Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, January 10, 2020


We are preparing for a real humdinger of a storm to blow in out here… starting any minute now!  I took Fiver out for his long walk earlier than normal this morning so that we could beat the rain and thunderstorms, although we did find ourselves in a quick shower when we got to the neighborhood pond! 

Now, a couple of hours later, the sun has pretty much disappeared and the grey skies are getting darker every time I look out the window.  The are also some rumblings being heard behind the clouds.  It looks like it’s gonna be a wild weather day!  In fact, I just got an alert of a Tornado Watch for our county and the counties all around us.  I’m sure a Severe Thunderstorm warning will soon follow.  And tomorrow… we’ll go from the mid-sixties and get our first snowfall of the season… anywhere from .5 to 1.5 inches with a daytime high of 30 degrees.  THEN on Sunday… it will be sunny skies in the mid-fifties!  Go figure huh?

So, what are we going to do with all these scary reports coming in? (Yep… just got the Severe Thunderstorm warning…)  Well, I’m prepared.  I went to the Word this morning and got the inside scoop… the 411 on what I should be expecting.  Colossians 1:26-27 tells us, “In the past God hid this mystery, but now he has revealed it to his people.  God wanted his people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery-which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory.” (God’s Word ©)  Pretty clear right?  Okay… Okay… let me break it down!

The word “hope” in these verses means “expectation” (which is one of my favorite words and activities in the Bible, if you haven’t figured that out by now!).  So, what are we supposed to be expecting?  Well… let’s take a peek at that word “glory.”  Thayer’s explains that “in the New Testament it is always a good opinion concerning one, resulting in praise, honor and glory; magnificence, dignity and grace.”  The Cambridge Bible relates that the word glory “so used, gives us the thought not only of greatness, wonder and bliss, but of God as the secret of it all.”

My thought on all that information?  I wrote in my notes this morning that “with all of this going on in Him (Who is living on the inside of us), how could ANY Christian not be rejoicing and at peace in the midst of any potential threat?”  Let’s see, what were the words to one of Piper’s favorite songs that she played on the piano quite often, written by Annie Herring and sung by The Second Chapter of Acts?  Oh yeah…

“Why should I worry? 

     Why should I fret,

     ‘cause I’ve got a Mansion Builder

     who ain’t through with me yet.” ♫ *

Those lyrics say it all don’t they?  Ah… I can see Piper sitting at her piano playing that song from one of her numerous Second Chapter of Acts music books… that I still have and kept on the piano when we lived in North Carolina!  

Think about it… God is living inside of us with all His honor, glory, magnificence, dignity, grace, greatness, wonder and bliss.  And on top of all those GOOD REPORTS… He ALWAYS has a GOOD OPINION about YOU and ME and about all HIS good works!

So, what do you think?   Is worry, anxiety and fear in my emergency storm bag that I keep handy in these types of situations?  The answer to that question is simply NO!

My unmovable, childlike trust is in HIM!  How about you?

Have a great weekend.  I’m looking forward to seeing the snow tomorrow  Stay safe out there and keep the eyes of your expectations on Him!

*Mansion Builder, released in 1978, is the third studio album from contemporary Christian music group 2nd Chapter of Acts, their first for the recently created Sparrow Records. Members of 2nd Chapter of Acts' touring band, a band called David, also perform on this album. (Wikipedia)

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