Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Friday, March 7, 2014

My Way or the Highway...

I found myself getting excited this morning as I read some scriptures concerning the letter of the law vs the promptings of the Spirit.  As I read from John 5:10 I suddenly saw how the Jewish leaders were so focused on the letter of the Law that they totally missed its intent.  These men were quite indignant when Jesus had the audacity to heal the sick man at the pool called Bethesda in Jerusalem on the Sabbath.  Soon after the event they cornered the man and “said unto him that was cured, It is the Sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.” (KJV)  Instead of rejoicing with the man who was miraculously healed after living with his sickness for an incredible thirty eight years, they sought to convict him of breaking the law and to kill the One who performed the miracle!  Hard to believe isn’t it?
It reminded me of some of the individuals who were not what I would term especially helpful to us as we struggled with the initial diagnosis concerning my wife’s health.  At times I found myself receiving counsel that was not expedient for us to follow.  As I have noted before, this was both confusing and frustrating to me.  These were folks within our close network of family and friends whose actions demonstrated to me that they really did not know us!
Suddenly their advice and views seemed to be fairly legalistic and limited to the size of the box they had placed their Christianity into.  If I understood them correctly, when all the fluff and filler was removed… it was either their way or the highway!  For some, the decisions I was feeling led to make were seen as ludicrous in their eyes, because they were not the way that they would do it.  And others who believed like us in the miraculous power of Christ’s healing suddenly seemed to have limited the way in which He would work for us! Once again, their way was the only way.
Today as I look back on things, I can really relate it to the box idea that I discussed yesterday.  When one’s actions are limited to the size of the box they have placed their beliefs in, the limitations become very evident.  The sides of the box become visible and the end of their hope is in sight.  When you allow God to move freely from the confines of your box, the view suddenly becomes limitless and His possibilities are without end!
That’s probably one reason the Jewish leaders were so angry with Jesus.  They could not see Him or His love and power beyond the parameters of their box!  So what will it be for you?  Will you be satisfied within the confines of a presupposed box or belief size?  Not me!  I want to have an expectation that goes beyond the natural scope of things.  One that explores the very horizons of the heavens… where there are no boundaries or limits!  Remember we serve a God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all… (See Ephesians 3:20)  Have a great weekend.  Stay in tune to His Word, and keep asking yourself… “What am I expecting today?”

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