Spring 2023 has sprung in Broken Arrow, OK

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Constantly Constant

I was thinking yesterday afternoon as Fiver and I were walking along our normal path next to the golf course, about all the various places that I had walked throughout my life.  I had a physical earlier in the day and was reminded of one of the conversations that the doctor and I had at that time.  He was asking me how much exercise I get and I answered back that I walk almost four miles daily.  I let him know that with my new Fitbit activity watch, that I now have the ability to track my daily mileage, steps taken and calories burned, amongst many other activities.

Then, as I was sitting and laying on the examination table while he pressed, tapped, inserted and prodded me all over the place (because of my age I got the super-duper exam where he checked everything… and I do mean EVERYTHING… but don’t worry… I won’t go into detail!), I mentioned Fiver and our daily walks.  I also went on to explain of how my wife and I loved walking outdoors and so had established the tradition of taking daily walks throughout our dating and marriage years together.

It was the memory of the actual locations of those walks and of the reasons we were walking where we were, that came to mind as Fiver and I walked, well-bundled due to the cold temperatures and even colder 20 mph winds.  I couldn’t help but to laugh as I explained to Fiver that Piper and I always seemed to be led down paths in life that were different from others.  It was almost like we were destined to walk the uncommon trails.  Both of us came from great families who loved and cared for us.  But as we got closer and closer to our wedding day, I remember Piper telling me that she was so excited for us to start our lives with nothing and be able to build them the way that the Lord would direct us to go… and to establish our own family traditions.

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, we dedicated our lives early on to always seek God first and to obediently follow His leadings for us… wherever they should lead us… and boy did He lead us into some unchartered waters!  But through it all, I would have to say without hesitation, that we stayed pretty consistent to our initial promise to the Lord, who in many respects, not only held us accountable, but also supported, taught and encouraged us all along the way!

If you read my last post, then you’ll recall that I wrote about 1 Peter 5:7 where we are told to “cast all our anxiety upon Him, because He cares about us.” (EMTV - personalized)  As we walked yesterday afternoon and then again first thing this morning, I found myself thinking about the next two verses where the Apostle gives us a heads-up by adding to his instruction that we should then, “Be sober, be watchful; (for) your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking someone he may devour.  Resist him, being steadfast in your faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” (I Peter 5:8-9 EMTV)

We quickly discovered that this latter part of Peter’s lesson was the hardest but yet most important part of casting our anxieties and/or care upon the Lord!  I like how The Passion Translation states I Peter 5:7 as if Peter was setting us up for his warnings in verses eight and nine.  It says to: “Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and (THEN) LEAVE THEM ‘THERE’, for he always tenderly cares for you.” 

It is the “THERE” where the accuser of the brethren comes to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) our peace and thereby our faith in the action that we have just taken!  It is also of importance to note that the devil’s ability to succeed in his attacks toward us and our faith is TOTALLY up to us!  Notice that Peter wrote, “Be sober, be watchful; your adversary the devil walks about as a roaring lion, seeking someone he MAY devour.  Peter knew better than all the other apostles about giving into a moment of weakness when it came to standing strong in the Lord.  So he fervently understood the importance of being sober and watchful and NOT allowing the enemy ANY opening for him to sneak in and wreak havoc in your life!

The writers of the New Testament used the word “Patience” 34 times in the King James version.  In five of those times the original Greek word describes “being long-spirited and to not lose heart.” The remaining 29 describe someone who is cheerfully expectant, has endurance and consistency.” (Strong’s and Thayer’s)  Therefore it would behoove us all to stay cheerfully expectant and consistent in our firm belief and faith that the Father is taking care off all the anxieties, needs and desires that we cast over to Him, as well with (as we found out) staying on the particular paths that He has called you to walk throughout your life… and NOT attempt to take any of those cares back and/or switch directions halfway through the adventure of faith that He has led you on!

So, yeah… Piper and I walked many DIFFERENT paths than our family or friends took, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way… and STILL won’t today!  How about you?  What pathways are you walking… and are you staying constant in being, “well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour?” (I Peter 5:8 The Passion Translation)

I believe that you are answering that last question in the positive and that this blog post is simply an encouragement to keep up the good work… for the rewards are WELL WORTH your patient effort and constant diligence!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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