Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, September 30, 2019

♪ Dogs on the Right and Dogs on the Left ♫

I was just taking my dog out for a morning walk around the complex when we came around a corner and found ourselves walking through a gauntlet of barking dogs!  We couldn’t actually see any of them, but the sounds were coming from the backyards of the neighborhood just outside the gated side entrance to our right and then as if in reply, from the dogs somewhere behind the drawn blinds in the apartments to our left.  And in the middle of it all was the jingle of Fiver’s various tags around his neck!  After a few more steps I found myself humorously singing a spontaneous tune about “♪ Dogs barking on the left, dogs barking on the right and Fiver jingling in the middle! ♫

What can I say?  I guess I had prayed myself into a good mood this morning!  I woke up, once again, feeling rather bland and empty, which has kind of been the norm since my perky companion exited the earthly scene over a year ago.  But a cup of coffee and a peaceful session with my Bible, notebook and computer Bible Study program* on the balcony seemed to set things aright once more.  I can’t even begin to describe how refreshing it felt out there this morning.  It was a little after eight, the thermometer was probably pushing into the high seventies and there was a nice breeze blowing over us.  I don’t know why, but it was really special there today!

I’ve had a lot of ups and downs since I moved out here in the middle of June.  To be perfectly honest… more downs than ups… but the ups are getting more frequent!  Praise the Lord!  Fiver and I jumped into the car late yesterday afternoon as I just felt like I needed to get out.  So, we headed over to the new house.  The close date got pushed out another 30 days.  Due to the seller’s Reverse Mortgage, HUD got involved and while our original contract is still valid, there are some other parts of the process that have changed.  All the final signed paperwork from all parties was submitted last week, so now we are just waiting for HUD to finish up!

I hadn’t been by there for a couple of weeks and I needed to give my vision a shot in the arm!  I don’t need to be out of the apartment until the middle of December which means that there is no rush to get into the house.  I just want to start all the little “giving it my touch” projects that I have in mind before we actually move in.  My plan to be in the new house before Thanksgiving still stands.

Driving to northeast Broken Arrow, where the house is, was a good plan.  It boosted my resolve for I firmly believe that this place is to be our new home.  Following the quick drive by (I noticed that the lawn needs to be mowed… so I called my realtor this morning…) we headed to the Braums restaurant/ice-cream shop near the apartment to pick up some dinner.  And you know?  A weird thing happened when I got home and opened the bag.  Besides the burger and fries there was a hot fudge Sunday in there!  Boy was that ever good.  On my LCHF diet (where I allow myself a spurge on the weekends) I don’t get a lot of these types of deserts.  I can’t remember the last time I ordered… I mean found… one of these!

Ephesians 1:12 tells us that through Christ, God planned all the plans that He has for us, “so that we who had already focused our hope (or expectation) on Christ would praise him and give him glory.” (God’s Word ©)  As I continue to delve deeper and deeper into Piper’s and my past history, I am seeing that we actually followed a central plan throughout our lives.  Simply put, we lived a life of expectancy.  We tended to always be expectant of God’s best for our lives.  That expectancy was based on a few foundational pieces that we sought to continually develop throughout our lives… and especially during those difficult last eight years of Piper’s earthly presence. 

Some of those foundational pieces were our childlike faith in God and His Word, intimately knowing the love of God for us and when push-came-to-shove to believe His Word more than that of man’sno matter how intellectual man’s argument was… and to be brutally honest… or how stupid they tried to make us feel!  People would sometimes look at us like we had a screw loose when we believed God and took action that was simply based on what His Word said. 

Their reaction often times confused me and I would counter their response with the Word where Jesus Himself told us in Mark 10:15 “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it." (EMTV) According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions, the word “receive” not only signifies the initial reception of God’s salvation but also the way we live it.  Nine times out of ten their come back began with the words… “Yeah, but…” 

To me (and this is my personal opinion here) that reply suggests that there is some doubt and unbelief in their response, most likely due to some personal experience.  We always thought it best to learn from personal experiences that may have not gone as smoothly as we had hoped they would.  We would make whatever personal adjustments we felt were necessary and then continue to follow what we always considered to be the Word of truth.

So… there I was… singing to the dogs as we strolled through the middle of the parking area in our apartment complex this morning!  What do you think about that? 

I am thankful for His goodness, His peace, His joy and the ability to be silly in the midst of the many unplanned changes in my life!  How would or do you handle it?

Have a great week, and as you do, sing with me… “There may be dogs on the right and dogs on the left but I’m expecting God’s best to give me some rest!” ♫

*e-Sword  (https://e-sword.net/)

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Decision, the Answer and the Outcome...

I could really feel the changing of the seasons in the air as I sat on the balcony early this morning while I sipped some hot coffee and began to read from my Bible.  There was a breeze blowing, the tops of the trees below me were swaying and I had to make sure that everything on the little table next to me… mainly the tasty donut hole sitting on napkin… wasn’t going to end up down on the walkway in front of our building!  Except for the bee that kept buzzing near me, it was the perfect beginning to what’s looking to be a great day!

I may have mentioned before that I have recently gotten into the habit of beginning my daily Bible study by reading and making a personal confession of the Ephesian prayers that Paul prayed in Ephesian 1:17-23 and Ephesians 3:16-21.  I usually wet my appetite though, by first reading Ephesians 1:3-14.  There is so much meat in those eleven verses, that it sometimes takes me up to an hour before I get to the prayers that follow!

