Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Nudge...

It looks like I have another lunch time experience for you today!  As I was praying over our afternoon meal yesterday, I thanked our heavenly Father for all that we had accomplished so far during that day and rejoiced that we were also able to get the license plate paperwork notarized as part of the process of switching from California to North Carolina’s “First in Flight” plates.  It was just one more thing that we were able to squeeze in while we were out.  I had been up on numerous occasions with my wife during the previous night as she had some difficulties and I didn’t really think that she was going to be strong enough to do more than the necessary trip to CVS that we had to accomplish.
After the “Amen” I turned to Piper and explained that Papa God had “nudged” us to complete that additional task.  Then I reminisced of how He has gently “nudged” us to do many things over our years together. Most times we acquiesced to His poke or urgings and were happy that we did.  Then there were the opportunities that we missed and lived to regret!  I am also sure that there were a few times that we didn’t even realize that He was giving us the “nudge” and will never know what we could have experienced or accomplished for the kingdom.
As we talked about it, I realized once again, that I definitely married the right women.  Piper has always been up for a new and exciting adventure!  Let’s face it.  She had never been camping in her life until she met me and she jumped in and embraced the experience like it was a normal part of her life!  She actually became quite an intrepid outdoorswoman! Cooking over an open fire, hiking for hours, sleeping in a tent (and later a trailer), enjoying some mores at the campfire, pit toilets (or no toilet at all… oophs… probably too much information there!), bears in the camp grounds at night and swimming in icy cold mountain creeks. 
And even though we are both excellent planners, she has always enjoyed doing things spur of the moment… like that time within the first year of our marriage.  For some inexplicable reason we found ourselves watching a Roy Rodger’s western one Saturday afternoon.  Watching a movie during the middle of the day is something we never really did and still don’t over the past 39 years of marriage.  But nevertheless, we had just completed watching the movie when an ad came on screen telling of another Roy Rodgers movie that was going to be shown after a short intermission (in other words, after a string of commercials!)
I clearly remember turning to my young bride snuggled up close to me on the couch and asking, “You want to watch it too?”  And with a flash of that killer smile and a devious glint in her eyes she nodded “Yes” and quickly added, “Let’s run down to Lads (a small grocery store on the corner at the end of the block near our apartments) and get some snacks!”  So without any hesitation I grabbed her hand, pulled her to her feet and we flew out of the door and ran all the way to the store, grabbed some candy bars and sodas and ran back home in time to catch the beginning of the movie! 
I don’t think that we stopped laughing the whole time!  And the folks at the store must have thought we were crazy, although they knew us as we shopped there all the time!  I do remember one of the cashiers coming on the store’s PA one time soon after that day, as I was huddled in a corner of the store attempting to make copies at the copy machine and make jokes about me in reference to that whirlwind visit to their store!!! 
In many respects that has been the story of our lives!  We’ve always tended to flow with the “nudging’s” of the Lord whether it be something personal or planning and leading up an all church event, family gathering or youth event for the church or for our homeschool group.  In the past it was also moving the family to Oklahoma and recently the 3000 mile move from California to the East Coast.  And you know… as I took the dog out before bed last night, I looked up to the moon as it dramatically broke through some clouds and thanked the Lord for the move, because it just seems to be right to be here!
Have you ever experienced a “nudge” from the Lord?  At times I feel like He is standing at my side when He taps my elbow and says “go on… just do it!”  Do you know what I mean?  He is like a gentle father who is encouraging us to take the next step.  To push us a little further from our comfort zone so that we can accomplish a task in His name and experience personal growth in the mean time!
Matthew 6:10 encourages us to ask Papa God that “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (1833 Webster Bible)  And the way that He can and usually accomplishes His will on this earth is through the “nudging’s” that he gives to you and me!  Who knows… He may tap you on the elbow the next time you’re watching TV and encourage you to run down to your local grocery for a snack and in the process bring joy and a blessing into someone’s life who happens to be shopping at the same time!
So, stay alert today for His “nudge!”  Have a great day today and keep asking yourself… “What or Whom am I expecting (to get a nudge from) today?”

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