Spring 2024 has come upon us in Broken Arrow, OK

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Focused and Fueled!

I had a very restless night’s rest last evening and awoke at 6:30 this morning feeling tired, out-of-sorts and a bit confused.  I usually wake up like clockwork at 5:00 each day in order to take the dog out after his long stay overnight.  It surprised me that I had slept through my normal internal clock’s timer, but even more… that the dog hadn’t come in and jumped on the bed or stood near me and whined!  Then after I slipped on some shoes and threw on a shirt, I went into the living room figuring that I’d find the dog asleep on the couch… But… he wasn’t there either!

I checked the area rug in front of the couch and then caught a glimpse of something white peeking his head from the hallway near the study door, into the living room!  And at that moment… it all came into focus! 

The thunderstorms forecasted for early this morning must have come into fruition!  Obviously, I slept right through them, but not Fiver.  With his keen sense of hearing, he must have immediately bolted for the study seeking his normal shelter under my desk. But with the door closed, just laid down near the door until I got up and rescued him!  You see… I know my dog.  If I had heard the thunderstorms I would have gone straight to the office, knowing his typical response to thunder and lightning.

And speaking of KNOWING… The Apostle Paul talks about his priorities in life in Philippians 3:8-10 declaring,

“I consider everything else worthless because I'm much better off knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. It's because of him that I think of everything as worthless. I threw it all away in order to gain Christ and to have a relationship with him. This means that I didn't receive God's approval by obeying his laws. The opposite is true! I have God's approval through faith in Christ. This is the approval that comes from God and is based on faith that knows Christ.”                                                                                                             (God’s Word ©)

Paul is telling us that his success in life is based upon his relationship with Jesus Christ.  This relationship was his focus and the fuel of his life’s endeavors.   He boldly states that his belief in Christ “is based on a faith that KNOWS Christ.”  But what exactly does he mean when he says “KNOW”?  Is it the same kind of KNOWLEDGE that I have of my dog when he responds to things in his environment?  Or is it more?  David Guzik’s Enduring Word Commentary says that, “Paul here puts a personal relationship with Jesus Christ at the very center of the Christian life.”

So, he clarifies a little here by telling us that “KNOWING CHRIST” means that we have a personal relationship with Him.  I guess you could say that I have a relationship with my dog… but its not like he and I can sit down and have meaningful, two-way, interactive discussions, does it?  No, Paul says that it’s a lot more than that.  It is a relationship of mutual trust, giving and the imparting of life to each other.

But then Paul nails it by getting even more specific.  The Greek word used for “KNOW” or “KNOWLEDGE” in the above verses denotes a deeply personal and even intimate relationship with Christ.  Let me give you an example here… and please don’t take offense or think that I may be insensitive to anyone’s feelings or experience. 

As it turns out, the most common response I have received from individuals over the last three years, when I’ve shared of how I lost my wife, has been “Oh, I KNOW how you’re feeling, or what you’re going through as I recently lost my mother.”  Many times, they’ll even say that “I KNOW exactly how you feel!” and while I do not doubt or question the sincerity of their feelings of pain and great loss… I would have to say that losing a spouse is different.  Simply said, it is a totally different realm of attachment.

I loved my mom dearly and had a very close relationship with her.  As a child I would go to her with every need, concern, good news or just to share a funny story or event.  When I wanted to propose to Piper, my mom was the first person I told.  She was the only one whose approval I desired (besides Piper’s of course!)… I didn’t even ask her Dad… but in my defense… at that time, I didn’t know about the tradition of asking the father for the hand of their daughter… Hum… I wonder if he ever forgave me for that?

When Piper got sick, my mom was the only family member in either of our families that I felt I could share my heart with.  She was always like a second mom to Piper and up to a week or so before she passed, my mom would call every day and ask about Piper and if there was anything she could do to help me in Piper’s care.

But with all that closeness and interactions, my relationship with my mom couldn’t compare to the depth of intimacy in which I KNEW Piper.  Be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, Piper and I were like one individual.  I could share with her from the deepest recesses of my heart and emotions… and her with me.  We knew things about each other that we had NEVER shared with any other person. 

I KNEW how she would respond in almost every situation.  I KNEW the desires of her heart, her deepest spiritual beliefs and what her opinion would be on any subject.  I had to laugh the other day as I was watching a very descriptive commercial on TV about some skin care products.  It made me think about Piper and how I could describe every unique marking on her skin, including her freckled shoulders, the triangle of three moles on her tummy and the one on her back that I had her doctor in North Carolina check out to make sure it wasn’t a problem.  As the Alzheimer’s advanced and I needed to care for her every need, it wasn’t an inconvenience or difficult because I KNEW her so well and thereby felt assured that I could give her the special care that no one else could match.

Paul is telling us that this is exactly the level of commitment in an intimate and personal relationship that we need to have with Jesus!  Don’t misunderstand me here when I say that while it is of utmost importance to KNOW the WORD of God… that it doesn’t do much good if you don’t have an intimate and deeply personal relationship with the One who wrote those WORDS.

