Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Not Everyone is a Dog Lover!

I had the pleasure of spending most of the day with my older daughter Jamie yesterday.  We had fun catching up, taking Fiver for a couple of walks, drinking coffee and sharing memories of her Mom.  It was somewhat warm yesterday and didn’t require much outer attire except for a sweater.  I think it was in the upper forties during our first walk in the morning and mid-fifties by our afternoon stroll… In other words, it was quite nice!

This morning’s walk was quite another story!  The forecast was for rain all day with chances of snow in the northern counties of Oklahoma above us.  When Fiver and I stepped out the font door just a little while ago, it was 37 degrees with 11 mph winds from the north (setting the wind chill at 30º) and it was beginning to rain.  Needless to say, it was a teeny-bit crisp out there!  But you know?  Call me weird… but I enjoyed it and I think that Fiver did as well.  He always seems to have a little bit of an extra bounce in his step when its cold or snowy outside. 

On the way back from the pond, we passed a lady who walks through the neighborhood on a daily basis.  We’ve only spoken a few times but never really stopped to have a deeper conversation… and today I realized why!  She’s afraid of Fiver!  Today we had to pass each other on a narrow curve in the path and as we came together, I immediately reeled in Fiver close to me, as I normally do when passing others.  When we met, she quickly back-peddled away from him as he attempted to greet her.  I said good morning to her and she smiled and simply said, “Oh!  He always wants to come to me!” To which I replied that he was very friendly, as she picked up her pace a little and retreated away from us.

I could have sworn that as we continued in the direction we were heading, that Fiver turned his head and looked up at me as if to say, “What was that all about?  I just wanted to say hello!”  As we continued along the fence separating us from the golf course heading up to our street, I told Fiver that “Not everyone is a dog person, and we just have to respect them for that.”  Well, I’m not sure that he understood what I was saying or not, but it got me to thinking that what had just happened was a microcosm of something that seems to be taking center stage in our country today.

Yes, not everyone is a dog lover… but does that make them a bad person because they don’t think like me?  Absolutely not!  I respect those who aren’t comfortable around dogs.  After all I don’t know their life’s experiences, maybe there was some event with a dog in their past that gave them good reason to be wary of our four-footed friends. 

Almost daily now, I read of people in the news making derogatory comments about people simply because they think differently than their group… or worse yet… had the audacity to vote for a candidate that they strongly dislike.  I’ve come to the conclusion that there are powers in our society that are doing their best to rapidly turn us into a GRACE-LESS” nation!

When I think on this subject, I can’t help but remember Paul’s words to the churches at Ephesus and Colossae, when he declared that “Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of his overflowing kindness (grace).” (Ephesians 1:7, see also Colossians 1:22-23)  I believe that he is stating that God in His love for us, continually works to forgive us and love us when we fail in our everyday lives.  In my way of thinking, that is telling me that if God does that for me, then I need to show the same courtesy toward others who may wrong me or even think differently than I do!

Some of the memories of Piper that my daughter and I reminisced about yesterday, reminded me of some of the hurtful actions and words that came against us when Piper was sick by people who disagreed with our actions of faith.  When Peter asked Jesus how many times, he was supposed to forgive someone, Jesus replied "I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:21-22 God’s Word ©)  When you do he math… that comes to 490 times!  Well, after what we went through and the gut-wrenching lessons I learned as my wife’s health deteriorated, I’ve had to tap into that 490 times quite often… including yesterday!  But, I don’t really think that Jesus was putting a specific number or limit on grace-filled forgiveness.  I truly believe that He was teaching us to adopt a lifestyle of GRACE!

I had another opportunity to exercise His GRACE this morning!  I will admit that it always tends to irritate me when I see people miss-quoting scriptures to fit their argument… and today I came across another such incident on my Facebook feed.  But, thank God, I caught myself before I let it get me into a tizzy!  Somehow… I quickly thought about His Grace, and my frustration and irritation turned into understanding, grace toward the individual and peace for me.

What if our politicians did that today?  What if you and I did that every time we stepped out the door, watched the news, went to church or saw someone wearing something, doing or saying something in the parking lot of the grocery store or mall… that we didn’t agree with?  Whoa!  I think we could start a revolution… or better yet a revival! 

Hummm… what do you think?  Just saying…

Have a great week, and as you do, think about how you would expect to react when faced with something or someone you don’t agree with!

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