Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bring on the Cheer!

I love the way that different translations of the Bible will bring out new sides of a verse of scripture that I may not have seen or understood before.  I vividly recall one of our Pastor’s first sermons when we began Living Word Family Church in the living room of our home back in the mid-1990’s.  He spoke of how the Word of God is similar to an onion with many layers and how you can peal one layer… only to find another one beneath it.

I believe that is why the writer of the book of Hebrews described the Word of God's as being “living and active.” (Hebrews 4:12 God’s Word ©)  The more you read it, study it and meditate upon the truths written on the pages of your Bible, the more you get to know the heart of God for you and your life.  That’s one reason I like to peruse through many of the over 50 translations of the Bible that I own when I study the Word each morning.

You should see my study.  Besides all the hard copy Bibles I have in the two seven-foot book shelves behind my desk, I also count 6 versions scattered around the room on my desk, on a small table next to my leather lounge chair and on either file cabinet in the room… not counting the 38 versions I have loaded in my Bible Study program on my laptop!  What can I say?  I like books and to collect Bibles in particular.

Our family loved to go the Friends of the Sonoma County Library Bookfair that they held twice a year at the fairgrounds in our hometown.  Piper would let each of the kids fill up a grocery shopping bag with as many books as they could fit, and the kids were always ecstatic about it… as were both Piper and I!  Upon entering the exhibit hall, I would always make a beeline to the “Religion” section to see what kind of treasures I could find.  Over the years I purchased many old Bibles and classic books written by Christian preachers and authors throughout the past centuries!

One of my newest additions is The Passion Translation.  I recently heard the Dean of my Bible school describe it as a sort of “Pentecostal/Word of Faith version of The Message Bible” …although it is an actual translation and not a paraphrase.  There is a portion of Psalm 23:4 in this translation that has really spoken to my heart.  While most versions render it “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me,” The Passion says that “The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.” 

When you take the time to study out the various words used in the languages of the early writers, it is easy to see that The Passion Translation’s modern twist lends a positive validity to the Psalmist’s intent.  Just about every commentary that I looked at agreed that the “rod and staff” were the shepherd’s (a direct type and shadow of Jesus) tools that he used to protect, guide and rescue his flock… in other words, they were the devices he employed to love his sheep!

The thought that captures my heart is the idea of the comfort that Jesus’ love gives to us.  The word “COMFORT” includes the ideas of consolation, ease of cares, encouragement and cheer-bringing. (Strong’s/Thayer’s/Mounce).  I like that because when I think of God’s love, I can’t help but to smile!  When I think on God’s love and of all that He has done for me over the 68 years of my life, I can’t help but to be cheerful! 

When I spend time in God’s Word on a daily basis and meditate on the myriad of promises that He has made to me, I can’t help but to have a more positive attitude on life.  It makes me want to share the joy that I have from Him with others and tell them about the cheer-bringing that His love can activate in them as well.  It gives me the confidence and boldness to smile and be a light to those I see walking around with sad looks on their faces… for I know the not-so-secret way to turn their sadness into gladness!

I also have the personal experience of how the cheer-bringing of His love… working in and through me… wards off any potential of fear that may try to come on me!  And without fear, I am stronger, wiser, happier and much more able to help others!

HummmWhat do you think?  If you haven’t yet… wouldn’t you like to experience what it is like to be a living, breathing and joyful example of the cheer-bringing of His love?

Have a wonderful weekend… and keep EXPECTING God’s best in your life!


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