I saw many people who probably had more scriptures memorized than I might ever have, but when it came to joining in with Piper’s and my stand of faith… to put feet to their faith… their faith took a second seat behind what they saw with their physical eyes.

They were more apt to listen to their natural senses than to the voice of the One who repeatedly kept reassuring Piper and I to “'Be strong and courageous! Don't tremble or be terrified, because I, the LORD your God am with you wherever you go.  I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, I will never neglect you or abandon you.” (Joshua 1:5,9 KJV/God’s Word ©) 

My intimate and deeply personal relationship with Jesus is what fueled my faith and gave me the focus to believe HIM above everything else, in order to get me successfully and with great blessings… through the roughest time in my life.

And if can work for me… it can and will also work for YOU, for Acts 10:34 reassures us “that God is no respecter of persons.” (KJV)

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Right Attitude!

As you can probably tell by reading my last two blog posts, JOY plays a very important place in my life… and in fact, always has!  I come from an outwardly joyful family, especially on my mother’s side.  Then in high school I was drawn to a cute and extremely joyful young lady with whom I could not spend enough time with… a feeling and heart-felt desire that continued for the next 48 years!  And now that she’s been gone for three years, it only takes a look at one of her many pictures that I have on the walls of our home to break me into a large smile and a hardy laugh, as I remember her JOYFUL countenance and fun-loving personality!

If you knew Piper, then you knew that you could not separate who she was from her Christian walk.  And when we read the Bible, we see that JOY also plays a huge part within our daily walk of faith.  Paul who in his life took more physical, mental and emotional persecution and abuse than anyone of us would in three lifetimes, wrote extensively about the importance of JOY throughout his epistles. 

He encouraged his readers in Philippians 4:4 by enthusiastically declaring: “Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow, for you (as a Christian) are united with the Anointed One!” (The Passion Translation) The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary states that “JOY is the predominant feature of the Epistle.”

As I read and study this particular translation, it is more than apparent that Paul was instructing us of how JOY… in EVERY part of life… isn’t just an emotion but an attitude.  If you recall, Paul wrote this epistle while in a Roman prison, with his very life on the line.  He was telling us that Biblical JOY goes far beyond how one may feel at any particular time in their lives.  To him… JOY was an attitude of the heart!

It was an attitude that I saw in Piper from her teenage years up to and including the last eight years of her life when the ravages of Alzheimer’s were waging havoc on her brain and body.  Her first response in just about any situation was a smile and an attitude of JOY. 

I remember the first time that we took a shower together after our marriage in our little 2-bedroom apartment.  She stepped in the tub first and I followed her in.  She adjusted the water to her comfort level, got thoroughly wet and then shifted places with me and began to lather up her beautiful long hair.  Well… as soon as I hit the water… I screamed out in terror as the water (to me) was scalding hot!  (Okay… honestly… if she were here, she’d say I screamed like a girl!) I almost knocked her over as I jumped from under the stream and steam and bumped heavily into her… which wouldn’t have been a great way to start off our marriage… if I had knocked her down and bruised her in the tub…

But Piper… did she get upset, get startled or push me off?  NO!  She just started laughing!  So… what could I do but break into laughter along with her!  I guess it was one of the many lessons that we would learn about each other in our quest to live together… happily ever-after!

The JOY that bubbled over from inside of her could quench almost any situation.  Even when she would get visibly upset, her attitude of JOY kept her emotions in check and helped her to deal with conflict or other upsetting situations with self-control and a sound mind.

In this regard, Paul also wrote in Philippians 3:1, “My beloved ones, don’t ever limit your joy or fail to rejoice in the wonderful experience of knowing our Lord Jesus! I don’t mind repeating what I’ve already written you because it protects you—” (The Passion Translation)  You see, an ATTITUDE of JOY can help you to be your best, do your best and thereby experience the best outcomes in life.

Piper’s attitude of JOY never waned… even under the pressures of the attack of Alzheimer’s.  In her times of lucidity, she was always herself.  She would smile, have a peaceful demeanor and the little she did speak was always joyful and encouraging in content.  I had a few people (based on stories that they had heard), do their best to try and convince me that because of the disease, she was going to get violent with me at times.  But I laughed it off (to their face… sorry… might have been a little rude at the time) and told them that I KNEW what was inside of my wife and that she would NEVER react that way… and she NEVER did!

In fact, as many of you know… the very last words she spoke, months before her home-going, was when she suddenly turned to me one morning at breakfast, looked me in the eyes and said, “I LOVE YOU”

I can’t think of a better way to demonstrate the lifetime effects that an ATTITUDE of JOY can have in the life of a believer who is yielded to the Lord, and works diligently to keep the JOY and grow it!  can YOU?

Have a great week and keep EXPECTING God’s best in your life! 

In my next post I’ll talk a little bit about what our JOY needs to be focused on and fueled by!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bring on the Cheer!

I love the way that different translations of the Bible will bring out new sides of a verse of scripture that I may not have seen or understood before.  I vividly recall one of our Pastor’s first sermons when we began Living Word Family Church in the living room of our home back in the mid-1990’s.  He spoke of how the Word of God is similar to an onion with many layers and how you can peal one layer… only to find another one beneath it.

