Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lighting Up the Dark

Have you ever had one of those mornings where you are warm and cozy between the sheets and just want to stay there for an extra hour or two even though the clock says it’s time to get up?  Well… I had one of those often too infrequent days today!  I shouldn’t complain though, because I have finally had a few days in a row where I slept decently through the night.  And today all the parts of the puzzle seemed to be in place for some extra Zzz’s as I heard the pitter-pater of rain splashing on the roof and off the deck outside our bedroom window, the room was dark because of the cloudy weather, it was cool in the house and my wife was enjoying a deep restful slumber at my side.
But that inner check was still alert and strong as I felt the overpowering need to get up and spend some quiet time with the Lord before my wife woke up and I would need to focus on the tasks of the day before me.  So, with a slight grin and the words of Psalm 118:24 personalized on my lips, I tossed back the covers, lifted my feet over the side of the bed and quietly declared: “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!” (KJV-personalized)
After I had gotten dressed and the coffee brewed, I headed back down the hall with my insulated cup in hand and recalled my last thoughts before I closed my eyes last night and asked again. “What do I do next, Lord?”  Over the years I have learned not to confess that I don’t know what to do when I come up against walls in my life, but instead turn those thoughts into a positive statement of my ultimate trust in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in His guidance over my life.  With that request I recalled Jesus’ words concerning the Holy Spirit’s job when He said that the coming comforter, advisor and helper “will teach you all everything.  He will remind you of everything I have ever told you.” (John 14:26 God’s Word ©)  Then I settled into my comfy desk chair and opened up my bible to John chapter eight.
Low and behold, as I continued on from where I left off yesterday I read that: “Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again.  He said, ‘I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will have a life filled with light and will never live in the dark.” (John 8:12 God’s Word ©)  The Message Bible tells us that “No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness.  I provide plenty of light to live in.”  That particular paraphrase held a strong significance to me as I stumbled the other night and banged my right little toe against a piece of furniture and my foot still hurts!  I’m sure nobody that is reading this today has ever done that…
As I meditated on that truth I was suddenly filled with a peace (like the peace that Jesus said He will give us in John 14:27) and I slumped back in my chair and just began to thank Him for His care for me.  Our Christian walk isn’t about pushing through life trying to be in control of everything, but it is about releasing your pride and yielding your allegiance to Him.  As John Wesley wrote in reference to John 8:12 “He that closely, humbly, steadily follows after me (Jesus), shall have the divine light continually shining upon him, diffusing over his soul knowledge, holiness, joy, ‘til he is guided by it to life everlasting.”
You and I don’t have all the answers, and neither should we be expected to… but He does and freely gives them to us as we humble ourselves before Him, acknowledge His better judgment and humbly seek and obey Him.  You know what?  That takes all the pressure off of you and me to succeed and look good in other people’s eyes!  It means that even if we make a few mistakes along the way, that we can walk in His loving grace, pick ourselves up and humbly and yet boldly keep going… ‘cause our ultimate trust is in Him and not in our limited gifts and abilities!
Now as I look outside I notice that the sun has just broken through the dark clouds near our home and my personal abode is enveloped in the (or is it His) light!  That is what it is like to get His viewpoint on any direction you might need.  Even though it may not always come immediately, when it does come it is a bright contrast to the darkness that once surrounded you!  So, I encourage you to keep that in mind as you slog through your day.  The light of His wisdom and love that you humbly and steadily follow will always come and eventually enlighten your day.  Have a good day.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What or Whom am I expecting (to light up my day) today?”

1 comment:

  1. Very encouraging post. Particularly the part about not having to know all of the answers. I loved the photos! Blessings to you brother.


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