Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, September 20, 2019


I was looking at a calendar this morning and realized that this is going to be the last weekend of summer for 2019.  The Autumnal equinox will occur on this coming Monday, September 23rd, at 2:40 AM out here in Central Time.  It occurs at the same moment worldwide, so just adjust for your local time zone. 

According to The Farmer’s Almanac, “The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, “night.” On the equinox, day and night are roughly equal in terms of length.  During the equinox, the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension into space of Earth’s equator line. The equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line.”*  Immediately following this event, nights begin to grow longer than the days up until the December solstice on December 21st.

In the words of American poet Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt (1836-1919), this time of year is best described as: “It is the summer’s great last heat, It is the fall’s first chill: They meet.” (Ibid, The Old Farmer’s Almanac)

Well, I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to the upcoming changes and the fall weather in my neck of the woods!  Out here in middle America, it usually means more moderate temperatures, little to no humidity and hopefully… some camping adventures! What do you like most about the fall season?

And speaking of changes… I had the thought while letting the hot water from the shower beat down on my neck this morning, that with the attack of Alzheimer's upon my wife, the enemy of our souls literally stole two of some of the most enjoyable parts of Piper’s and my marriage.  The first was our ability to talk to each other, which we always could do for hours on end - beginning from the very moment we got together in high school! 

Some of my most memorable times spent with Piper were sitting in the car in the parking lot at the old Yard Birds store on the hill overlooking western Santa Rosa while munching on a couple of burgers and just talking!  It didn’t matter if it was sitting in the car watching the rain on the ocean at Bodega Bay, driving to Food For Less for family groceries or staring at the ceiling as we laid next to each other in bed… talking with her was simply a joy and a great blessing!  

We could share anything, talk about almost any subject and dream big dreams together!  Back when you had to pay for the amount of time you talked on the phone, we racked up some unexpectedly high bills on my first cell phone due to our lunch time conversations when I worked at Unruh’s Photography store for a few years!

The second thing that the devil stole was Piper’s beauty!  As most of you know… to me, she was always the most beautiful individual that God ever created!  From the moment we walked into the dining room at The Sea Ranch Lodge on the first night of our honeymoon, I just knew that every eye in the room was looking at her… and then afterwards, every time we walked into any room for the next 40 years.  

And you know… I know that she knew that as well!  She understood that I was head-over-heels for her and was proud of that fact!  I also think that she played up that role as well!  I can recall many times over the years when I would come up behind her and put my arms around her as she stood in front of the full-length mirror on her dresser, and together be silently absorbed with the view before us.

Later as I thought about all this when I sat down to study my Bible, my mind was infiltrated with the words “Stay Alert!” and I immediately turned to I Peter 5:8 from the Good News Bible where the Apostle warns us to Be alert, be on watch! (for) Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”  Those words triggered some anger in me as I began to consider if there was more that I could have done… What did I miss going on in our lives before the physical symptoms began to manifest?  Were there signs I failed to see?

But as I reflected to back to then, I could see how this attack took us completely by surprise!  Sure, there were signs and we followed up with her doctor, but nothing pointed to dementia as Piper was always physically strong, sharp as a tack and quick on her feet… and especially proficient in juggling many activities at the same time!

As I delved further into the “What if’s” this morning, I realized once again, that I can never go back to those set of events and that time in my life but can only move forward with a greater understanding and a whole lot of experience under my belt!

If I can say one thing to you and me today, it would be to “STAY ALERT” to the wiles of the enemy around you and the ones you love.  He will try to sneak in and steal from you those things that are most important to you!  So stay in the Word, stay in prayer, continue to walk in line with God and His ways and stay alert to the spiritual forces activity working beyond your physical sight!

I really like the way the Bible in Basic English puts our verse today as it bluntly declares for us toBe serious and keep watch; the Evil One, who is against you, goes about like a lion with open mouth in search of food.”  I’ve learned my lesson!  I learned the hard way when it comes to being serious about the attacks of the evil one and the means and lengths that he will go to in order to steal, kill and destroy those in our lives.  (See: John 10:10)  Don’t make the same mistake I did!  Rise up, take God and His Word seriously and take your stand for life… the one that has God’s life prolifically growing in, through and for you!

That’s what I’m expecting… how about you?  Have a great weekend!


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