I believe that is why the writer of the book of Hebrews described the Word of God's as being “living and active.” (Hebrews 4:12 God’s Word ©)  The more you read it, study it and meditate upon the truths written on the pages of your Bible, the more you get to know the heart of God for you and your life.  That’s one reason I like to peruse through many of the over 50 translations of the Bible that I own when I study the Word each morning.

You should see my study.  Besides all the hard copy Bibles I have in the two seven-foot book shelves behind my desk, I also count 6 versions scattered around the room on my desk, on a small table next to my leather lounge chair and on either file cabinet in the room… not counting the 38 versions I have loaded in my Bible Study program on my laptop!  What can I say?  I like books and to collect Bibles in particular.

Our family loved to go the Friends of the Sonoma County Library Bookfair that they held twice a year at the fairgrounds in our hometown.  Piper would let each of the kids fill up a grocery shopping bag with as many books as they could fit, and the kids were always ecstatic about it… as were both Piper and I!  Upon entering the exhibit hall, I would always make a beeline to the “Religion” section to see what kind of treasures I could find.  Over the years I purchased many old Bibles and classic books written by Christian preachers and authors throughout the past centuries!

One of my newest additions is The Passion Translation.  I recently heard the Dean of my Bible school describe it as a sort of “Pentecostal/Word of Faith version of The Message Bible” …although it is an actual translation and not a paraphrase.  There is a portion of Psalm 23:4 in this translation that has really spoken to my heart.  While most versions render it “thy rod and thy staff they comfort me,” The Passion says that “The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.” 

When you take the time to study out the various words used in the languages of the early writers, it is easy to see that The Passion Translation’s modern twist lends a positive validity to the Psalmist’s intent.  Just about every commentary that I looked at agreed that the “rod and staff” were the shepherd’s (a direct type and shadow of Jesus) tools that he used to protect, guide and rescue his flock… in other words, they were the devices he employed to love his sheep!

The thought that captures my heart is the idea of the comfort that Jesus’ love gives to us.  The word “COMFORT” includes the ideas of consolation, ease of cares, encouragement and cheer-bringing. (Strong’s/Thayer’s/Mounce).  I like that because when I think of God’s love, I can’t help but to smile!  When I think on God’s love and of all that He has done for me over the 68 years of my life, I can’t help but to be cheerful! 

When I spend time in God’s Word on a daily basis and meditate on the myriad of promises that He has made to me, I can’t help but to have a more positive attitude on life.  It makes me want to share the joy that I have from Him with others and tell them about the cheer-bringing that His love can activate in them as well.  It gives me the confidence and boldness to smile and be a light to those I see walking around with sad looks on their faces… for I know the not-so-secret way to turn their sadness into gladness!

I also have the personal experience of how the cheer-bringing of His love… working in and through me… wards off any potential of fear that may try to come on me!  And without fear, I am stronger, wiser, happier and much more able to help others!

HummmWhat do you think?  If you haven’t yet… wouldn’t you like to experience what it is like to be a living, breathing and joyful example of the cheer-bringing of His love?

Have a wonderful weekend… and keep EXPECTING God’s best in your life!


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Morning Headlines

Similarly to what I had done in North Carolina, when I first moved here to Broken Arrow, I signed up to receive the local newspaper, thinking that it would help to familiarize me with local news, events, churches, entertainment, weather and the shopping scene.  This time though, I thought that I would be smart and only get the digital package so as to not collect stacks of physical papers like always happened in the past.

But I soon discovered that no matter the format… I tended not to read the paper on a regular basis!  I finally came to realize that I don’t like to look at the news first thing in the morning and by the time I got to the paper in the afternoon… when I remembered about it… it was already old news!

As most of you probably already know… if you know me at all… the news I like to start my day off with, rain or shine, summer or winter… is God’s news!  For me, it is important to get God’s take on what happening around the world… and how I should respond to it… before I get the world’s point of view and their tendency to lean toward negativity and fear.

Lately I have been starting my day with Philippians chapter four.  K.L. Brook’s Summarized Bible states that the key word to best describe the theme of the entire chapter is “JOY” as found in Philippians 4:4 where the Apostle Paul encouraged us from his prison cell saying, “Always be joyful in the Lord! I'll say it again: Be joyful!” (God’s Word ©)  He then goes on by telling us to “ Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.” Paul's vast experience in the areas of trials and tribulations tells us that these actions will give us “God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine…” (Philippians 4:6-7 God’s Word ©) 

Well… that sounds all great and dandy… but how do you accomplish that seemingly impossible feat with everything going on in the world today?

Ah Ha!  I’m glad you asked!

Paul doesn’t leave us in a lurch here but also gives us the answer to this question… as well as the reason for why I have made it a daily habit to go to God’s Headline News each and every morning BEFORE I get anywhere near any secular news.  Philippians 4:8 concludes his directions to us by simply stating, “Finally, brothers and sisters, keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.” (God’s Word ©)

And THAT INFORMATION is very easy to find… as it is ALL contained within the pages of God’s Word… which just happens to be yours and my BIBLEs! 