Many times I find myself literally stuck on verse twelve where Paul, in discussing the plans that God the Father has for each of us, declares: “He planned all of this so that we who had already focused our hope (or more accurately translated: ‘expectations’) on Christ would praise him and give him glory.” (God’s Word ©)

As I have begun to delve into this book project telling the story of Piper’s and my journey, I have noticed a reoccurring pattern that we followed throughout our life together... and in many ways it seems to line up with Ephesians 1:12!  One of my directives for the book is to mark the experiences and decisions that we made throughout our time that formed many of the vital pieces of the puzzle of our life together.  In other words, the cornerstones that set the foundation of who Piper and I became and caused us to make the decisions that we did.

I am beginning to see that we followed the hunger that was in us from practically day one, to follow and increase in the things and ways of God.  If I am to be truthful, I am not seeing times where we ever retreated from that course of action.  I am also beginning to realize that some of our greatest times of creativity and growth came in the midst of the toughest times in our lives.  That even though we were being pushed to the very limits of our faith, our continual steps in the right direction kept the door open to His anointing in our lives.

And again, I have to be honest with you today, this revelation brought tears and then rounds of praise from me as I attempted to fry an egg for breakfast!  I have mentioned in previous posts that I have tended to fight a lack of self-confidence throughout most of my life and that I have hung on to… for dear life at times… verses like Joshua 1:9, 2 Timothy 1:7 and Philippians 4:13 to give me the strength to stand up and do some the things that the Lord had called us to do for Him.  Having to make many of the difficult decisions for Piper’s care in the midst of some very hurtful words and accusations didn’t help the cause… but it did have the opposite effect of strengthening my resolve to follow what we continued to believe was God’s best plan for us.

But I still had to deal with some of those awful feelings of self-doubt and condemnation that would attempt to rise up within me.  Today though, I felt a freedom from those all-too-familiar deceptions from the enemy of our souls!  In some respects, I can look back today and sense that if anything, those less than encouraging words were actually proof that we WERE following the right directives!

So, what is the point of all this today?  Simply that God always rewards those of us who are faithful to Him and His Word.  I see many of the same tactics of deceit being employed in our current political theater here in the US.  But after what Piper and I went through… I firmly believe that the truth will always prevail… just like it always did for us!

Perhaps you are going through a trial or tribulation today.  Maybe there are words and or actions that are being taken against you and what you believe to be the truth.  My recommendation is to NOT give up, but instead to dig deeper into your Bible… into God’s Word and stand firm on what HE says in difference to the opposite of what other voices around you may be shouting to you.  Let that Bible of yours become your best friend… and never leave home without it!  You would never find Piper without a little green Gideons New Testament in her purse.  And today with the many Bible apps for your phone available, it’s even easier!

The decision, the answer and the outcome of your battle is in your hands!  What are you gonna do about it?

Have a great weekend and as you do say with me… “I am expecting to stand… and then stand some more on the truth of God’s Word for whatever I need today!”

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New Season Traditions...

When I took the dog out around 9:00 pm for his last walk of the evening last night, I almost (key word here - almost!) felt a little chilly!  I think this fall thing is about to get serious.  I was even tempted yesterday while grocery shopping to pick up one of the pumpkin spice candles that seemed to be displayed on every other endcap at the store.  I am excited about the new weather patterns, the colorful leaves falling down around us, the fresh fragrances of nature in the air and yes… even of the Christmas decorations that are already starting to flood into the stores!

It is hard for me to believe that all the nuances of this fall and the holidays ahead will be the second time that I’ll experience them without Piper.  I was looking at a picture of her on the wall in the bedroom this morning and was thinking that I am still having a difficult time accepting the fact that she’s not going to come through the front door again this fall with her signature red coat, blue jeans and white jogging shoes on.  I know she won’t… but it is still hard to grasp the full reality of it just yet!

It has repeatedly been suggested to me over the years that I have been writing the over 1,750 blog posts, that I write a book about Piper’s and my experience.  Lately I have felt a release inside of me to begin that process.  So, I have been jotting down notes, written a bunch of pages and have been caught up in a continual wave of pleasant but at the same time, very painful memories.  I’ll think of an event in our past, smile and then break down.  I can tell that this is going to be a LONG process!  I have also been praying that it will be a very healing process.

It has been good for Fiver though, as he has reaped the benefit of me taking him on a lot more and a lot longer walks each day when I find that I need to step away from my laptop and go outside for a breath of fresh air!  The practice of going outside for some activity when feeling tired, restless or just needing a break was long-ago engraved into my DNA when I was a kid.  Whenever I would get restless or lazy when I was growing up, my Mother would strongly encourage me to “go outside and play… ride your bike… toss a ball with your friends… go out and DO something!”

It was always sort of a joke with Piper and I when we first started dating as she had been basically taught that a good nap was the answer under similar situations.  Needless to say, we bumped heads a few times on that one, but I have to admit as I’m sure our kids would attest to, that she soon changed her mind and became quite an advocate for walks and other outside activities!  That was one of the main reasons that I would bring her and her wheelchair out and about with me every day, no matter if it was 95 or 35 degrees with snow on the ground outside!  We did that until she became bedridden during her last week with us.  I would betcha any amount that she is joyously and gloriously taking daily walks as I write this post, enjoying all the beauty of His holiness that is surrounding her in heaven!

