Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Harmonies of Life

I awoke this morning at 4:00 AM to the sounds of dissonance… and finally realized that the dog was rolling around on his back on the carpet next to my bed, with his collar medallions clinking together and him singing happy guttural tunes… most likely thinking that I would be a cheerful participant in his early morning melody… Well, I wasn’t… but I didn’t say anything. I simply turned over in bed and pulled the covers over my head… hoping that I could return to some semblance of what had already been a night of fretful sleep.

But alas, it didn’t work and I twisted and turned for a half hour and finally tossed back the covers thinking that I might be able to sleep after I took Fiver out for an extra-early morning backyard excursion.  Once outside, the morning was warm and quiet, with a clear and starry sky above.

I have to admit that there is something special about being out in the pre-dawn calm of the day.  While Fiver did his thing and sniffed around the freshly cut lawn, I leaned back and enjoyed the heavenly view towering over the yard.  While taking in the sights above, I noticed a blinking set of lights flying toward the western horizon.  I don’t know why it is, but there is always something comforting to me about the presence of a distant aircraft flying in the night skies.

I think that it might just release the pioneering spirit that was always present in both Piper and I.  We both loved to tackle new adventures, explore new methods of ministry and hike up mountain trails or neighborhood paths… just to see what was around the corner!  Watching that plane disappear over the horizon got me to dreaming of all the new and unchartered places out there that are beckoning for me to come!  At that particular moment in time this morning… I heard the HARMONIES of life singing deep inside and felt a peace that had been evading me all night.

When I returned to my darkened bedroom, I grabbed the flashlight off the nightstand, plucked up one of my Bibles off the floor, and flipped it open to Philippians 4:6-7 and read:

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, along with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.”  (EMTV)

The thought of having “the peace of God which surpasses all understanding” captivated my heart and I slipped back under the covers for a couple hours of restful slumber.

Later when I got up and with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, I headed to my study, greeted Fiver who was now snuggled on the leather loveseat in that room, and looked up Philippians chapter four in my computer Bible study program.  I still had the thought of God’s peace on my mind and poured through multiple translations of Philippians 4:6-7 before looking at the commentaries on the verse.

Adam Clarke’s Commentary on the Bible really caught my attention and seemed to flow in tune to the peaceful song that was beginning to softly emanate from my heart.  He explained the phrase “And the peace of God” as “That harmonizing of all passions and appetites which is produced by the Holy Spirit, and arises from a sense of pardon and the favor of God

The idea of our passions and appetites coming into HARMONY struck a chord with me and I shook my head thinking about how out of tune and far from HARMONIC my life has seemed to be since Piper graduated to heaven.  I got to thinking about how much I enjoy a good HARMONY in the vocal presentation of a song.  It is one of the main reasons I was drawn to Christian music through the beautiful and unique HARMONIES of The Second Chapter of Acts in the early 1970’s… and it is why I have come to enjoy modern Southern Gospel in recent years.

And it just happened to be something that Piper was very good at!  She had the knack of picking out and/or creating the perfect HARMONY when we sang together and later on with our various Youth and Children’s Ministry performances, as well as when our family sang together.

She also was the one that brought HARMONY into the song of my life… and I as well, into hers (after she taught me how to harmonize)!

But now… as with this morning’s example of the noisy dog… there seems to be a noticeable dissonance in the tempo of my life.  I had to laugh at the memory the other day of the occasional time when Piper and I would be getting ready to lead a song in worship at the various churches we served in… and I would blank and forget the key.  But Piper knew that look and would softly press the correct note on the keyboard or piano and instantly put me and the song back on track!

I never really considered how much we depended on each other in order for the sweet melody of our life together to bring HARMONY into all that we sought to do.  But this morning I realized that there are new songs, new HARMONIES and new rhythms to be written in my life.

When I stop and think about it, I can clearly see the unique steps that the Lord has been leading me through in what some people call the “Grieving Process.”  I see the progress and am learning the places where more time, work, effort, trust and confidence are needed, and also the areas where its easy to write new music.

I am thankful for the truth and faithfulness of God’s Word in my life.  It, like Piper’s little finger pressing the right note ♪, has been the steady, sweet resonance that has kept me in tune and on key through it all!  The HARMONIES of our past are helping to lead me into my new home HARMONIES for my today and tomorrow.  And like I’ve stated earlier… I have always enjoyed a good ensemble’s HARMONY and am excited to see what beautiful and unique HARMONIES there are waiting for me to sing in the coming years.

How about YOU?  What HARMONIES are you singing or planning to sing… or hoping to sing in YOUR present and future?  Remember that God’s Word can also be the steady and sweet resonance that you need to stay in tune…

Have a great rest of the week, and as you do… Keep EXPECTING God’s best in your life!

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