But in order for this to work, you have to make the decision as Piper and I did back in the mid-1970’s… that God’s Word is the source of everything that is right and deserves praise… that it is THE TRUTH… no matter what your senses and or the headlines may be trying to tell (or SELL) you, and that His words are filled with honor, fairness, and purity… as well as being acceptable and commendable.

I’ve discovered over the years, that when I take and act on God’s Word as being the truth… Well, I can’t help by to be JOYFUL every day… and confuse people around me because I seem to smile and laugh a lot!

What do you think about that?  Wouldn’t you agree?  Why be SAD when God’s Word has the power to make us GLAD!

Monday, September 20, 2021

Full Moon!

I had the pleasure of spending most of Saturday afternoon celebrating our grandson’s first birthday at and on Lake Gibson where my youngest daughter’s family was camping at Sequoyah State Park.  It was a fun time as I got to fellowship with family and friends, enjoy the warm but pleasant weather and spend some time cruising around the lake on my son-in-law’s new boat. 

There was just something special about being out in the middle of the lake that seemed to go on and on around every new point that we passed by!  The crisp blue water, the distant sea shore and the birds above really got me to think about the beauty of God’s creation that surrounds us.  It was very comforting to me to know… that even though I can’t hardly remember the last time that I was in a boat on a lake… that places like this still exist for such a time as when we can get away to enjoy the peace, the quiet and the restoration that they help to restore into our hectic lives.

I thought about that peace, quiet and restoration from Saturday as I looked at a wall calendar in my house first thing this morning and noted that there is to be a Full Moon tonight.  Full Moons are interesting phenomenon.  Many people see them as a forecast of coming strange and unusual events.  Other’s see these bright celestial objects, like tonight’s official 2021 Harvest Moon, as a symbol that marks the changing of seasons, causing us to anticipate cooler weather patterns and look forward to the colorful display of leaves on the trees all around us.

The evening skies complete with the stars and moon always reminds me of happy times camping with Piper and our family.  Of sitting in the quiet campground, late in the evening with only the light of the campfire illuminating the forest surroundings and looking up through the tall canopy of trees to catch a glimpse of the stars and maybe even the moon way above our heads.  At 5,500 plus feet, camping at our favorite spot in the Sierras in northeastern California, it felt like you could reach up and literally touch the stars.

The night sky with the bright beauty of the stars and moon shining down on our country property in North Carolina, always encouraged me and gave me hope that Piper would one day be standing next to me on the back deck, enjoying the upward view.  She loved the stars, the constellations and all the stories that went with them.  Knowing that the stars and moon would always be there to enjoy was… and still is… a constant reminder to me of the unchangeability and faithfulness of our God.

James 1:17 tells us that, “Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn't change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon.” (God’s Word ©) 

I love that truth and depended on its manifestation every day during the last eight years of Piper’s life that I dedicated to her care 24 hours a day… and He never let me down.  Similarly, Hebrews 13:8 in The Message Bible states, “For Jesus doesn't change—yesterday, today, tomorrow, he's always totally himself.” 

Think about that for a moment… whatever you may be going through… He will always be His true and same self to you!  Your circumstances may have totally capsized the boat of your life and changed everything around you… everything but HIM!  Through thick and thin, He is the solid rock that will NEVER be moved!  Our Pastor made the comment yesterday that “God can do all things BUT fail!”

I looked up Romans 8:6 where the writer informs us that “the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace” (TPT) and immediately related that to the unchangeability of God and re-translated the verse to state that “the mind-set controlled by the Spirit only see’s God’s inability to change His giving, loving, grace-filled and all-things-are-possible nature and ways!”

That line of thought led me to the question of when something happens… when life gives you a squeeze… what comes out of you?  Does it depend on the situation or does it always lead you to your faith in the intimacy of God’s love for you.  When Piper got sick, I never thought about any other course of action but to personally care for her, and was totally surprised when some folks questioned my actions and the motives behind them… like Huh?

These same individuals seemed to completely step out of character when Piper’s needs got upfront and personal in their lives, and they allowed themselves to walk in what they saw and not in their faith in the unchangeable promises of God to us in His Word.

James 1:17 in the King James Version speaks of “the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness…”  Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionary defines “variableness” as a “transmutation” which Dictionary.com describes as the process of “changing into another nature, substance, form or condition” to which we are assured in the Word of God… will NEVER happen!

God’s unchangeableness is as consistent as the stars and moon are in the evening sky.  They are always there... even if they are covered by the clouds!  It is something that you can depend on.  My knowing that God’s Word is always the same… that Jesus will always be Himself in and through any situation that I may face in my life… is the gold standard in life that we can all take to the bank!

Have a great week… and keep EXPECTING God’s best in your life!

Thursday, September 16, 2021


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how unsatisfying my life has been since Piper left us for her heavenly home… Well… maybe not my life as a whole, because the Lord has continued to show His faithfulness to me over the three years that she’s been gone.  It’s more like the heart-felt, deeply personal satisfaction that our interactions gave me whenever we were together.  In describing the foundations of a successful marriage, Genesis 2:24 profoundly states, “That’s why a man will leave his own father and mother. He marries a woman, and the two of them become like one person.” (CEV)

The idea of becoming as one, or “one flesh” as many other translations put it, was, I believe, the undergirding reason behind the success of our and every other strong Christian marriage.  Therefore, it stands to reason, that when she left and went to heaven, she brought a big part of me with her.