2 Chronicles 20:21 tells us that: After he (King Jehoshaphat) had advised the people, he appointed people to sing to the LORD and praise him for the beauty of his holiness. As they went in front of the troops, they sang, ‘Thank the LORD because his mercy endures forever!’" 

I couldn’t get away from the picture of The Beauty of His Holiness while I was doing my morning Bible Study earlier today. I wasn’t necessarily thinking about His beauty in heaven, but about how much His beauty shines forth from people on this earth who actively walk in the holiness of His Word and statutes.  I believe that this is the reason that I felt Piper always looked so attractive to me… even as the symptoms of Alzheimer’s distorted her facial features and withered away her body.  

I’ve mentioned before how it would surprise me when I’d look at the screen on the back of my Digital SLR camera after taking a picture of her in the last few years of her life.  It would surprise me because that’s NOT how I saw her when I looked at her.  I tended to see her through the eyes of the spirit.  I always had my eyes focused on the REAL Piper on the inside!  I also believe that this is why it hurt me so much when I would see people who knew her before, look at her with fear, pity and overwhelming sadness in their eyes.  It was pretty clear that they didn’t see what I saw… 

I recently heard an introduction to a song that Gloria Gather (the wife of well-known Southern Gospel song writer, singer and musician Bill Gather) made at a church where she said that even though she personally had known many of the people there for a long time, that to her, they never seemed to grow old because she had gotten to know them through their spirits on the inside and that the aging on the outside had no part of what she saw in them.

Isn’t that a cool way to think about the people you know?  That’s the way I want to look at folks… to see them through the beauty of God’s holiness in them!  and if what you see isn’t all that beautiful… then maybe it is time to encourage them with the Word of God and/or introduce them to the One who could become their personal Savior and Lord.*

That seems like a New Season challenge to me… What do you think?  Who knows… it could become a new FALL TRADITION for you and your family!

Have a great rest of your week, and as you do, consider saying with me… “I am expecting to take on the challenge of encouraging and blessing those around me this Fall!”

*See Romans 10:9

Monday, September 23, 2019

Uniquely Qualified

Did you feel it?  When you stepped outside this morning, did you feel that tint of crispness in the air that comes with the arrival of fall?  I sure did!  I noticed it as soon as Fiver and I stepped out from the covered breezeway of our apartment building a little after 7:00 AM, when we went out for his morning constitutional!  Then, an hour or so later, I basked in it while enjoying a cup of hot java while I read my Bible and took down notes of the thoughts that seemed to be barraging me from every direction!

I love it!  Fall has always signified CHANGE to me and especially so this year.  As is usual for me, many of those thoughts on the porch this morning centered around Piper.  At first, I was pondering the idea of how much she changed my life and the direction that I was heading.  But then pictures of my childhood flashed across my mind and I realized that she didn’t necessarily upend and change my life but rather was the perfect enhancement for what God was already doing in me!

It dawned on me that I had a pretty good childhood… as did she.  We both got to do a multitude of the things we enjoyed and explore and develop potential gifting's and talents that I believe God was fine-tuning as a part of His future plans for us.  When I look back at how our interpersonal relationship and leadership teamwork seemed to take off from almost day one, I realized that we were uniquely qualified for each other… as I also believe are most other Christian couples.

We both had the ability, inherent freedom and strong desire to dream and to dream big… and then run with them once we felt led of the Lord to do so!  I think this freedom to pursue when others might hold back was partially due to our pioneering spirits, but more importantly, because of our child-like faith in God and His Word coupled with our excitement about the potential of living the life that God in His Word says that His children can live.

But you know… my life isn’t yours and yours isn’t mine!  I firmly believe that God sets different and unique gifts, talents, leanings and qualifications into to each of us for the specific plans and purposes He has for us.  2 Corinthians 3:5 informs us that “By ourselves we are not qualified in any way to claim that we can do anything. Rather, God makes us qualified.” (God’s Word ©)  God has uniquely qualified you and me to fulfill the plan that He has designed purposely for each of us in this life… and when we follow and work that plan, it tends to work out the way that He intended it to!  (See: Ephesians 1:10-11)

As I looked back at Piper this morning and counted her many talents, abilities and heartfelt dreams, I saw that they became her passion to be a stay-at-home Mom who homeschooled our children, to be the best wife and Mom she could be as well as a minister of the Gospel in the churches that were the center of our social lives.  But through it all, I also realized that I had a large part to play in it... as she did in encouraging me in the gifting's, abilities, dreams and passions that God had put into me as well.  

Let’s face it here… not everyone could put up with me… and as much as I thought that Piper was the perfect women... not everyone would have been willing to encourage her intricacies as she pursued her life dreams and passions either!  I mean, some people within our own families didn’t see what we saw in each other or always support our goals!  That’s exactly why (and I am most certain that Piper would agree) God put Piper Canevari and Jim Berruto together!  

But like other thing that are worthwhile in this life… it took work!  We served under a Pastor for about six years who would always say that ministry is spelled W-O-R-K!  The same could be said for successfully accomplishing the dreams, passions and goals that God has set before us in our marriages.  One of the ways that spouses love each other is to support one another with regular encouragement as well as personal involvement within their gifts and talents, dreams and passions.  Speaking from personal example… it is not only profitable for one’s marriage and the attainment of your spouse’s personal goals and self-esteem, but it is also a lot of FUN!

