I was just taking my dog out for a morning walk around the
complex when we came around a corner and found ourselves walking through a
gauntlet of barking dogs! We couldn’t
actually see any of them, but the sounds were coming from the backyards of the neighborhood
just outside the gated side entrance to our right and then as if in reply, from
the dogs somewhere behind the drawn blinds in the apartments to our left. And in the middle of it all was the jingle of
Fiver’s various tags around his neck! After
a few more steps I found myself humorously singing a spontaneous tune about “♪
Dogs barking on the left, dogs barking on the right and Fiver jingling in the
middle! ♫
What can I say? I guess I had prayed myself into a good mood
this morning! I woke up, once again,
feeling rather bland and empty, which has kind of been the norm since my perky
companion exited the earthly scene over a year ago. But a cup of coffee and a peaceful session with
my Bible, notebook and computer Bible Study program* on the balcony
seemed to set things aright once more. I
can’t even begin to describe how refreshing it felt out there this
morning. It was a little after eight,
the thermometer was probably pushing into the high seventies and there was a
nice breeze blowing over us. I don’t
know why, but it was really special there today!
I’ve had a lot of ups and downs
since I moved out here in the middle of June.
To be perfectly honest… more downs than ups… but the ups are
getting more frequent! Praise the
Lord! Fiver and I jumped into
the car late yesterday afternoon as I just felt like I needed to get out. So, we headed over to the new house. The close date got pushed out another 30 days. Due to the seller’s Reverse Mortgage, HUD got
involved and while our original contract is still valid, there are some other
parts of the process that have changed.
All the final signed paperwork from all parties was submitted last week,
so now we are just waiting for HUD to finish up!
I hadn’t been by there for a couple of weeks and I needed to
give my vision a shot in the arm! I don’t
need to be out of the apartment until the middle of December which means that
there is no rush to get into the house.
I just want to start all the little “giving it my touch” projects
that I have in mind before we actually move in.
My plan to be in the new house before Thanksgiving still stands.
Driving to northeast Broken Arrow, where the house is, was a
good plan. It boosted my resolve for I
firmly believe that this place is to be our new home. Following the quick drive by (I noticed
that the lawn needs to be mowed… so I called my realtor this morning…) we
headed to the Braums restaurant/ice-cream shop near the apartment to pick up
some dinner. And you know? A weird thing happened when I got home and
opened the bag. Besides the burger and
fries there was a hot fudge Sunday in there!
Boy was that ever good. On
my LCHF diet (where I allow myself a spurge on the weekends) I don’t get
a lot of these types of deserts. I can’t
remember the last time I ordered… I mean found… one of these!
Ephesians 1:12 tells us that through Christ, God planned all
the plans that He has for us, “so that we who had already focused
our hope (or expectation) on Christ would praise him and give him
glory.” (God’s Word ©) As I continue to delve deeper and deeper into
Piper’s and my past history, I am seeing that we actually followed a central
plan throughout our lives. Simply put,
we lived a life of expectancy.
We tended to always be expectant of God’s best for our
lives. That expectancy was based
on a few foundational pieces that we sought to continually develop throughout
our lives… and especially during those difficult last eight years of Piper’s
earthly presence.
Some of those foundational pieces were our childlike
faith in God and His Word, intimately knowing the love of God for us
and when push-came-to-shove to believe His Word more than that of man’s…
no matter how intellectual man’s argument was… and to be brutally honest… or how stupid they tried to make us feel! People would sometimes look at us like we had
a screw loose when we believed God and took action that was simply based
on what His Word said.
Their reaction often times confused me and I would counter
their response with the Word where Jesus Himself told us in Mark 10:15 “Assuredly,
I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child
will by no means enter it." (EMTV) According to Thayer’s Greek
Definitions, the word “receive” not only signifies the initial reception
of God’s salvation but also the way we live it.
Nine times out of ten their come back began with the words… “Yeah,
To me (and this is my personal opinion here) that
reply suggests that there is some doubt and unbelief
in their response, most likely due to some personal experience. We always thought it best to learn from
personal experiences that may have not gone as smoothly as we had hoped they
would. We would make whatever
personal adjustments we felt were necessary and then continue to follow what we
always considered to be the Word of truth.
So… there I was… singing to the dogs as we strolled
through the middle of the parking area in our apartment complex this morning! What do you think about that?
I am thankful for His goodness, His peace, His joy and the
ability to be silly in the midst of the many unplanned changes in my life! How would or do you handle it?
Have a great week, and as you do, sing with me… ♪ “There
may be dogs on the right and dogs on the left but I’m expecting God’s best to
give me some rest!” ♫
*e-Sword (https://e-sword.net/)