And on that thought… I did have a good chuckle this morning as I was thinking about it while I stepped into the shower.  As the hot water brought instant relief to some of the sore joints that have seemed to invade my knees and hips, I just had to shout out “Hey!  There is already a part of me in heaven!”  Now… let me say that I have absolutely no Biblical proof to support that thesis, but it sure uplifted me and gave me the morning jolt that my earlier cup of coffee had failed to accomplish!

But whether it is true or not, the fact of the matter is, that even after three years, I still feel like there is a huge hole inside of me… an empty place that was once the reservoir of all the things that she used to supply, fill and satisfy!

So, as you can imagine, I’ve been talking to the Lord in detail about this missing part of me.  To say that I still think about her a lot would be a grave understatement.  It seems like anything… and at times EVERYTHING, can and will trigger poignant and funny memories of something she said, of her quirks or habits, her physical features, funny statements, wise counsel, or just the confident way in which she carried herself.

Even the dog’s occasional snoring at night reminds me of her as she would occasionally do the same while sleeping on her back… and I would gently tap her on the shoulder and softly say “Piper, Piper” to which she’d groggily respond “Yes?” and I’d say “There is a rhinoceros in the room” and she’d respond the same way… EVERY TIME… saying “What?” followed by a pause while her senses caught up to her and then she’d slap me gently on the shoulder and exclaim with a laugh, “JIM!”

So yeah… there were many fun, sweet and personal interactions between the two us.  She knew me like a well-read book and I would say the same about me toward her.  As I’ve said before, it was because of our “oneness” that I could still know and respond to her needs even when she stopped audibly communicating during the last few years of her life.

I awoke this morning after a fitful night’s rest and soon after found myself talking to the Lord about the lack of satisfaction that I was feeling and how I knew Him to be the only One to fill that void… in her absence.  But how? 

Well… You know? The Lord is good and didn’t keep me hanging for very long at all!  When I got to my study, I looked over some scripture notations that I had made in a previous Bible study around the word “satisfaction” and opened up my Passion Translation Bible to the first on the list.  Psalm 63:5 describes the Psalmist’s overwhelming enthusiasm when he comes before the Lord saying:

“I overflow with praise when I come before you, for the anointing of your presence satisfies me like nothing else. You are such a rich banquet of pleasure to my soul.” 

As I began to meditate on this verse, I noticed that in order to receive the promises inherent to this section of scripture, I have to go into the presence of the Lord in praise, worship and prayer  for it is in His presence from which His anointing flows.  And speaking of memories, after that realization, I immediately, in my mind’s eye, slipped back in time many years ago when I was home alone one afternoon while Piper and the kids were off on a homeschool field trip.

I was kind of in a quagmire that afternoon and was needing some inspiration and direction from the Lord for a number of projects that I was working on.  So, since it was just me in the house, I slipped a favorite worship CD into our player in the living room, cranked it up full-blast and began to worship the Lord.  I had put the player on repeat and it continued to play one particular song over and over again.

I’m not too sure how long I spent worshipping the Lord in the living room that day, but after awhile I just sort of got lost in the Lord’s sweet presence and eventually received a wonderful sense of peace as many words of wisdom were spoken to my heart from above. It was a beautiful experience and reminded me today of what it is like to literally enter into and feel the anointing of the Lord within His presence.  And while it does take a little bit of time and effort… the rewards are almost unexplainable!

The other part of our verse from Psalm 63:5 that really spoke to my heart, answered all my questions and set me straight, was the simple reality that “the anointing of His presence” will “satisfy me like nothing else” can!

It was like “duhhh!”  Neither NOTHING nor ANYONE else can bring the same type of satisfaction to my life like Piper did.  What we had together was strictly unique to us.  It was a culmination of 48 years together.  It was the experiences we shared as we literally grew up together from teenagers to senior citizens.  It was her DNA and mine mixing together to form a relationship, a family and a legacy that no other combination can replicate… because every individual, every couple and every family is different… and special in their own right!

So… instead of trying to find a way, a person or an activity to exactly replace what was unique to another… I am suddenly having my eyes opened to the fact that for me, right here and now, God is to be the satisfier of my soul, and that while different… His ways will satisfy me in His own very special way that is totally unique to Him.  So, I will hold the memories that Piper and I had close to my heart and at the same time, learn to equally enjoy the new types and ways of satisfaction that are coming into my life.  These new satisfiers are not necessarily BETTER or WORSEbut just different!  I therefore can’t judge one against the other, but instead, enjoy the new within the realm of their own wonderful ways!

And you know?  That while for me, it was the many sweet memories of my deceased wife that I was wanting to replicate, it may be the same or other people, times and/or experiences in your own life that you may have been tempted to use as the object from which you judge every new event.  But like me… learn to not view your future through the eyes of your past… but enjoy your present and future for the unique and special blessing and/or satisfaction that each new experience presents for you!