And I like FUNhow about you?  There was hardly anything as special as seeing my wife break into a big smile when I encouraged or supported her in the activities that were important to her.  Do you get the same kind of comfort and joy with the interactions you have with your spouse? 

Have a great week as we begin this new fall season.  Give your spouse a hug, tell ‘em you love them and let them know that what they like to do is important to you!

Friday, September 20, 2019


I was looking at a calendar this morning and realized that this is going to be the last weekend of summer for 2019.  The Autumnal equinox will occur on this coming Monday, September 23rd, at 2:40 AM out here in Central Time.  It occurs at the same moment worldwide, so just adjust for your local time zone. 

According to The Farmer’s Almanac, “The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, “night.” On the equinox, day and night are roughly equal in terms of length.  During the equinox, the Sun crosses what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension into space of Earth’s equator line. The equinox occurs precisely when the Sun’s center passes through this line.”*  Immediately following this event, nights begin to grow longer than the days up until the December solstice on December 21st.

In the words of American poet Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt (1836-1919), this time of year is best described as: “It is the summer’s great last heat, It is the fall’s first chill: They meet.” (Ibid, The Old Farmer’s Almanac)

Well, I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to the upcoming changes and the fall weather in my neck of the woods!  Out here in middle America, it usually means more moderate temperatures, little to no humidity and hopefully… some camping adventures! What do you like most about the fall season?

And speaking of changes… I had the thought while letting the hot water from the shower beat down on my neck this morning, that with the attack of Alzheimer's upon my wife, the enemy of our souls literally stole two of some of the most enjoyable parts of Piper’s and my marriage.  The first was our ability to talk to each other, which we always could do for hours on end - beginning from the very moment we got together in high school! 

Some of my most memorable times spent with Piper were sitting in the car in the parking lot at the old Yard Birds store on the hill overlooking western Santa Rosa while munching on a couple of burgers and just talking!  It didn’t matter if it was sitting in the car watching the rain on the ocean at Bodega Bay, driving to Food For Less for family groceries or staring at the ceiling as we laid next to each other in bed… talking with her was simply a joy and a great blessing!  

We could share anything, talk about almost any subject and dream big dreams together!  Back when you had to pay for the amount of time you talked on the phone, we racked up some unexpectedly high bills on my first cell phone due to our lunch time conversations when I worked at Unruh’s Photography store for a few years!

The second thing that the devil stole was Piper’s beauty!  As most of you know… to me, she was always the most beautiful individual that God ever created!  From the moment we walked into the dining room at The Sea Ranch Lodge on the first night of our honeymoon, I just knew that every eye in the room was looking at her… and then afterwards, every time we walked into any room for the next 40 years.  

And you know… I know that she knew that as well!  She understood that I was head-over-heels for her and was proud of that fact!  I also think that she played up that role as well!  I can recall many times over the years when I would come up behind her and put my arms around her as she stood in front of the full-length mirror on her dresser, and together be silently absorbed with the view before us.

Later as I thought about all this when I sat down to study my Bible, my mind was infiltrated with the words “Stay Alert!” and I immediately turned to I Peter 5:8 from the Good News Bible where the Apostle warns us to Be alert, be on watch! (for) Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”  Those words triggered some anger in me as I began to consider if there was more that I could have done… What did I miss going on in our lives before the physical symptoms began to manifest?  Were there signs I failed to see?

But as I reflected to back to then, I could see how this attack took us completely by surprise!  Sure, there were signs and we followed up with her doctor, but nothing pointed to dementia as Piper was always physically strong, sharp as a tack and quick on her feet… and especially proficient in juggling many activities at the same time!

As I delved further into the “What if’s” this morning, I realized once again, that I can never go back to those set of events and that time in my life but can only move forward with a greater understanding and a whole lot of experience under my belt!

If I can say one thing to you and me today, it would be to “STAY ALERT” to the wiles of the enemy around you and the ones you love.  He will try to sneak in and steal from you those things that are most important to you!  So stay in the Word, stay in prayer, continue to walk in line with God and His ways and stay alert to the spiritual forces activity working beyond your physical sight!

I really like the way the Bible in Basic English puts our verse today as it bluntly declares for us toBe serious and keep watch; the Evil One, who is against you, goes about like a lion with open mouth in search of food.”  I’ve learned my lesson!  I learned the hard way when it comes to being serious about the attacks of the evil one and the means and lengths that he will go to in order to steal, kill and destroy those in our lives.  (See: John 10:10)  Don’t make the same mistake I did!  Rise up, take God and His Word seriously and take your stand for life… the one that has God’s life prolifically growing in, through and for you!

That’s what I’m expecting… how about you?  Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"I'm Working on It!"

I had a great conversation with one of Piper’s cousins who lives with her husband in the wide open setting of the beautiful Ruby Mountains in Nevada… In other words… They literally live in the middle of nowhere!  The countryside consists of large ranches that have been owned by individual families for generations.  Piper’s cousin has owned her property for over thirty years and is still seen as a relative newcomer to the area!  The closest town is many miles away and during the winter they experience months when they are totally snowed in.  She told me that last year was one of the worst in that they were not able to leave their property from mid-December until April of the following year.

