Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, May 16, 2011

Personal Attention

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope that all of you had a blessed and enjoyable weekend.  Yesterday during our ministry at the convalescent hospital that I had mentioned to you a few weeks back, I felt led to share on Jesus’ ministry as the Good Shepherd.  In my opening statements I briefly discussed the comments that Jesus had made in John chapter 10, where He calls Himself the Good Shepherd.  Then I flowed into a verse by verse teaching on the 23rd Psalm.  The picturesque symbolism contained in this psalm is simply beautiful!  My main desire of yesterday’s instruction was to drive home to the folks who were present, the undeniable truth of how Jesus is there for them 24/7.  How He personally cares for each of them as a Shepherd cares for the many members of his flock.

At one point I used the example of the parable that Jesus had taught to the scribes and Pharisees concerning the shepherd who lost one of his sheep.  (you can read about this in Luke 15:1-7)  As you know, it is a compelling story of the shepherd’s overwhelming love for his flock.  It was exciting to me as I observed one of the more attentive members of the small congregation, suddenly have a wave of understanding come across her face.  Her entire countenance changed as she realized the depth of love that our Savior has for each of us.  That one moment made the whole experience yesterday a huge success in my eyes!

Early this morning as I lay in bed, I was suddenly reminded of the parable of the lost sheep.  The whole story began to unfold in my mind as if I were watching it at the movie theater.  The only difference was that the wayward sheep was me, and the shepherd was Jesus Himself.  The personal attention and concern that Jesus gave to me was a moving experience.  What I saw was that any problem, care or concern that we may have will draw Jesus, as the Good Shepherd, to seek us out and then offer to lend us a helping (or saving) hand.  NO problem is too small to catch His attention!  He cares for us that much!

The only catch is that we have to stop what we are doing and accept His assistance.  The ending verse of Psalm 23 points us to this conclusion.  Verse six in the New Living Bible says that “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”  The key word here is “pursue.”  God’s goodness and unfailing love continually follows after us, but we have to personally receive it.  The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, and He will NEVER force His way on anyone. 

Psalm 23:2 says that “he leads me beside the still waters.” (King James Version).  Other translations say “quiet” waters.  The waters represent the influences of the Holy Spirit.  As I have mentioned before, He talks to us in a small quiet voice.  It is very hard to hear that voice if we are busy doing our own thing.  We have the responsibility to stop, to quiet ourselves and then open our hearts to receive the loving care He longs to give us.

Jesus is saying to you today, that your current trials are important enough to Him, that He would leave the 99 in order to go to your side and personally minister to you!  How comforting it is to know that.  David said that “The Lord is MY Shepherd.”  (Psalm 23:1 King James Version)  He knew the personal attention of the Lord, and we can experience that same degree of intimacy as we yield our daily lives to Him.  Stay tuned and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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