Live each new day as “a rich banquet of pleasure to your soul.”


Monday, September 13, 2021

Beyond Your Expectations

I had a bit of an interesting experience this morning.  After arising and getting the coffee brewing, I sauntered into my study, sat done at my desk and fired up my Bible study program on my laptop.  Then with that loading, I turned to the next blank page in my note book, wrote down the date across the top and my scripture for the year… which just happens to be found in the book of Nehemiah chapter eight, verse ten, when, in the midst of a very tough and discouraging time in the life of the Israelite people, their leader boldly declared “Today is a holy day for the Lord. Don't be sad because the joy you have in the LORD is your strength." (God’s Word ©)

Well… reading and writing that verse surely helped to put a smile on my face and when I lifted my pen and looked up at my screen, I noticed that the program had opened up to Psalms 112.  This is where things began to get a little interesting... I thought it to be a little strange as the program normally opens up to the last scripture that it was displaying, which… according to my notes from yesterday, should have been 2 Timothy 3:11.

But I thought, who knows… maybe it was a sign from above!  So, with that inspiration, I started reading Psalm 112:1 and instantly found myself being absorbed into the statement that the Psalmist was making, while a joyous feeling began to fill my soul.  Here the writer enthusiastically begins to proclaim, “Shout in celebration of praise to the Lord! Everyone who loves the Lord and delights in him will cherish his words and be blessed beyond expectation.” (The Passion Translation)

Well… you know me!  Anytime the idea of EXPECTATION pops up in the Word, I get excited and need to find out who, what, where and why it is there!

So, I re-read the verse a few more times and proclaimed… “Why, that’s talking about me, and every other Christian who loves the Lord and delights in Him by cherishing His Word.”  The Psalmist is telling us that as we live our lives in awe-some respect and honor of the Lord and His Word… in a way that is fully impressed by Him, that we can EXPECT to be blessed beyond our EXPECTATIONS!

I mean, like WOW!  I can’t make this stuff up!  It is clearly written in my Bible!  The King James version of Psalm 112:1 is more reserved in its translation stating, “Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth* the LORD, that delighteth greatly in his commandments.”  But when one takes the time to study the highlighted words, it is plain to see and understand the clear picture that the Psalmist was desiring to convey to his readers… that the more modern translation brings out.

In its commentary of this psalm, the Cambridge Bible declares that, “The secret and source of all true happiness and prosperity is the fear* of Jehovah, which leads to a cheerful and thorough obedience to His commandments.”

The Expositors Bible Commentary tells us that while Psalm 112:1 describes the Christian’s “devout awe and inward delight in the commandments, the bulk of the psalm describes the blessed consequences, rather than the essential characteristics, of godliness.”  In other words… It is telling us EXACTLY why and what we can EXPECT… just as The Passion Translation boldly declared at the end of verse one by saying,

“Everyone who loves the Lord and delights in him will cherish his words and be blessed beyond expectation.”

Like I said… Its pretty clear… and it is confirmed in many other scripture verses throughout both the Old and New Testaments!  Kind of makes me want to follow the urging of the Psalmist and:

“Shout in celebration of praise to the Lord!”

How about you?  Won’t you join me today?

PS:  Here’s a little homework for today.  Take out your favorite Bible translation and read the rest of Psalm 112 (its only 9 more verses) in the light of today’s blog… then tell me what you think! 

AND… Be Blessed Beyond Your Expectations Today!


*The word FEAR in contrast to its common definition today, is defined in the original Hebrew and Greek in its usage here as: having a reverential awe, respect for, to be fully impressed by and/or to be struck with amazement.


Saturday, September 11, 2021


I remember it like it was yesterday as I was driving into work at Agilent Technologies (now Keysight Technologies) in Santa Rosa, California, twenty years ago today… when I leaned over to turn up the volume for the KCBS news station on the radio in my 1989 Camaro, in order to catch a little bit of the news before my workday began.  I was instantly snapped out of my thoughts about what was ahead at work and glanced down at the dial as I thought that I had the wrong channel… one that was broadcasting an Orson Wells type of dramatic presentation!

It was pretty early in the morning on the West Coast, and while I don’t recall if both planes had hit the World Trade Towers by then or not, I do remember the sense of panic, concern and confusion that was coming from the station announcers.  

People at work were in shock and when I got to my desk, I called home and told Piper to turn on the TV.  After I heard her click it on, the other end of the phone was quiet except for the sound of Piper’s labored breathing…  then she quietly said “Praise the Lord!  Jim, we need to pray!”  Which we did and continued to do for many days and months following the horrific events of September 11, 2001.

Today, I along with most of you I’m sure, continue to pray for those who lost loved ones as well as for all who were personally touched by that tragedy.  This twenty-year remembrance is especially significant because of the recent travesty of events in Afghanistan.  Along with many of my fellow citizens, I am deeply concerned over what happened, what is ahead for the USA and most of all… that the current administration in the White House seem to be totally out-of-touch with this particular situation and out-of-touch with the needs of we, the people of this great country.