Our conversations covered a variety of subjects beginning with how I was doing since the move to Oklahoma (we hadn’t talked since a month or so before I left North Carolina.), to their future plans and of course various stories concerning her cousin Piper!  It is very special for me to talk with her as it helps me to feel like I am still connected to Piper’s family.  

Besides Barbara and her sister, I have not physically spoken to anyone in Piper’s family since a week or so before she passed.  There have been a few text’s and some short replies to Facebook posts but, I don’t know… maybe its just my generation, but to me, nothing beats verbal communication... especially in the tough times of life.

Barbara had me in tearful laughter as she humorously related a “girl talk” conversation that she and Piper had when Piper was just starting her senior year in high school.  (Her cousin is a few years older than us and they always shared a special relationship together.  Barbara related that whenever she came into town or wanted to talk or had a need that she would call Piper.)  

So… during this particular conversation the subject of "boyfriends" came up and Barbara asked if Piper had anyone special in her life… to which she said Piper replied with a mischievous look on her face “I’m working on it!”  When she pressed her for more details, Barbara stated that Piper described her new “friend” as a “tall, dark and handsome Italian!”  I’d never heard this story before but it sure made me feel special and heart-broken at the same time!

While discussing some of the anxieties that she was feeling with their future plans of retirement from ranching, she mentioned how her sister had sent her a scripture poster that helped to encourage her each day.  With that I suddenly remembered the “Wonderful Words" cards that Piper had put together back in the early 1990’s that we actually sold in local Christian bookstores for a few years.  They were 5X7 laminated cards that contained about ten personalized scriptures on particular subjects that one could confess throughout the day.  Each subject was distinguished by a different card color.

I had recently come across two of the cards that Piper kept in her Bible and asked Barbara if I could send them to her.  She was excited about it so I packaged up the cards, one with general encouragment scriptures and the other stressing God’s love for us, and mailed them off on Monday.  I thought it was really special that Piper was still ministering to her cousin even though she does not reside on this earth anymore!

In 2 Timothy 4:2 the Apostle Paul tells us to: Be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right. Point out errors, warn people, and encourage them. Be very patient when you teach.” (God’s Word ©)  Piper loved to share the light of the life that is contained in the Word of God to encourage people.  And that desire… that legacy… is still growing today!

I think… that whether she was talking about me or her desire to love others… that she would… and seemingly is continuing to say: “I’m working on it!”

What do you think about that?  Is there anything in particular that you're working on Have a great week, and as you do, say with me… “I am expecting to keep working on sharing the Good News with others in need today!”

Monday, September 16, 2019


change [ cheynj ]
verb (used with object), changed, chang·ing.
to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone:      Dictionary.com

I was reflecting while out on the balcony this morning about how dramatically my life has changed over the last year.  Of how the major foundation piece of my life is no longer present and of how the future looks, at times, to be very precarious without that point of reference.

But I also recognize that life is meant to go on!  I’ve been around too many people over the years who chose to live in the past and miss the new adventures that await them to experience in their present and future.  Well… that’s not me!  And I realized out there in the semi-cool morning environment, that I don’t want to stop living but to be all that God desires me to be until the day I cross that great divide.

I had a revelation of that over the weekend when I took the D.I.S.C. personality test as part of the “Growth Track” class for new members at our church.  It is similar to the Merrill-Wilson Personality Test and class I took as part of my management training at Hewlett Packard in the early-eighties, although not nearly as comprehensive.  As it turned out, I ended up with a similar personality profile as before.  But I noticed as I read through the different descriptions and general traits of the four various personalities that I had CHANGED over the thirty some years between the two tests.

Some of the descriptions just didn’t match me anymore.  Some of the areas of possible improvement and growth didn’t relate to me as they did back in the beginning of my secular and ministry careers.  Life experiences, education, on the job training, God’s Word and lots of prayer helped me to grow into the man I have become today.

Ephesians 4:15-16 in The Message Bible teaches us that “God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do.  He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.” 

I want to keep up in step with Him as well as with those around me.  I firmly believe that He still has a plan for me… and for each of you as well.  Just because we might go through a traumatic, intensely painful and life-changing event, it doesn’t mean that He is suddenly through with us!

Once again, the Lord showed me that I need to be open for just about anything… that I need to NOT be looking at my future through the eyes of my past.  I learned that I have changed over the years throughout my past and I believe that much of my future will embrace that changemost likely with a lot more changes to come!  What I don’t want… nor desire is for everything in my future to be a duplicate of my past.  For what’s the FUN in that?  How can someone grow if they keep experiencing the same thing over and over again?  According to our scripture… GROWTH is good for your health!

So, I’m ready for GROWTH that leads to CHANGE that leads to good HEALTH and a good LIFE!  How about you?

If you are… then say after me… “I am expecting to grow through the CHANGES that God continues to place before me each day!”

Friday, September 13, 2019

Live, Grow & Thrive!

“I'm asking God to give you a gift from the wealth of his glory. I pray that he would give you inner strength and power through his Spirit.  Then Christ will live in you through faith. I also pray that love may be the ground into which you sink your roots and on which you have your foundation.”     (Ephesians 3:16-17 – God’s Word ©)

Every time I read the Ephesians prayers at the beginning of chapters one and three, I am struck with the thought of how much Paul emphasizes the point that our Christian walk all comes together for us “through” Christ.  Much like I wrote in my last post, Christianity is all about our active interactions with Christ.  

