Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I think that I may have mentioned in Tuesday’s blog that it has been raining on and off for a few days now.  This morning we played it just right and we’re able to sneak out between the downpours and take a walk to our community compactor in order to dump the trash we weren’t able to get rid of yesterday because it rained most of the day!  Then I got a little too cocky and loaded my wife into the car with the thought of extending our good fortune and get some shopping in before it started raining again.
Well… it didn’t work!  Just as we pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store it began to come down in buckets!  But I figured we would just wait it out as I could see some blue sky in the distance.  Well, yup! You guessed it!  The blue was quickly swallowed up in dark clouds so we decided we’d go off to an early trip to Wendy’s instead!  Once we got back home the downpour had let up some, so I was able to get my wife back in the house with a minimal exposure to the raindrops!  She’s a real trooper though, and it didn’t seem to bother her at all!
Later this afternoon we did get a break in the weather so we were all able to get out and stretch our legs with a brisk walk around the neighborhood.  Now I sit before my laptop writing my second blog of the day as we are heading off to Durham NC and the campus of Duke University tomorrow in order to visit with my wife’s new Neurologist and won’t have time to write to you all then!  One of my wife’s specialists in San Francisco had told us that Duke had a great Neurology Department and since we were going to be so close, it would be a good place for my wife’s medical care.
So, I am all ready to go!  I’ve done my research, worked with Piper’s new GP here in Morrisville to attain the right physician, got my map and we are off and running!  Kind of like what I do every morning when I get up!  I get ready for the day, grab a hot cup of Java, pet the dog who is usually slumbering on one of the Lazy Boy chairs in the living room, open the blinds and begin to do my research in the Word of God!
You know, I wouldn’t know where to go in life if I didn’t study God’s directions each day.  No criticism intended here, but I am always amazed when Christians tell me that they just don’t have time to read the Word each day.  To me that would be like getting in our car tomorrow without a GPS, Map or any other assistance and think that I can find Piper’s new doctor!  Bizarre don’t you think?
I am a firm believer in the theory that we humans always tend to find the time for the things in life that we really want.  So what do you think?  Are you ready to hit the road each day with a reliable set of directions?  Something to think about wouldn’t you say?  Have a great day and Happy Trails!  Stay in tune to His Word and keep asking yourself… “What or Whom am I expecting (to follow) today?”

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