The Apostle Paul told us in the beginning of Romans 8:5 that “Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves.” (The Passion Translation)  Another translation declares Paul’s statement as, “Those who live by the corrupt nature have the corrupt nature's attitude.” (God’s Word ©)  From my Christian world view, I am concerned as I see a political party that seems to only follow the “corrupt nature” of the world and thereby pursue only what benefits themselves and not the people they are elected to serve.  Anyone else out there feel that way?

In my blog post from yesterday (http://pjberruto.blogspot.com/2021/09/in-or-out-of-touch.html) I gave some Biblical reasons behind these selfish activities as well as some Biblical ways in which an individual can get themselves onto the right course in life.

Today, as we honor all the brave men and women who gave of themselves (in life and in death) on that day and throughout the weeks, months and years that have followed that catastrophe back in 2001, I would point out that although worrisome and potentially tough times may still be ahead on our horizon… that the God of the IMPOSSIBLE is still on the throne in heaven… and as we humble ourselves, pray and believe,* we shall eventually see righteousness prevail over the evil intent of the enemy of our faith, through the hands of those seeking only what benefits themselves.


“Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore.  From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.  The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.”

                                                                       Psalm 113:2-4 KJV


*See: 2 Chronicles 7:14, Mark 9:23, Mark 10:27, Mark 14:36

Friday, September 10, 2021

In or Out of Touch?

Have you ever listened to a political leader giving a speech concerning some new legislation that they are proposing, or stating their response to an emergency situation like city riots, open borders or our interactions with other nations… and after a few moments of listening, twisted your head and dumbfoundedly said “Huh?”  Followed immediately by the thought “This person is completely out-of-touch with the people and their real needs or with what’s going on in that particular situation, in that particular location!”

Well, I have… and then I am continually amazed how they can make their befuddled (and I might also want to add “ignorant” comments, but then I don’t want to sound too harsh…) and factually incorrect public announcements while they stand there in front of a camera with a very sincere, serious and straight face!  Am I the only one that has noticed this?

Piper and I personally experienced this exact phenonium when we returned home after Bible School in Oklahoma and began to deal with the cognitive difficulties that were becoming more and more pronounced in Piper.  Totally false and/or misleading stories began to arise in our family circle about things that I was supposedly doing or not doing for Piper and her needs.  As these conversations surfaced, I found myself dumbstruck and in shock and asked Piper, “How can these people, who have known us most of our lives, be so out-of-touch with reality?  It’s like they never really knew us!”

Romans 8:5 informs us that “Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities.” (The Passion Translation) 

As I mediated on this verse and as is my normal practice, I looked it up in numerous other translations… and the light suddenly went on.  I began to see that individuals who have the mind-set of the flesh get so focused on themselves that they lose touch with what is really going on with other people… and many times those people are the ones closest to them.

I saw that through the years with different people that I worked with, people in the church and even within my own family.  I witnessed married couples get so involved with their individual jobs, friends, hobbies, charities, their kids sports and yes… even church participation, that they suddenly found themselves having nothing in common with their spouses anymore!

I’ve also seen individuals, couples and even entire families become so closed off that they began to live in their own little world… and after a while… the little world that they have created becomes the only way of life to them and they see the way other people live as something abhorrent and wrong.

This is a common trick that the enemy of our faith, the devil, has repeatedly used since the creation of the world.  It’s how he got Adam and Eve to sin against God and get thrown out of the Garden of Eden.  He deceived Eve by getting her to focus her attention on herself and how she could become like God… and it opened the door wide for the enemy to come in and steal them (and us) away from God’s perfect plan for mankind. (See: Genesis 3:1-24)

Then he tried to do the same thing with Jesus when he tempted Him in the desert after he hadn’t eaten anything for forty days and forty nights.  Three times the devil tried to get Jesus to take His eyes off of the plan and purpose that God the Father had sent Him to accomplish… to throw it all away… and take the opportunity at hand to benefit Himself and satisfy the care of His own needs.  (See: Matthew 4:1-11)

As Christians, we can get so involved with life that we begin to lose sight of Christ and the special callings, plans and/or purposes that He has for us to accomplish for Him.  Since I received God’s calling into the ministry back at that Jr High Snow Camp in the late 1970’s, I’ve had little difficulty keeping my focus on His direction for Piper and I, which was to be culminated by Piper’s and my attendance at Bible College and then return home to pastor a church of our own in a neighboring county.

And I will whole heartedly confess, that when she very unexpectantly got sick and then passed… I was more than just a little discombobulated and totally thrown off course!  Its now taken three long years, but I finally feel like I am regaining my focus on His directions for me.  I’ve learned that everyone’s journey of grief is unique to them, and as I have fought to keep my focus, my trust and my faith in Him and His Word concerning His specific plan and purpose for me, I am now beginning to once again find steady ground to walk on.

I discovered along the way, that it could be very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the whole world was revolving around my personal sorrow and pain.  But thanks be to God, that I continue to “run” into different folks who have found themselves in similar positions as mine.  This has helped me immensely in staying in touch with the needs of others around me.  I just found out last week during a visit to Fiver’s Vet (for him… not me…) that the Doctor also lost his wife to Alzheimer’s a few years prior to my losing Piper.  We had so many things in common, including the way our dogs stepped up to add a special level of protection and care for their human sick one!

