Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, September 11, 2021


I remember it like it was yesterday as I was driving into work at Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) in Santa Rosa, California, twenty years ago today… when I leaned over to turn up the volume for the KCBS news station on the radio in my 1989 Camaro, in order to catch a little bit of the news before my workday began.  I was instantly snapped out of my thoughts about what was ahead at work and glanced down at the dial as I thought that I had the wrong channel… one that was broadcasting an Orson Wells type of dramatic presentation!

It was pretty early in the morning on the West Coast, and while I don’t recall if both planes had hit the World Trade Towers by then or not, I do remember the sense of panic, concern and confusion that was coming from the station announcers.  

People at work were in shock and when I got to my desk, I called home and told Piper to turn on the TV.  After I heard her click it on, the other end of the phone was quiet except for the sound of Piper’s labored breathing…  then she quietly said “Praise the Lord!  Jim, we need to pray!”  Which we did and continued to do for many days and months following the horrific events of September 11, 2001.

Today, I along with most of you I’m sure, continue to pray for those who lost loved ones as well as for all who were personally touched by that tragedy.  This twenty-year remembrance is especially significant because of the recent travesty of events in Afghanistan.  Along with many of my fellow citizens, I am deeply concerned over what happened, what is ahead for the USA and most of all… that the current administration in the White House seem to be totally out-of-touch with this particular situation and out-of-touch with the needs of we, the people of this great country.

The Apostle Paul told us in the beginning of Romans 8:5 that “Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves.” (The Passion Translation)  Another translation declares Paul’s statement as, “Those who live by the corrupt nature have the corrupt nature's attitude.” (God’s Word ©)  From my Christian world view, I am concerned as I see a political party that seems to only follow the “corrupt nature” of the world and thereby pursue only what benefits themselves and not the people they are elected to serve.  Anyone else out there feel that way?

In my blog post from yesterday (http://pjberruto.blogspot.com/2021/09/in-or-out-of-touch.html) I gave some Biblical reasons behind these selfish activities as well as some Biblical ways in which an individual can get themselves onto the right course in life.

Today, as we honor all the brave men and women who gave of themselves (in life and in death) on that day and throughout the weeks, months and years that have followed that catastrophe back in 2001, I would point out that although worrisome and potentially tough times may still be ahead on our horizon… that the God of the IMPOSSIBLE is still on the throne in heaven… and as we humble ourselves, pray and believe,* we shall eventually see righteousness prevail over the evil intent of the enemy of our faith, through the hands of those seeking only what benefits themselves.


“Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore.  From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.  The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.”

                                                                       Psalm 113:2-4 KJV


*See: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Mark 9:23, Mark 10:27, Mark 14:36

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