they are not assumed for times and circumstances; they are radical powers and tempers; each produced by its proper principle.”

I looked up that word “radical” in Webster’s original 1828 dictionary as it would more accurately define the use of that term in the time period when it was written.  Simply stated, it means that these “things” or “powers” that are conducive with a sound mind, are part of the original package that God put into us that makes us unique and or different than anyone else.  So if we continue our discussion on our destiny or our calling, we can see through this thought that although others may have a similar calling on their lives, the actualization of the plan will most likely turn out totally different than yours or mine.  Because each of us has been given a unique personality and different circumstances to work with!

I tend to have the type of personality that likes to take the comical side of things when faced with various circumstances.  I normally get encouraging results with the humor I attach to my preaching, writing and overall forecast on life.  Most times this approach ends with positive outcomes, every-so-often though, it blows up in my face!  I once had a new manager call me on the carpet due to what he thought was my light-hearted attitude in the midst of a trying and tense period involving our production schedule.  He later apologized to me when he came to the realization that my approach was actually keeping the peace between the management and the hourly crew. 

Another incident occurred way back when I was working part time at the old local Sears store during my Junior College days.  On one summer evening a distraught customer came in to the Sporting Goods department where I worked demanding a refund on the 99 cent air mattress that she had purchased the previous summer, because it had sprung a leak over the winter.  My initial response to her was one of unbelief and I broke out in laughter stating “Well, what else would you expect from a 99 cent air mattress?”  I suddenly wished that I hadn’t been so cavalier when I saw the angry look on her face (as well as the shock that my co-worker displayed!)  I quickly got serious and told her that “of course we will refund her money” - although it was all I could do to keep a straight face!.

So what’s my point?  Don’t try to copy someone else!  God has given you special qualities that make you who you are.  Capitalize on those distinctions!  Live your life and pursue the dreams that God has placed in you with your own flavor or signature!  Don’t try to be like someone else because you’ll always find yourself coming up short.  Be who God called you to be!  Just remember to duck when the customer throws the air mattress at you! (just kidding!)  Have a great rest of the week.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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