Through it all… I know that I don’t ever want to be an embarrassment to someone near to me by being so far out of touch with their reality… and look like a fool in the process… and I bet that you would agree with me concerning your own involvement with others around you!

The Bible tells us that it is far better for us as Christians, to stay in touch to the leadings and motivations of the Holy Spirit and to actively pursue spiritual realities and not only those pleasures that benefit ourselves.

What do you think?  Is that something that you can agree with?

Monday, September 6, 2021

Not What or How Much but WHO - Final Entry!

As I endeavor to bring this 10-part series to a close with today’s Labor Day post, let me just reiterate my hypothesis that when trouble hits home, it is not WHAT you know or HOW MUCH you know, but WHO you know!

I tend to talk a lot in my blog about all the different experiences and lessons that I learned when my sweet wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and the final 11 years of her earthly existence.  But then again, that was why this blog came to be!  The many years of that adventure in faith turned out to be a very active petri dish of different people’s responses of their faith.

During that time, we interacted with individual’s who were all about WHAT they knew… or in many cases… what they thought they knew.  Then there were those who were very confident in HOW MUCH they knew, were very familiar with the Bible and probably had a lot more verses of scripture memorized than I did.  And then the relatively few who totally looked unto the WHO they knew and undergirded Piper and I with our sole and strong focus on the One who wrote the book, the One behind the power of the written Word… Jesus, the Christ.

In the trials and tribulations that we all face in life, Hebrews 12:2 tells us the best course of action saying, “We look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection…” (The Passion Translation)

When dealing with the very visible symptoms and results of a disease like Alzheimer’s, it can be very easy to focus on the natural realm, on that which you see and hear with your natural senses and then lose hope in the hand of God moving on behalf of the affected one.  Therefore, the instructions given in Hebrews 12:2 and similar such scriptures throughout the Word of God, are of utmost importance to follow… especially for the caregiver and concerned family and friends.

Romans 8:6 clearly and rather bluntly states this truth by declaring “For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.” (The Passion Translation)  The responses spoken of in this verse are something that my wife and I had to face almost everyday as the physical evidence of effects of the disease displayed itself in my wife’s features.

What we saw play out over the years of Piper’s final journey was very similar to those we see today with the differences in the ideals of political beliefs.  On the left we see many who only view success in life through a very one-sided understanding… and as far as they are concerned, it is the ONLY way.  Any other thought or ideal is wrong and many times the offending party is branded as evil and detrimental to the rest of them.  While the other side looks for different solutions and is usually, willing and wanting to negotiate while respecting other people’s views.

We regularly interacted with individuals who very noticeably responded to Piper by what they saw and not by the strong faith that they purported to have.  It got to the point where they even began to refer to Piper, when in conversation with other folks, as if she had already passed on… years before her actual homegoing.

It wasn’t until very recently that I began to gain the understanding that these folks had a very intellectual type of faith, in difference to a heart faith.  They were focused on death and not life!   As Piper’s features deteriorated, they could only see what they considered the end result… and not the life and/or peace that the Word of God says belongs to those who believe.

I feel sorry and hurt for these individuals because they missed out seeing and participating in the joy that Piper radiated from her spirt for those last years of her life.  Even though she could not audibly communicate… people in the stores that we walked by, fellow patients as well as the physicians in the doctor’s offices that we frequented and neighbors alike, all commented on what a sweet spirit Piper had about her.

In the hard times that come to all of our lives at some point in time, I have discovered that it was and continues to be my focus on Jesus and His love for me… that has kept me buoyant, cheerful, wise, encouraging to others and even blessed in the midst of the rough situations. 

Yes, I am glad for WHAT I knew in Piper’s situation.  For the countless hours I spent researching the disease that attacked her, for the multitude of medical specialist that I spoke with in three different states and for the benefits we received.  I am thankful for HOW MUCH Biblical knowledge that I have gained over the years of my Christian walk, at Bible College and in the trenches, per say, in the field as an Assistant Pastor at five different churches… but when push came to shove, the POWER that got me through the darkest hours was my personal relationship with Jesus.  

It was those special times alone with Him as I stood in the midst of my gorgeous backyard in North Carolina and stared at forest of trees surrounding our property, the hawks flying overhead and my big goofy dog chasing a frantic squirrel up a tree… or in the middle of the night sitting on the floor in the hallway in our home…

the thing that always centered me and gave me the strength and the willingness… and maybe most importantly… the joy to keep going and serving my wife and her needs,

was my intimate and personal “knowing” of just how deeply and intimately my Lord knew me, loved me and had promised to see me through every situation and meet every need! 

That “knowing” is very similar to… but yet far greater than, the love that I had for my sweet Piper... The type of love that would cause me to do anything for her at any time!

So, while the other things are good to have (the WHAT’s and the HOW MUCHes). They do absolutely no good if you cannot empower them with the WHO“that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV) 

Yours and my ever-increasing, personal and loving relationship with Jesus is our secret weapon!  He is the POWER to get us through ANYTHING that this world throws at us… ANY TIME IN ANY PLACE!