When I study my Bible I tend to underline, circle, highlight and/or write additional words or thoughts that help me to better understand the point that I sense the writer of whatever book I am reading was trying to convey.  Piper followed a similar study process and I have enjoyed going back through her personal Bibles as it allows me to get a feeling of how the Lord was directing her when she studied particular verses.  It also helps me to feel close to her.  I’ve learned that someone’s Bible Study notes can be a very personal look into that student of the Word.

The section of Ephesians 3:17 in my well-used God’s Word © Bible that I’ve had since April 16, 2010 (Out of habit, I always write the date on the front page with any book I add to my personal library!), has a good amount of study notations and marks on it.  Today I had to stop and consider the adjectives that I had added next to where Paul wrote about Christ living in us through faith.  I emphasized the point sometime in the past by writing that “Christ will live and ‘GROW and THRIVE’ in you, through ‘AND BY OUR’ faith.”

What grabbed my attention this morning was the reality of what the great apostle was talking about.  I believe that he was trying to point out that Christ is freed to live and grow and thrive in you and me through our active actions of faith in His Word!  I think that this hit home with me today because it seems like almost every step I am taking in this new chapter in my life is to be one of faith.  

I suddenly understood this morning that in order to succeed and be all that God’s wants me to be for the rest of my life… that I have to keep going on the path of faith that Piper and I established in the first chapters of our lives together.  She may have left for more pleasant pastures (sort-of-speak) but the path of life that we established on this side of the veil must continue for me!

I also came to see that I have to re-learn how to open up and trust people around me again!  I realized that with all the surprise and at times vicious personal attacks that we received in our last journey together, that I had gone into “protect mode” when it came to Piper’s care and our stand of faith.  But with that job now complete… it is time to relax and lower the walls!  What do you think?  I guess it is just another area that I’m to be growing in faith over… so that I can free up Christ to continue to live and grow and thrive in, for and through me!

Ah… Isn’t life grand!  But I wouldn’t want it any other way… would you?

Have a great weekend.  I’m planning on going to another Men’s breakfast with many of the men from the church tomorrow and have another “Next Step” class to attend on Sunday morning.  Some times you just gotta run to keep up with God!  And speaking of running with God, say with me… “I am expecting to set Christ free to live and grow and thrive in me, by my active steps of faith today!”

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Definition of Belief

I realized a little over a year ago, that many of us Christian folks have a difficult time taking what we believe in our heads… with our intellect… and physically applying it to our daily lives.  Especially when those things lean toward the impossible or just seem crazy in the eyes of most other people!  As I’ve stated many times before, this was an area that Piper seemed to excel at.  I came to learn early on, that she had three things going for her.

She possessed an unquestionable trust in the Word of God.  She had a humble, unwavering and endearing childlike faith in the things of God and an ever-increasing, personal, intimate “knowing” of just how much God loved her.  If God said it in His Word it was what one might term as “Gospel truth” to her… and she wasn’t afraid to act upon it… or as I’ve been known to say, to “put feet to her faith!”

Our faith was always a very hands-on, jump-into-the-middle-of-the-action type of activity!  So therefore, for us, to actively believe was and is all about taking the corresponding actions in our daily lives that accurately paint the picture of the Biblical truth we hold dear in our hearts and in our heads!

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been re-reading a book entitled “The Authority of the Believer” by John A. MacMillian (1873-1956).  Mr. MacMillian was a missionary in the 1920’s with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in both China and the Philippines and later became the assistant editor of “The Alliance Weekly.”  In a brief section called “Belief” he talks of the meaning behind Paul’s words in Ephesians 1:19 where he speaks of “…the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.” (KJV) 

In looking at the original Anglo-Saxon meaning of the word “Belief” he stated that “to believe means literally ‘to live in accordance with’ anything.  We are accustomed to consider ‘belief’ as simple mental acquiescence with some particular truth.  But its root leads us to action; what the mind accepts, the will must obey.  We do not truly believe, therefore, unless our conviction is manifested in our life.”*

When I re-read this section over the weekend while laying on the bed with the dog snuggled at my side, I couldn’t help but yell out “YES!” as I thought “See, that’s exactly what the Lord had been showing me in the midst of Piper’s and my last journey together.”  During that time, when push-came-to-shove, I sorely felt that if Piper and I didn’t step up and step away from any semblance of fear and doubt and physically DO what we believed, that things would have gone miserably bad for us!  

Instead, He filled us with positive expectations of His best for us, gave us miracle connections all along the way, beautiful homes, wonderful care givers, financial security and loads of love from unexpected sources with people who at times, just seemed to come out of the woodwork!  It still hurts me today, to look at the lives of those who failed to act on what they said they believed and simply pulled away from us.

I think that’s what separates Christianity from other religions in the world.  Christianity is all about having an ACTIVE, personal, intimate and constantly growing relationship with Jesus Christ.  I can honestly say that Piper and I never stopped pursing and loving each other.  Ours, like many others, was a continually growing relationship that we constantly worked to improve.  

