Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Monday, March 4, 2013

The 1-2 Punch!

As I began reading in I Thessalonians chapter one this morning I was personally encouraged by Paul’s commendations to the members of this church which resided in the capital city of its province .  Thessalonica was a bustling seaport at the head of the Thermaic gulf in Macedonia, and was an important communication and trade center, located at the junction of the great Egnatian Way and the road leading north to Danube. 

Paul told his readers that “we never forget that your faith is active, your love is working hard, and your confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ is enduring.” (I Thessalonians 1:3 God’s Word ©) then he goes on to say why he knew that this was so.  Two of the reasons that he gave brought my reading time to a grinding stop as I began to meditate upon what he said.  In verse five he declares that “We know this because the Good News we brought came to you not only with words but also with power…” (God’s Word ©)
After I read that verse I immediately considered what Jesus said about the words that He spoke.  John 6:63 reports Jesus as declaring that “The words which I speak to you are spirit and are life.” (Literal Translation of the Bible)  He was telling us that His words contain all that we need to live “the absolute fullness of life.” (Thayer)  But He didn’t end with that.  He went on to say that the Gospel message also includes the miraculous force of His power and or ability that will cause to happen that which He has promised us in His Word!
Wow!  If that doesn’t jump start the prospects of your week, I don’t know what will!  I believe that this is part of God’s secret weapon for those of us who actively believe in Him.  It is His 1-2 Punch!  Expertboxing.com states that “It is not about the punches that you throw, it’s how you throw the punches.  A basic 1-2 punch combination becomes very deadly when you mix in some variations differing in speed, angle, footwork, timing and power.”
I have to tell you that while I am not a big fan of boxing, I am a big fan of boxing the devil into the place of submission that Jesus won for us at the finished work of the cross!  God has not only given us words that fill us with life, but has also provided us with the power to put them to work in our daily routines.
Paul was confident that the Gospel message that he and his ministry team brought to the church in Thessalonica could permanently change the way they experienced life.  And he was commending them for taking advantage of what was shared, actively believing in it, and then seeing the “complete certainty” of it results. (Read the rest of verse 5 – God’s Word ©)
So after reading this, how are you going to approach this new week?  As a believer we have His 1-2 punch.  If you’re not a believer yet, all you have to do is to ask Jesus into your heart and receive Him as your personal Savor and Lord.  Then get yourself a Bible, find a good Word believing church and start developing the 1-2 punch combination that He has provided for us.  Well, I’m starting to get excited about this!  Excuse me while I practice my foot work around the kitchen table for a few moments here!  (If you could see the expression on my wife’s face you’d laugh for a week!)
Hummmm… what was that saying?  Oh yeah… “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!”*  Okay, okay… I’m ready for a good match, how about you?  Have a good week, remember to lead with your left and keep asking yourself… “What Contest am I expecting to Win today?”


* http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/muhammad_ali.html

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