Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Well… I celebrated a major milestone yesterday with the beginning of my 7th decade on this earth!  I will readily admit that this birthday gave me lots of reason for concern… concern for a whole new future to explore without my most trusted, respected and loved companion at my side.  Let’s face it, from my teenage years and every succeeding decade since then, we dreamed, prayed, planned and then pursued those visions - hand in hand, in step, in agreement and with a united purpose.

But all is not at loss… for it has been a little over four years since Piper’s homegoing and I have spent numerous hours praying over, working through and at times… crying through… the shock and pain of loss and then be able to capture the beginning glimpses of a bright future filled with the expectancy of the plan that I firmly believe the good Lord still has in mind for me to fulfill, here and now.

Proverbs 15:15 informs us that,

“Everything seems to go wrong when you feel weak and depressed. But when you choose to be CHEERFUL every day will bring you more and more JOY and FULLNESS.” (TPT) 

I was telling a relative of Piper’s in California recently, that it seems like just yesterday when Piper and I got in trouble by the principal of our high school, for holding hands, when he spotted us walking in front of the school during the lunch hour.  For some reason, he did not like the image it would give people driving by the school… but yet it was okay to hold hands on campus away from the public view?

As would become the pattern of choice throughout the coming years of courtship and our eventual long marriage, Piper and I chose the path of a cheerful life and had a hearty laugh when the principal turned around and stomped purposely back to his office.  I can still see the funny look on Piper’s face as she raised her eyebrows (out of his sight of course) and gave me a look that said… “Wasn’t that a hoot!”

Throughout the 48 years of our relationship, we always chose the path of JOY and CHEERFULNESS.  We quickly discovered, through our underlying faith in God and the truth of His Word, that a smile would do much more in the midst of any situation, both easy or difficult, than a frown that can easily lead to despair and depression.

As Fiver and I took our first morning walk of my 70th year yesterday, along the municipal golf course, under the canopy of a bright blue sky and cold, but yet strangely refreshing, blustery northern winds, I found myself thinking over the previous 69 years of my life and suddenly had the most interesting thought…

Out of the recesses of my mind, I pictured the new police procedural drama that I have been binge watching on the UP Faith and Family streaming service, where three of the main characters are a detective, his beautiful German Shepherd police dog partner and the unit’s Forensic Scientist.  And with that background leading my thoughts, I looked over at my trusty, four-footed, furry friend Fiver and said… “You know… if they were to do a spiritual forensic examination of me and my life, I bet (I hope!) that they would find the FINGERPRINTS of God all over me!”

I think that this discovery is something that each of us would desire to be found, if such an examination was performed on us… Don’t You?

As I moved forward with that theory in place, I began to picture all the various incidents where I could see the direct intervention of the hand of God in my life… with memories coming as early as a Kindergarten graduation program where I sang a solo in front of all the parents, and then throughout my elementary years, teen years and then increasingly more prevalent throughout my adult life… up to and including that very day where I celebrated my 70th Birthday.

In Isaiah 64:8 the prophet prayed,

“But now, LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our potter. We are the work of your hands.” (God’s Word ©) 

Think about that for a moment!  God not only uniquely formed each of us with His own hands, but routinely touches us and the situations that we are involved with… throughout the course of our lives… as we,

“Steep our lives in God-reality, God-initiative and God-provisions. (and) Don't worry about missing out. (for) We’ll find that all of our everyday human concerns will be met.” (MSG - personalized)

So therefore… if I look to the future decades that the Lord allows me to inhabit on this planet… with a similar spiritual forensic report as the previous six decades, I can honestly predict rewarding experiences - with the ever-increasing imprints of the FINGERPRINTS of God on me and my life!


What will your present and future Forensic Examination Reports say?

Have a terrific week, and as you do… Keep EXPECTING God’s BEST while you continue to find the places where He can leave His FINGERPRINTS on you and your life!

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