I think that the same should be said about our relationship with our God!  Just as we love to do new things with our spouses, we should love to do new things with God… but many times that means that we will have to step out of our comfort zones… Very much LIKE ME RIGHT NOW, HERE IN BROKEN ARROW OKLAHOMA!

But if I am believing that the best is yet to come… then I have to ACT like it!  I have to ACT on what I believe His Word is telling me to do!  For in that way, I prove that I BELIEVE Him and His Word by the corresponding actions that I take!  That my dear friends, is what it means for me to “BELIEVE!”

Do you (actively) BELIEVE?

Have a great rest of the week!  I’m getting a little excited as we close on our house in just about a week… Yippee!   You know?  I firmly believe that His best is yet to come for you and me… and if you do as well, say with me… “I am actively taking steps that demonstrate that I believe that God’s best is yet to come for me!”

*The Authority of the Believer, John A MacMillian, Wind Spread Publishers, © 2007, pages 26&27  (originally published as a series of articles in 1932)

Monday, September 9, 2019

Say and then... DO!

Well, if all goes as planned this afternoon, I should be able to complete the final piece of the puzzle of becoming a full-fledged resident of the great state of Oklahoma!  I have a 2:15 pm appointment with the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety to transfer my drivers license over from North Carolina to Oklahoma!   The only other connection I still have with my former state is my checking and savings accounts, which I should be able to close in a few days… as soon as I receive my new debit card from my Oklahoma credit union.  And like I keep saying… so much continues to happen in a very short period of time!

While I was preparing the dog’s breakfast in the kitchen this morning, my mind drifted back to one year ago today.  Piper had only been gone a few days and my head was simply swirling!  Who knew all the events that would take place within the next 365 days?  If I had taken the time to think about it back then, I most likely wouldn’t have believed it possible!  To do everything that would be needed to replant a life some 1200 miles away would seem virtually impossible!

But then… our God is in the impossible changing business!  If you recall, Jesus Himself said that "The things that are impossible for people to do are possible for God to do." (Luke 18:27 God’s Word ©)  But just how does that work for you and me?  Well, once again, Jesus gave us a key to the puzzle when He stated: “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (Mark 11:24 KJV) 

I’ve heard A LOT of teaching on this subject over the years.  I’ve seen this verse turned inside out and upside down as various pastors and Bible teachers dissected the various words and themes of this powerful subject.  To me though, the delicate theology of Jesus’ words balances on that one word: BELIEVE!”

And just what does it mean to BELIEVE?  Well, let me say that this thought is one that I rolled around in my heart and mind over and over again throughout the battle that we fought for Piper’s health.  It’s something that I had to personally settle so that I could get up and face each new day… especially as my lovely wife’s physical symptoms grew worse.  It was also something that I had to face with people around me in the family, in our church, with our medical providers and with most people we met in public.

I discovered that it was very frustrating and confusing for me to see people saying one thing to us and then physically doing something contrary to their spoken words.  Or to utter all the right Christian terminology and then do absolutely nothing about it!  After a while though, I began to make the important connection between what we say and what we do!  

I eventually learned that the two have to match in in order for something positive to happen… in order to release the possibilities of God into our impossible situations!  If you look back over my blog posts over the years, you’ll see that I began to describe certain Biblical terms like “faith” and “love” as ACTION words.  Lately I’ve also added the word “believe” to that list as well.  

For me it is easier to see things this way when I purposely add the descriptive performance verb “actively” in front of the words “faith, love and believe.”  To me Christianity is a very ACTIVE lifestyle.  It is something that we are called to live and demonstrate on a daily basis.  If I really want to BELIEVE God and His word to work within the parameters of my life… then I’ve got to DO something about it!  I’ve got to study it, I’ve got think it, I’ve got to say it and then I have to actively DO it!

I’ll share some teaching I recently re-discovered on the subject of Bible BELIEVING next time… but until then… I would challenge you to consider the ways in which you DO and/or CAN actively BELIEVE God’s Word for your life… Then say with me… “I am expecting the promises in God’s Word to come alive in my life today!”

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Different Sources...

I went out to my soon-to-be new house late yesterday afternoon to meet with my realtor, our two daughters and granddaughter to check on the few repairs that our inspector had deemed necessary the previous week.  Everything looked good and it gave me a great opportunity to measure things, look in all the nooks and crannies and dream with my girls about many potential upgrades I could make to the house.  We even discussed some ideas for a new Christmas tradition with our Oklahoma families.

I can’t help but take the time every-so-often to simply look around me here and now and thank God for all of His goodness.  So much has happened in so little amount of time since Piper’s heavenly exit.  In many respects, I feel like the Lord has left my comprehension back in the dust as He continues to move me forward in this new chapter of my life!  Just when I begin to wrap my head around a blessing of His, it seems like two more have occurred.

One thing I have noticed in the midst of all of this though, is that there are still pressures but that the placement of those pressures has changed.  When Piper and I first began to face her declining physical situation, we had certain outside sources that almost immediately started to pressure us against following the course that we whole heartedly believed that the Lord was leading into.  Those pressures increased in the first few years and then began to decline after we moved to the East Coast.

With Piper’s passing last year, those outside sources have become quiet and contact with them is pretty much zilch!  I realized this morning as I sat in my blue recliner studying my Bible and listening to the National Quartet Convention on Sirius satellite radio’s enLighten Southern Gospel channel, that the pressures I now face on a regular basis, are coming from inside of me!  Most of the disagreements I fight today seems to be between my ears!  Have any of you ever experienced anything like that?

