Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Be Brave!

One of the most interesting and maybe even a bit scary parts about the passing of my wife Piper a little over a month ago, is discovering that there are parts of me that were lost along with her!  Those parts of who I am because of the oneness and uniqueness of our relationship that began to form during our high school years.  I admit that this realization shook me more than just a little!  But I was comforted again this morning as I felt led to something that hasn’t been lost, and that is who I am in Christ.  It is what I believe that my careful and consistent study of God’s Word says about me!

Joshua 1:9 in the Contemporary English Version of the Bible reminds me of what the Lord has repeatedly spoken to me over time through His words encouraging Joshua as he took over the daunting task of replacing Moses saying: “I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.”  I like this particular translation as it uses the word “brave.”  And if there has been any time in my life where I have needed to be brave… it is RIGHT NOW!  He also comforts me as I can almost feel Him gently taking my hand, looking into my eyes and softly inspiring me to not be discouraged.

When you read through the book of Joshua you quickly discover that God was true to His Word throughout Joshua’s period of leadership.  He was there for Joshua in the good times as well as in the bad and through it all, as long as Joshua kept his focus on Jehovah, he was everything that this verse said he would be… strong, brave, fearless and not easily discouraged!  To me, that is proof enough that my God will also be true to His Word for me.  That alone gives me the fortitude to press forward and to be brave in whatever may be before me in my future.

As I began to list all the places where I believe that Piper played a pivotal position in our relationship, I began to realize that at this point, due to the extended period of her illness, most of those areas are not in the physical such as the daily tasks of life that we shared, but mainly in those areas of the inner me.  Once we had returned home after our three-year stint in Oklahoma, I had gradually taken over all of the house and family tasks as her capabilities continued to diminish.  So, there’s no doubt that I can make it in the natural areas of life!  It would seem that God had a plan as my Mama (and my wife) trained me well over the years.  Give me an apron and I can cook and clean with the best of them!

But what about all those inside characteristics that truly identify me as me?  What about how she validated my very existence? What about all of those dreams, visions and plans that we talked about over the years… and believe me… we dreamed a lot and big, and our future looked bright!

Piper used to like it when I would come up behind her and wrap my arms around her as she stood in front of the large mirror attached to her dresser in our bedroom.  We would simply smile as we lovingly gazed into the image reflected in the glass and absorb the oneness of that special moment.  Now as I look into the mirror all I see is me!  I’m not too sure which is more daunting… what Joshua faced as he took over a nation posed to go into the promise land facing unseen enemies, tests and trials, or me as I face the unseen new land before me?

Well… that story is yet to unfold, but I do have the confidence in the truth of God and His Word which gives me the ability to be brave in the midst of uncertainty!  II Timothy 1:7 tells me that “God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (MKJV personalized)  The word “power” in the Greek means among other things, “ability” (Thayer’s), so as I look to that verse I understand that God has given me His abilities to be brave in whatever it is that I need to do and to walk in whatever new areas of life that He directs me to walk.

So… what’s there to be concerned about… right?  I guess I’ll have to let you know about that as we walk this journey together in the coming weeks, months and years!  Have a great mid-week, and as you do, repeat after me: “I am expecting God to be true to his Word… just for me today!”

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