I’m discovering that some of these battles are even harder to fight than when there was a flesh and blood combatant speaking against me.  The enemy of our souls is relentless in his attacks against you and me and he’ll use any source… be it outside or inside of us... in his attempts to throw us off course or get us to quit entirely in our stand or fight of faith!

In the midst of all this though, I’ve also discovered that our defense against these different kinds of attacks IS THE SAME!  

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us that “The weapons we use in our fight are not made by humans. Rather, they are powerful weapons from God. With them we destroy people's defenses, that is, their argument and all their intellectual arrogance that oppose the knowledge of God. We take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.” (God’s Word ©)

God’s weapon of choice for us to employ is our working and active use of His Word to combat the attacks of the enemy.  When the source takes a human form, His Word in our hearts and on our lips tends to tear down people’s negative defenses and false arguments while deflating their intellectual arrogance!  When the source emanates in one’s head, we remove the negative and potentially destructive thoughts by taking those words captive and obedient to the truth of God’s Word… in other words… you exchange the lies that the enemy is attempting to insert in your brain with the Word of God that you begin to actively fill your thoughts and mouth with!

And you know, it takes a little work and diligence but is well worth the effort!  It means time set aside to study the Word personally and at church and then taking the corresponding actions to dispel the physical or mental sources and their words that come against you and yours.

I’m not too sure which form of attack is worse… The personal sources can be physically shut out from the peace and security of one’s home, but the mental intrusions aren’t quite that easy!  For me, it just means that I have to up my time in the Word in order to better fortify my inner man from listening to the subtle lies that try to enter in.  What should you do?

Have a wonderful weekend!  I get to spend some time with my granddaughter tonight developing my “Grandpa skills” and tomorrow I begin a two week “Growth Track” class at church.  The class is the church’s next step for learning about the workings of the church and gives opportunities to get involved.  So… I’m getting deeper and deeper into this new chapter of life… and am actually kind of excited about it!  Besides, with God moving so fast around me, I don’t want to fall behind!

So… as I move forward, say with me… “I am expecting God’s victory in my daily life as I take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and His Word!”

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Secret...

I have a picture of Piper taped to the side of my entertainment cabinet that is only visible if one is sitting in the La-Z-Boy recliner that is situated in front of the living room windows to the right of the cabinet.  That particular chair has become sort of a refuge from the pressures of life for me.  If the weather isn’t very conducive to having my Bible study on the balcony, the blue chair is normally my second choice.  It’s a comfortable place to read, study, pray or just think!

While seated in that chair in the midst of an early morning Bible study yesterday, I paused while meditating on Ephesians 3:20, looked up at the picture of Piper and couldn’t help but think of her abiding in the realm of God’s “exceedingly, abundantly above all… far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!” (NKJV-MSG) 

I had caught the backlighting of the sun just perfect in the picture taken on the coast in the late 1990’s.  The sun is brightly reflecting off the pine tree behind her and seems to be gently kissing the back of her hair.  For a moment or two there… I imagined that I was standing in heaven with her.

As I allowed those thoughts to envelope me, I realized that one of Piper’s and my central foundational scriptures for our lives was Philippians 4:13.  In that portion of the epistle, Paul is writing about the provision of God and tells of his own joy and lack of need as he had discovered “how to live in poverty or prosperity. No matter what the situation, I've learned the secret of how to live when I'm full or when I'm hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little.” (Philippians 4:12 God’s Word ©) 

Then he goes on to tell what the secret is declaring that “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13 KJV)  Piper and I strived to be like Paul as we faced the various situations that arose in our lives.  We strived to follow his advice when feeling led to take a course of action that might not have had a lot of visible financial support or one in which we didn’t necessarily have much background and/or knowledge in.  But we were quick learners and as we obeyed and continued to walk in faith, we tended to learn everything we needed to know and God met our needs... not necessarily right away… but it always came.

And sure… there were times when we experienced both the lows and the highs during the accomplishment of those adventures in faith, but like Paul… we had learned the secret!  We simply continued to focus on the Lord.  After all, our trust was solely in Him!  He was our source, our supply, our peace, our rest and our joy.  There were times that we would quietly giggle amongst ourselves when some around us would panic while we kept the peace and joy of the Lord about us… They just NEVER got it!  They NEVER learned the secret!  Have you?

That secret is what kept us moving forward with a smile and an earnest expectation of God’s best throughout our many years together… up to and including the last eight years of Piper’s earthly story.  For some that secret (which is a well-documented truth that is consistent throughout the whole Bible… in both Old and New Testaments) is simply too unfathomable to believe.  It tends to shake the comfort zone of one’s natural knowledge. 

As I stared at the picture of Piper on the entertainment cabinet with the glow of sunlight behind her, I was overwhelmed, for Piper now resides in the place where there ISN”T any NATURAL knowledge… In heaven it’s all SUPER-NATURAL!  WHOA!  Think on that for a moment!

I wonder if it shocked her when she first stepped into that place where the SUPER-NATURAL is the NATURAL way of life… You know… I kind of doubt it!

Have a great rest of the week, and as you do, say along with me… “I am fully expecting to believe in, depend on and take actions based on the supernatural of God today!”